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  1. Ryan Fraser would fit that bill, Scottish AM available now on a Bosman or for a lower than usual fee. Not sure who I'd drop in the first XI to play him, though.
  2. Utterly bizarre and more than a bit depressing. What's the point of all this? Faced with a behemoth league next door (Liverpool have just posted profits of £125m, and that's for a year in which they spent £66m on their keeper, Alisson), Scotland's football brains don't try to develop innovative features which might allow it a little bit more of the pie - such as the not exactly revolutionary concept of seizing on big tickets for all they're worth - it goes for the business model which is presently seeing newspapers dying and the High St fighting for survival: stick to what worked years ago and hope the modern world goes away. Brexit on a football pitch. Well, online shopping isn't going away, and digital media isn't going away, and the EPL isn't going away. A tired old methodology of negatively focusing on the Old Firm, and only one half of even that, is likely to be as successful as someone setting up a pigeon post to compete with email. How many players have we seen down south who have been touted well above their actual abilities? Hunners. Gascoigne. Rooney. Robinho. Elano. Veron. Shevchenko. That lad at Man U with the Serbian name and played for Belgium. Does it matter that they turned out to be pretty good but not all that? No, because it was all about the sell in the first place. The only sell we do is self harm. This lack of foresight, of ambition, of progressive thinking, is nothing new, and it's no more feeble and pathetic than it's ever been, But to see it happen yet again, when Gerrard - an undreamed of feast for the surely starving world of Scottish football - is around the place, boy it gets you down. He doesn't get a free pass anymore than anyone else does, and nor do his players, but to see so many intent on not just killing the golden goose but burning down the entire farm while they're at it is grim. I wonder how many people under 30 are even interested in Scottish football anymore. Why would they be?
  3. Correct decision, the attempt to divert attention onto this and away from the actual performances on the pitch on the day was pretty unsubtle, to say the least. More widely, the game here does need to get away from the more physical side (not that I don't enjoy it, especially in an OF game) if it is ever to progress. But it can't do that if the focus is only on one team, and usually on one player at that.
  4. A free weekend, some rugby, an OF game, and a superb match preview. Brilliant.
  5. In Ayrshire. Should be tickets to be had locally. Took me a while, but wahay! I get it now.
  6. Well, that went well.
  7. It would be comforting to ascribe their behaviour to 'rogue anti-Rangers elements' within HMRC. But it wasn't, it was just plain old HMRC., unless we are to believe the revenue is completely out of control and unaware of a campaign run by the EK1 CSC. I certainly won't forget about LBG, Murray or the rest of them. I keep coming back, though, to the common denominator, the demands from HMRC. Without them, if there had been some kind of arrangement, everything else would (I think, anyway) have been manageable. Murray could have held off for a non-rocket buyer, Duff & Phelps wouldn't have been near us, admin could have been avoided, to say nothing of what came after...no, whatever groups of RTC/Pacific Quay moon howlers were out there (and by heck, they were out there!) everything depended on HMRC offering no comfort. Gits!
  8. but... if anyone has a ticket for Sunday and can't go, and (even more unlikely) doesn't know anyone who can use their ticket, there's a lass from Moscow in town just now (a pal) who would love to go. I said I'd ask.
  9. I don't disagree that Murray led us entirely to the eventual outcome. But I can't work out why coffee companies or mobile phone companies can settle their bills but Rangers had to be driven to the wall.
  10. While others more than played their part, it was HMRC which devastated our club. Good luck getting information out of that body.
  11. Was delighted to see Cummings do so well on Sunday. 2nd & 3rd goals especially, he's unlikely to get another goal where he has 6 (six) touches inside the penalty box before shooting as he did for his first. Great finish, though. But just about the worst defending I've seen for a long time & Ithat's from someone who watched Ross Perry when we were in Div3. Even so, if it's one up front then Morelos for me.
  12. Your argument is slightly challenge by the fact that Magnus Gardham, politcal editor of The Herald, left that job in (I think) 2015 to become communications director for David Mundell - it was clearly more than a cabal of Republican Nats which laid the Herald low. The reason The Herald's figures started falling c.2000 was due to the rise of the internet, and the reason it has remained low is due to its desperate gambit of publishing any old shite in hopes of getting clicks.
  13. I like the fact that Ayr have a free scoring front duo, it feels like years since there were lower league strikers to ponder. Going way back I dimly remember Keith Wright at Raith (I think), Darren Jackson at Meadowbank, even further back Rowan Alexander used to bang 'em in for Morton and I dimly recall Andy Willock being a favourite at Clyde. I'll be interested to see what like Shankland and Moore are. I suppose the growth in interest in players from overseas closed off the route from lower leagues to big leagues for a good wee while...the way things are going, that route will be opening again, mind you. Even more reason to cast an eye over Shankland and Moore.
  14. That image behind the team list is horrific. Stone me.
  15. Really good read. But what do the pictures refer to? Without a caption I'm afraid I don't understand the point most of them are (presumably) meant to illustrate.
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