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Posts posted by Rousseau

  1. good post and the one thing you kept on mentioning there was pace, we don't have any and don't move the ball fast enough either


    the reason i think people want 2 up front is the lack of goals but we don't actually create that many chances to miss, i think this comes from the wrong types of players signed to play this 4-3-3


    mckay and MOH on either wing for example, they don't fit there


    I find it strange: To me, both McKay and MOH have the attributes to play out wide, but don't look comfortable. MOH probably the faster player at the club but his pace is wasted most of the time. McKay needs more supporting runs -- he'll find a pass most of the time if it's there. I hope it'll come with more coaching and familiarity with the system.

  2. we need to mix it up.

    After years of "long ball Ally" there's obviously resistance and a view that this would be going backwards.

    However there are times when a target man and a poacher playing off him could do the business.

    Joe Garner the target man despite his height. He still wins high balls. O'Halleron or Kenny off his shoulder. Alternatively Dodoo might fill either role.

    It also offers an out ball when teams press us high up the field

    thinking of Bobby Graham and Willie Pettigrew


    Aye, that's who I was thinking off... *Google's Bobby Graham and Willie Pettigrew*


    Yes, just because we play with a front-three doesn't mean two players are on each touchline and the striker is isolated in the middle. The wingers need to come inside or a central midfielder needs to support. The long ball can still be played in the 4-3-3.

  3. It's been an indifferent start to the season. Despite being 2nd, results have been average and performances have certainly not been up to the standard we've come to expect. We seem to go through a check-list of blame, the latest of which is that it's the formation that's wrong: it's broken, it doesn't work, the players don't fit in the system... it's just wrong; Change it. The one formation bandied about is the 4-4-2. This is understandable: it's comfortable, it's traditional; most sides of yesteryear played it, and of course Rangers have played it in the past to great success. But times have changed. Is it still an option? And is it the answer to our current woes?


    We have played 4-3-3 since Mark Warburton arrived, and this formation has been implemented throughout the club, from academy to first-team. We have had success with it: winning the league; reaching the Scottish Cup Final; with some wonderful performances along the way. Many now believe that success was because we were playing at a lower level, and that now that we've reached the Premiership it no longer works. The main reason used is that the players don't fit in the system, despite having exactly the same squad apart from an extra few players (Barton's away, Kranjcar's out, Rositter's out; the only new additions that play somewhat regularly are Hill, Windass, Dodoo and Garner).


    The main criticism, that the system is not working, implies that we are executing it the way it's supposed to be executed. But, I don't believe we are. We've shown glimpses if it working well over the season -- Kilmarnock being the prime example, but even in our defeat to Aberdeen, we played well -- but not consistently, and not to the same level as last season. Of course, teams get used to it and teams this season are clearly fitter, stronger, faster etc. I don't think we're executing it as well as we can; we've lost the knack: connections between players are non-existent, there are fewer options on the ball, our movement's not as good and the pace is generally slower. If you execute any formation poorly, you're going to struggle.


    A change to 4-4-2 is held up as the answer, a return to a simpler way of playing. There are a number of teams in the top five leagues employing the 4-4-2, all to great success. My issue is that these teams share certain traits that don't apply to Rangers, or at least shouldn't; like resources, performance, tactical philosophy and objectives.


    Atletico Madrid are perhaps the most well-known exponent of the 4-4-2. Simeone's side have achieved incredible things, winning La Liga -- breaking the Barca-Real duopoly -- and reaching two Champions League Finals. Atletico line up in a horizontally compact 4-4-2, and look to defend in a low block and counter with devastating speed. Simeone sets his side up in three lines stacked on top of each other, with two banks of four (four defenders with four midfielders sitting right on top of them). At first their 2 Centre-Forwards (CF) press opposing Centre-Backs (CB) before the whole team gradually drops off into that low block. They allow teams to have the ball and they just shift laterally to block the side of the pitch the opponent is trying to move the ball. The system is inherently reactive.


    Atletico are organized, horizontally compact, ruthless on the counter, and generally impossible to break down. Against weaker opposition this is much more difficult because those teams won’t attack them in numbers and will allow them the ball. However, against Real Madrid, Barcelona, and other top sides in the Champions League, Simeone’s Atletico can be devastating.


