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Everything posted by Hurlock

  1. Peter Lovenkrands again says "Come and get me Rangers" on Teletext.
  2. Hurlock


    Yep, can you ask Shagger Dan if he's there what his chat-up lines are please Pete !
  3. I always thought Artur Numan ran a wee bit funny !!
  4. Hurlock

    De Lutte

    That bike is too big for Nacho, looks like he's about to topple off sideways !
  5. I honestly believe it was just to stop the green jelly beans buying him !
  6. I'd love to see young Fleck starting the new season on the left but Walter probably won't take that chance. Go on Walter, you're the man, take the risk. None of this Craig Brown-style giving someone their debut at 36 years of age crap.
  7. I think it's better now than half way through or even at the end of the season, for all those who don't like Fergie then they'll get to see how much we need him. For me, I'm gutted, he'll miss the Champions League qualifiers which for all sorts of reasons we have to come through them and he'll miss the start of the season and Scotland matches aswell. This could be bad news for us.
  8. Was it last year or the year before that we won it hammering Chelsea in the final ?? So long as magical Mark Walters is playing we have a great chance ! ps. Robert Prytz has still got a tremendous touch and can you imagine if Lauders joined our team...............wowsers !!
  9. Hurlock

    Kris Boyd

    I don't dislike him, he pretty much won us both of our trophies last season. I hope he gets more games because let's be honest, what a goals to games ratio scoring record he has, second to none.
  10. Scientology, I blame that Tom Cruise !
  11. Part of me is delighted for them as I remember the excitement up this way when Ross County and ICT were voted in to the SFL but part of me is worried about another possible Gretna situation. Let's hope the club pulls together and stays solid through the good times and the bad.
  12. I'm half and half with this one, especially with him being Belgian and all like part of me is. Yes he never got hardly any games in the last two years or so through injury or not being in favour hence keeping him was hurting the wage bill but...............he is one very skillful player who has the ability to go past people and lets be honest, we don't have that many players that can play in that special role in behind the strikers which a lot of teams fear ! Anyway, he's going and we can't change that, let's see what Walter is planning to do next and judge it then I guess.
  13. I think if we make a serious assault in Europe again there's a great chance we might see more of the likes of Webster, Smith, Furman, and Fleck being used in the SPL. Making 38 year old Davie Weir play 60 games in one season was a bit nasty ! Maybe some kind of rotation may keep some of our players fresher for the big games.
  14. My phone's in the car, cheers for bringing that to my attention, I've probably missed rakes of messages !!
  15. Quite a tournament really, only the two 0-0 draws that I can remember. We saw a flambouyant Dutch side rip apart the Italians & French and maybe peaked too early, a clueless France run out of ideas nad older players retire, a Germany side somehow scramble their way through to the final with pure brute strength, a Portugal side full of flair but not quite, a Russian side with plenty of future promise and then there was Spain. Quite a team, total football with lots more to offer aswell in the future. Who knows, maybe one day they will call on King Carlos !! Yes King Carlos, a player who could walk into a Scotland team but not even be needed for a Spanish squad of 26. Quite frightening really the depth of Spain's squad !!
  16. These were the good footballing Italian teams, they actually played attractive attacking football. Gianluca Pagliuca Antonio Benarrivo Alessandro Costacurta Paolo Maldini © Mauro Tassotti Demetrio Albertini Dino Baggio Antonio Conte Roberto Donadoni Roberto Baggio Daniele Massaro or Walter Zenga Franco Baresi Giuseppe Bergomi © Riccardo Ferri Paolo Maldini Carlo Ancelotti Fernando De Napoli Giuseppe Giannini Roberto Donadoni Andrea Carnevale Gianluca Vialli
  17. Yep just saw it on Sky Sports News. He's a Ger through and through..........happy days !!
  18. Wasn't expecting that, I honestly thought there's be extra time and maybe even penalties tonight. What happened to the Russia that cuffed Holland ??? That's Spain beat Russia 4-1 and 3-0 in the same tournament !!!!!!!! POSSESSION Russia 35% Spain 65% - From the BBC website !
  19. No 28 Nice name !!
  20. What a change with Italy since the days of Roberto & Dino Baggio and even Donadoni himself. They used to play flowing attractive football but now they are also-rans !! France and themselves are going through a mini-crisis if you ask me.
  21. Hurlock

    New Stadium

    What happened to the 5-star hotel and casino talk ? I know Gala casino ain't too far away but you know ?!?!
  22. Yeah hard to believe aswell that he was punted out to St. Johnstone surplus to requirements a couple of seasons ago and we thought Greame Smith was going to be our backup ?!?!
  23. I think if Shagger Dan has another season for us like he did last season he will be taking the number 1 Jersey for Scotland from Craig Gordon.
  24. I think it's a good idea especially with the charity that the proceeds are going to plus Motherwell don't get to play teams like Villareal that often so it'll be great for their fans and for O'Donnell's family. It's still one of the biggest losses to happen to Scottish football since Super Coop.
  25. I'm Scottish Craig, would you rather see Italy or France in Euro 08 rather than us. I know my answer to that.
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