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Everything posted by Hurlock

  1. We need to flog Cousin asap !!
  2. Aye we were pretty average tonight, Aberdeen had that luxury of being able to sit back and hit us on the break. I guess it's a dose of our own UEFA cup medicine. Nevermind, another cup final at the weekend, what a hardship. W.A.T.P !
  3. Gutted, this may be sour grapes but thank you to the SPL for ten games in two weeks. A true reward for our tremendous run in the UEFA cup. Or is it a punishment for doing so well and putting Scotland on the map in Europe ?
  4. Ronaldo is one lucky man, the most idiotic run-up to a penalty ever, servers him right for doing it. If they didn't win Fergie wouldv'e lynched him !
  5. Good God, I only watched Rise of the Foot Soldier and The Firm last week !!!!
  6. I wasn't expecting to wake up today to see a close-to-tears Gordon Strachan on Sky Sports News. When I heard that we'd lost Tommy Burns I was shocked, really shocked. A sad loss to Scottish football, he has left behind a wife and four children. RIP Tommy, a true ambassador for Scottish football.
  7. Is his wife still a dog ? ...........lol
  8. I guess the catch is that Novo might not start ?!?!
  9. I heard it's 66-1 for Gers 2-1 with Novo to score first.
  10. Boddington's ain't that great tbh, Stella sounds good !!
  11. Yeah I defo get the feeling that the Man City players lay down in protest to Thaksin Sinasunami or whatever his name is as they want Erikkson to stay ! Thing is, an 8-1 loss doesn't impress a chairman who pays Erikkson and their wages !
  12. He's South African isn't he ? He could save us a few million if he gets more games !
  13. Do we really know his favourite position. Is it right midfield or centre midfield ?? I think he might be a good defensive midfielder if given the chance, he'd be good behind Thomson and Fergie maybe ? If he was to play there the ball would at least go forward rather than back to the goalie like Dailly and Hemdani do !
  14. Might go for the Barca job myself, I can put forward a CV of having won the SPL 3 times in a row and reaching the CL final with Rangers......................................................................................................................................................................................................On Championship Manager !!
  15. Chelski will beat Bolton 1-0 (Their favourite scoreline) Man Utd will beat Wigan 0-3
  16. Excellent !
  17. My mate at work supports West Brom so he's well chuffed !! They were the most attacking team and I think might be Britains top goal scorers so fair play to them. Wouldn't mind us snapping up Ismael Miller and Zoltan Gera !!
  18. 0-0 at the mo. Man Utd 3-0 up already in the EPL. Christiano can't stop scoring, I'm sure he's meant to be a winger aswell ?!?!?!
  19. How cool was Sasa's penalty, he's turning into a quiet but effective player for us !! His reading of the game once again was awesome the other night.
  20. Hurlock


    I said that to one of the lads too just as he was about to start his penalty run-up, his game is sideways or back to the goalie. So negative. Horribly reminds me of a certain Neil Lennon !!!!
  21. ITV4 were again loving King Carlos, problem is they were broadcasting his commitment so well that EPL managers would've been watching and pondering. Stay King Carlos, you are our Amoruso, our Butcher, our Gough. Please don't go !!!!!
  22. Will this mean another spot for an SPL club in Europe ??
  23. Martin O'Neill is spitting feathers at this !! Just saw his interview on Sky Sports, he's disgusted at the fact that it involves player swaps and the fact that Villa may be sidetracked when still challenging for the Uefa cup spot.
  24. I went ballistic when that guy who went down like a ton of bricks with Cousin touching his forehead missed his penalty !!! Mwah hah hah stick it up your Italian japseye !! Cheatin scum !!
  25. Don't go to Derby, you'll only get 2 games !
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