    Another successful side that adopts the 4-4-2 is Borussia Mönchengladbach (A German team). Lucian Favre -- who has since left as manager -- is considered a tactical genius and achieved remarkable success, taking 'Gladbach from the relegation zone to qualifying for the Champions League. Mönchengladbach were one of the most difficult teams to play against, using a compact 4-4-2 and a fast-paced counter-attacking style. The difference is that they pressed like demons in a limited form of Jurgen Klopp's Gegenpress. 'Gladbach’s system relies on the players shifting laterally across the field in order to limit the passing options for the opposition and force them into risky passes forward or safe backward passes. While all shift to one side (leaving a large space on the other), one ball-far side-midfielder (RM if the ball is at the other side) will shift out to mark the free space, leaving a gap in between the RM and RCM so they can better press when the ball is switched. This space could be a weakness, but their 2 CF's cover the space centrally. Again, it is inherently reactive football.


    In attack they move the ball vertically at pace -- the defensive approach is used to destabilize the opponent and once the ball is won they hit with pace while their opponent is still trying to adjust. There are 3 basic counter-attacks: an aggressive long ball played forward behind the defense for a forward to run onto; fast direct running from wingers or center forwards; fast team movement forward combined with short passes.


    The first approach is generally what English (and British) sides do, with Leicester being the prime example. The second approach is what Atletico do. The third is the Gladbach (and German) approach, where the entire team flows forward at pace while combining short passes to devastating effect. Leverkusen can also be included as a side that execute the 4-4-2 successfully, but are simply a more intense pressing side like Gladbach. Leicester too, but without the intense pressing.


    All these teams are smaller teams in their respective leagues, all have a handicap in terms of resources. Atletico are a wealthy club, but compared to Real Madrid and Barcelona they earn relatively little. Monchengladback and Leverkusen are big names, but relatively poor. All are smaller sides punching above their weight. The tactical philosophy is inherently reactive, rather than proactive -- they defend and wait to counter, rather than go out to win the game. Their fans don't care too much about being entertained week-in week-out, but wish for their team to achieve a certain position at the end of the year.


    All these things don't, or at least shouldn't apply to Rangers. We are the biggest in the league, with vastly superior resources. We have to be proactive; we have go out and win games against smaller sides that just want to frustrate. And, most importantly, we demand to be entertained. A 4-4-2 is not entirely appropriate for any of these things. Walter Smith's 4-4-2 was successful because we had better players and more resources than most, but the performances were some of the most boring.


    The only team I can think off that play a 4-4-2 whilst also dominating their league is Red Bull Salzburg in Austria. Being owned by Red Bull, their resources are vastly superior to anyone else in their League; they can afford to outbid everyone and assemble sides that are superior to anything else domestically.


    RB Salzburg were managed by Roger Schmidt (who has since went on to manage Beyer Leverkusen, a team mentioned above for their intense press) at the time of their dominance with 4-4-2. To attack they would use an intense pressing game to force mistakes from their opponents then counter at pace. If teams allowed them the ball, they would play long balls, with a 4-2-4 overload in the final-third.


    Salzburg's 4-4-2 required supreme athleticism, strength and incredibly quick players -- Sadio Mane, now at Liverpool, was a key player in the system -- to make it work. I'm not sure we have that. Our players are more slight, technical. And we certainly don't have RB Salzburg's resources to go out and assemble one.


    Every manager has a philosophy, a certain style that they know best. It is very difficult for them to then coach their teams to play a different way. Simeone is strong defensively, with a speedy counter-attack; he couldn't then coach his team to play like Barcelona. Roger Schmidt's philosophy includes an intense pressing game, which he has reproduced at Salzburg and Bayer Leverkusen; he can't then coach his sides to play a possession-based game. A 4-4-2 requires a shift in philosophy that's just not viable.


    Warburton's philosophy is possession-based. He demands his teams play from the back, using short passes to move the ball forward into the final third. The 4-3-3 is the best base formation to implement that philosophy; it allows overloads and triangles in every area of the pitch. As much as it pains me to say, Brendan Rogers has a similar philosophy; a successfully executed 4-3-3 philosophy is there for us to see.


    There's no denying our performances have been poor, with results not much better. But I don't think it follows that we need a drastic formation and style change. Quite frankly, it's not going to happen. Managers have their preferred philosophy. There is an example of a well-executed 4-3-3 in our league (albeit with a 2-1 midfield, rather than a 1-2); they just have better players and more resources at the moment. Moreover, our players are more suited to a 4-3-3 than any other formation. (Yes, Garner could use more support, but that can be done with a front-three.) I don't believe 4-4-2 is the answer. I don't believe our 4-3-3 needs to be changed. However, it does need to be executed much better than it has been thus far.

  4. We do not have a striker who gambles on making a run. In saying that I don't know Dodoo good enough to know what he can do. A few times today Lovenkrands pointed out that Garner, O'Halloran and Miller were all ball watching instead of trying to make a run. We cannot afford Suarez but that is the type of forward we need. He can hold the ball up and also make runs into space. Even if you don't get the ball yourself you pull defenders away to create space for another.


