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Everything posted by BlackSocksRedTops

  1. Maybe it was the red wine but I'm sure I read that he has a release clause in his contract (300k)? Or was it because he is in the last year if his contract?
  2. I have to admit I wasn't a fan of the strip when released via the promo but its grown on me after seeing pics of it in action. I think seeing the full context (white shorts, black/red socks) makes it look better.
  3. That's awfully uninspiring. White trim on the home strip not red. It's not hard Castore.
  4. IMO England and France have the two best squads in the tournament but have awfully over cautious managers.
  5. Bellingham anonymous in first half for England. Still getting over Rio Ferdinand asking Fabregas if he'd played with a better player than Bellingham. 🤣🤣🤣🤣
  6. Based on what I watched last night, there must be some Serbians out there we can unearth? The way they effortlessly kept the ball last night was great to watch. It put the shambles that is Scotland in an even worse light IMO.
  7. Agreed. Scotland would have hoped for a draw I presume. Switzerland were decent and kept the ball well with good rotation. I struggle to see Scotland causing them any issues to be honest. There is zero pace and guile in the Scotland team. PS. Tierney celebrating a tackle after 4 minutes last night was embarrassing.
  8. As good as Germany were, Scotland were dreadful. Let's face facts. Clarke has got lucky. Take away the one off victory versus Spain, Scotland got out of jail v Norway away and beat some mediocre teams. He's been found out since. Oh and not playing Gilmour was a huge mistake.
  9. That's 4 high earners off the wage bill. Good luck. Thank for the memories. Let's move on.
  10. First post the day after an old firm loss in a cup final...🤔. Call me paranoid but I smell something rat like...
  11. Negri's must be the best goals per game ratio?
  12. He should have scored 40 plus this season.
  13. I think it would negligent for Clement to not consider him and analyse why its working for him in Uttecht.
  14. I think we can get money for Lammars, Cantwell, Lawrence and Matondo. Not huge offers but if we can get most of our money back or just under that could bring money in. And free up wages.
  15. Did any of the "analysis" go over why Sterling was penalised for a perfectly legal challenge.
  16. That was my takeaway. They were basically at full strength and many of their players were anonymous IMO. Their Japanese trinity had zero impact and even their best player (O'Reilly) was quiet. I reckon if Sima was fit and Cortes was available, things would be different. My big issue is the striking options. Danilo is not the answer.
  17. Agree with most apart from Lawrence (too slow) and Matondo (never going to make it). Sell both for any fee and use wages elsewhere.
  18. I noticed that. I actually didn't know that linesman had cards.
  19. Matondo is very frustrating. Pace to burn but chooses not to use it. He could have knocked the ball past Johnston and hit the touch line on several occasions but chooses to keep the ball close to his feet.
  20. He was decent. I thought we gave as good as we got in the middle. Dio was my MOTM. I like the fact that he was getting "involved" with much of the agro today.
  21. Aways gutted to lose to them and always gutted to lose a cup final but this time I left the game with a tinge of hope. If we can get actual wingers or fit players (Sima, Cortes) and a striker with a killer instinct (not Danilo), I can see some hope. We played well enough today with half fit players (Ridvan, Sima, Balogun) and still were in the game for 90 minutes. Our midfield played like tigers but this might be an unpopular opinion... Cantwell is not the answer to our problems. I feel that he holds on to the ball too long, takes to many touches and simply is a luxury we can't afford. For me, we would have won that game if Sterling is in the middle with Dio and Raskin and we had more quality out wide and up top. That should be our aim next season.
  22. Just a wee side note... I've just seen the Walter Smith statue at Ibrox and it looks amazing. Sometimes these football sculptural tributes can backfire (Ronaldo anyone...?) but they have genuinely nailed it. What a tribute. Bravo Rangers.
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