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Posts posted by Rousseau

  1. As Bill -- and FS -- touched on above, is the success we want for our team achievable in the course of a window? I'm not sure what those advocating Pedro's removal are hoping for? Many suggest it'll take a few windows, but we don't give them that now -- our minds are made up after our first defeat.

  2. If we had took our chances we might have won that game, if had won it how many would still be moaning about Motherwell's thuggery and the referee's seemingly blindness to it? I would be win or lose our players getting assaulted is never acceptable, i think most of us would agree, hopefully?


    I think I'd be moaning regardless. Like I've said, both Cardoso and Moult went down with head-knocks, drawing blood, and he played on. Irrespective of the result, it was abysmal refereeing and dangerous.


    We were dealing with the physicality well - Cardoso and Morelos certainly gave it out too -- until they scored a couple; then we chucked it.

  3. Koeman's now available... :whistle:


    I don't think you can compare last season and this. Last season's spell was not his squad, and we were playing with youngsters for the majority of it.


    There's definite progress; but it's clearly not enough for those that expect us to be beating everyone under the sun. We do need to start showing consistency in our results, for longer spells.

  4. I get frustrated at the result influencing the perceived performance of the players. Just because we win doesn't mean they all played well, and vice versa, just because we lose doesn't mean they were all trash, and deserving to be "removed from the club" forthwith.


    Windass was poor, in taking chances -- he hit the 'keeper twice from what I recall, when putting it to the corner is a guaranteed goal; he needs to work on instinct and shooting -- and perhaps his 'fight', -- which only appears on these threads when we lose -- but he got into these chance-scoring positions. I was disappointed with Pena, but he should've actually scored too; he was also quite poor against St Johnstone, but scored twice.


    I don't see how the Manager is responsible for a player's, or players', inability to hit the back of the net from 6 yards? The Manager's only responsible for getting them up to that point. BUT, PC will have to take responsibility for this, as is his job, and he will lose it if these results continue.


    The Referee was atrocious -- two bad head knocks that drew blood, and he played on?! -- and although it played it's part -- it's always going to be easier with a man advantage... sometimes -- it was not the reason we lost. We lost because we couldn't take our chances. They did.

  5. I thought we were the better side; created by far the best chances but couldn't take them - Windass, Morelos, Pena, Candeias all had glorious opportunities.


    Alnwick couldn't take the first goal, which was probably a mistake; the rest was blind chance, bouncing around the goal-line. The second goal was quality finishing, but I don't like us losing the aerial battle leading up to it. I prefer 'keeper's to be on the look out for sweeping opportunities, so I don't have a problem with his positioning.


    The Referee was a joke: even Moult was bleeding from a head knock and he plays on?! And not booking Alves was bizarre: he was looking straight at it! There should have been several red cards.


    I like the Manager's passion; he was rightly incensed at the challenges. I don't think either manager deserved to be sent to the stands. Ultimately he has to take the blame, but it's not his fault. Tactically, I thought, we were spot on.; they barely had a sniff, and we created several chances.


    I thought Nemane was the right move, tactically: trying to bring on a natural winger to stretch their back three, but it didn't work; perhaps too young for the occasion too. We had kind of chucked it towards the end, and then bringing on Herrera -- a last ditch move -- meant we could not control the midfield, being outnumbered as we were in midfield. It would have to be 'get it wide to the full-backs and whip it into the box' type of game, but that would've played into Motherwell's hands.


    We didn't deserve to lose, but that's football. Unfortunately, we can't keep losing games like this; Pedro will be the one ultimately responsible. It's most certainly NOT a sackable result.

  6. Good to see Miller out of the squad, although I'm disappointed Windass is there.


    Windass is one of our most creative players, surprisingly; it would be silly to leave him out. Moreover, he arguably had his best game for us against Motherwell.

  7. All four of Motherwell's goals v Rangers since the start of last season have stemmed from crossed balls.


    Rangers scored five goals in the last 10 minutes of games against Motherwell last season.


    Daniel Candeias and Richard Tait have the highest number of crosses per game in the league (6.99 and 5.73).


    Motherwell have beaten Rangers just three times since the turn of the millennium, including a 6-1 aggregate victory in the 2014/2015 Championship play-off.


    PC mentioned as much, saying they've been working on wide deliveries.

  8. I have tinnitus too mate, drives me round the bend! Constant ringing in my ears, horrible.


    Sorry about that mate, i actually think as i get older i'm losing a bit of my hearing, least that's what the wife says. i get a bit of buzzing now and again, i work with a petrol motor on most days within earshot, i only lately started wearing ear defenders.


    As I've got older I've reverted to wearing ear defenders for using the likes of the lawn mower, car polisher, drill and even the vacuum cleaner in the house. The 'ringing' in my ears is due to the abuse they got listening to Deep Purple and Steely Dan on max volume during my misspent youth.


    That’s interesting bearman as whenever I have been around loud noise it gets worse (after the Football or cinema for eg). Mine is a side effect of some medication I take (legal medication I should add lol). Some days better than others?



  9. I meant his Twitter picture. It’s no big deal on it’s own but in my opinion he goes on like he thinks he’s a superstar at times. The twitter thing just annoys me, I don’t hate the guy at all. I know there is a player in there and he needs to show he has the cojones to step up. I think a lot of fans feel this way which is why he gets a bit of a raw deal. Unlike say Hodson who has limited ability but always tries his hardest.


    Bottom line is Josh has a chance in these next two months. If he keeps performing like he has been then we’ll bring in someone for the left side. And if that happens he won’t have fulfilled his potential and will most likely leave next summer.


    He was talking about washing the older players' boots the other day on Twitter, and stated he'd gladly wash Captain Lee Wallace's boots too. Not sure that's someone that thinks themselves a "superstar".

  10. If we succumbed to the whims of the fans we'd replace the entire XI every couple of weeks.


    Windass has been disappointing at times, but I think there's a player there. He's certainly showing progress; his defensive game has improved a wee bit, and his attacking game is more focused. He's got a way to go before he's influencing games consistently; he's not going to get there if he's left on the bench.

  11. I imagine the only reason you'd look at someone's profile is when you see a post and think

    "who the fuck is this rocket ?"

    but I'm only imagining it, I'd never do it myself !


    Yes, I've done that with your good self... :D

  12. I'm not sure Scotland fans, or the people in positions of power, have the patience or awareness to implement a project like the Portuguese did with 20 years or so until it bares any fruit. It's going to take something like that to change our fortunes. That Pianist analogy is spot on; you don't get anywhere by making our players more physical.

  13. I'd like to see McCrorie get a few games with Alves. I think we've missed Alves' leadership, and his forward passes.


    Just because we go with two forwards -- Herrera and Morelos, as has been suggested -- doesn't mean we're more likely to score goals. IMO, we have a better balance when we play a 4-2-3-1, with Pena pushing forward. Marking a static forward in Herrera is easier than the continually-in-motion Pena. We'll certainly need the defensive stability too.


    Jack is a huge loss. Holt can do a job, but I do fear Saints' physicality. I'd like to see Barjonas get some game-time too -- can he come in for Jack, or is he more offensive? It perhaps doesn't solve the physical deficiency, though.

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