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Everything posted by BlackSocksRedTops

  1. Hagi and Aribo proved last night that they are crucial if we are struggling to Tav/Borna in behind. Along with an effective front man (Roofe) they can create through the middle with their passing and quick feet
  2. Amazing find. I worked as an graphic designer/illustrator for over 25 years and can trace the origins of my interest in art back to 2 things. The animations of Walt Disney Studios and the caricatures of Malky McCormack
  3. I think you are being hard on Kent tbh. Not everything Kent does comes off but he does other things that are important to the team like tracking back and closing down, creating space for other players etc. One thing I like about Kent is that he always tries to get involved and never hides
  4. 3 pts. Clean sheet. 1 more added to GD. Aribo gets vital game time. Job done.
  5. Once Aribo is up to speed he can really bring something different to the team
  6. Surely they know we would be crowned champions. We only have last season to refer to
  7. Somewhat surprising line up for me. Expected Alfie and a little surprised at Aribo coming in. Either way, we should have too much on the pitch for them. C'mon Rangers!!
  8. And we're Champions obviously...going on last season's barometer?
  9. I tend to agree about Brown and where we're at. I just genuinely dislike that cretin and his antics and the fact that he is lauded by so many
  10. Of course but come the OF game this troglodyte will attempt to use every trick in the book to cling onto their hopes of 10. We (and in particular Alfie) cannot fall for it again. His antics on Sunday were staggering (even for him)
  11. This accompanied by a video showing that numbskull Brown lording it at Hampden. His imminent pain itself should be a motivation for everyone associated with Rangers. He really does illustrate how far Scottish football has fallen
  12. I also note that the antics of their resident thug Brown have been overlooked by the MSM. If that was Alfie behaving like that there would be an avalanche of editorials and pundit opinions. Oh and while we are at it... has the MSM mentioned their fans pyro welcome for their team at Hampden? No social distancing and flares...tut tut
  13. Good points Buster but I feel we need to think about the XI who are going to start the game, set the tempo and ultimately get a stranglehold on the game. Our tempo has dipped over the last few games IMO and we need to go for it from the first whistle. Subs are great (Saturday being a great example) but it also signifies that the starting XI have fallen below recent high standards. I'd rather our subs are coming onto to the pitch with us in a winning position tbh
  14. I'm going to busy over the next few days so I thought I would just drop this here tonight. It goes without saying that 2020 has been a remarkable/surreal/unprecedented year so I would like to take this opportunity to wish all Getsnetters a safe, peaceful and merry Christmas. Here's to better 2021!
  15. Cue a thousand Tims starting a boycott website ??????
  16. I wholeheartedly agree. The St Mirren cup game was evidence of this. I'm just hoping St Johnstone are more expansive than 5-5-0. Arfield is better with space to run into.
  17. Bill, it was Hagi or Arfield in there but sometimes I feel Scotty Arfield is more suited to these games
  18. We've got to with our strongest XI for the next group of games. --------McGregor------- --Goldson---Helander-- Tav---------------Borna ----Davis----Kamara---- ----------Arfield--------- Roofe---------------Kent -----------Alfie---------- Hopefully Alfie can back scoring in time for the Dhims to visit...
  19. After watching their Cup final V Hearts, I wouldn't be so sure about them not dropping points. They are a nightmare at the back. They are also playing with pressure for the first time in years which shows in their decision making IMO. They know they cannot afford any more slips in the league and that can change how a team performs. When Hearts started applying pressure you could see their players going for easy options and not being brave on the ball. I put that down to pressure
  20. Roofe for me. Apart from his crucial goals, he was always trying to make things happen and get defenders turning on their heels
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