    Aye, at one point Halliday stole the ball almost at the half-way line and then ran past Garner and Miller!? Lovenkrands was perplexed at that. If anyone follows Halliday then we create a chance IMO.

  5. Perhaps a little fortunate to go 1-0 up but after that we were superb. It was scrappy, and we had to show a bit of character and desire to win headers and tackles, but Aberdeen are nothing special; what did they actually do apart from launch a few balls into the box? 2nd best in Scotland? pfft...


    I keep saying it, but we play nicer football when we bunch up, so there are options on the ball-carrier. First half felt like we were too spread out so no-one had an easy ball.


    Garner was superb, battling all day; McKay brought a bit of guile; Hill and Kiernan were solid; and Waghorn was brilliant when he came on too -- hopefully we see more of it.

  6. I like the desire and hunger, but I hate the lack of control in the match. Every player seems miles away from another. We're supposed to be making triangles but they're just dots.


    Hill and Kiernan have been solid -- I think both Kiernan and WIlson need a Hill next to them for guidance -- and I like McKay's guile, although nothing much has come off (except the Wallace chance). Miller has been poor; why he needs to pass it back every time he gets it I don't know; It's never a controlled pass but a high wayward one that any receiver struggles with.


    Tom was saying the Referee is brother to a former Rangers player, but I wasn't listening 100% as I was annoyed at a wayward pass.

  7. Kenny Miller in midfield! I give up. If we are badly beaten today he should be sacked. No ifs buts or maybes. Playing players outwith their positions just to fit a formation is madness


    In midfield Kenny Miller moves back into midfield and slots in to replace Matt Crooks. He is joined by Jason Holt and Andy Halliday in the middle.


    I apologise trublu, it does indeed look like Miller is in midfield... :facepalm: FFS!


    Thanks SteveC.

  8. I must admit I thought Man City would win today, and maybe just pip the title (simply because I always see the team I don't want to do well doing well). But, what a second half performance from Chelsea! Fantastic performance.

  9. Is it not down to a timing issue? I recall something about the kick-off time.


    I found this from the Independent: "Unfortunately, it will not be shown on television in the UK. It is illegal to broadcast live football matches on UK television between 2.45pm and 5.15pm on Saturdays due to the potential impact on match attendances."

  10. I thought we seen plan B last night: the dreaded long ball that everyone was crying out for? Didn't work.


    We can moan about plan A being shite or not working, but surely there's no doubt we can play plan A a lot better than that! The connections between the players are non-existent; how are we supposed to pass through a side/keep possession when there's nobody looking to receive the ball?


    I didn't think Hearts were that great: they executed a dull plan, which wasn't really causing us too much trouble -- but we were undone by two breaks, with Tavernier posted missing for the second and inexplicably lackadaisical for the first (surely he was in position to boot the ball out?).

  11. I said at the start of the season that I'd be content with 3rd/4th; not ecstatic, but content. Aberdeen have an entrenched squad, finishing 2nd for the last few seasons (I believe?), so even with a greater budget, I think overcoming Aberdeen was going to be difficult because we've had to completely rebuild. Hearts did well after getting promoted, but I don't think it's any better than us finishing 4th -- they only had to overcome the shite, which we've been doing. OK, they pushed Aberdeen a tad, but they finished 3rd; behind the entrenched teams. Hearts are now one of those entrenched sides. So, I'll be begrudgingly content with 3rd/4th.

  12. Yes most younger ones probably would have to. I don't think there is a modern version though.

    The lion was really cross-eyed.[video=youtube;5-1LuZp074s]


    I think I spelt it wrong though.I made Clarance instead of Clarence. Now when I see itClarance doesn't even look right.


    I changed the spelling on the published article after googling it!

  13. Excellent scoring round!


    Everyone who entered gained 1 point for the correct result.


    Several gained another point for the correct number of Rangers goals (Rousseau, Pete, Whosthedado, Cooponthewing, BEARGER, BH, YB, 26th, Craig, TB, compo, SBS, Yorkie Bear and Gribz).


    No one got FGS.


    And finally, Rousseau, Whosthedado, BH, YB and compo gained an extra 3 points for the correct 1-2 score!


    Latest Standings:



    A week-by-week tally of scores can be found here:



  14. I like the possession, but our inability to create chances is worrying. Why is there no option on the ball for Wallace, Wilson, Kiernan and Halliday (and Foderingham)? Every time one of them gets the ball they have no one to pass to, resulting in long balls -- not bad in itself -- or tame passes between them. I'd prefer to see us pass through this side. Holt and Windass should be deeper to allow the team to pass up the pitch. McCann said it himself: why are the front-four in a line? That's not conducive to anything!

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