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Everything posted by Rousseau

  1. Bluedell (2.11) and T-1000 (1.96) had the best points-per-game (ppg) scores, which is impressive considering they both missed 4 games. FA1833 (1.65) and Stewarty (1.60) played very few games, but their ppg would get them into the top 10-12 if they played all games. Seven Maximums from Bluedell is just ridiculous. The second best tally is a group of seven with 2! Yorkie Bear, Ted McMinnime and 26th of foot were the best at hitting the Correct Result, with 41 each. Onevision, Lenny3k and Mack1950 were quite strong on this metric. Bluedell (22) and Ted McMinnime (20) were best at getting the Correct Number of Rangers Goals. Malangsob gets into the top 10 in this metric. Bluedell and Rousseau top the First Rangers Goalscorer charts, with 14. Graeme and SBG were also strong scorers in this metric. There was a group of four (Bluedell, T-1000, Yorkie Bear and 26th of foot) topping the Correct Score charts, with 9. BEARGER was a strong performer, too.
  2. Players Pts GP PPG Max. CR CR% CRG CRG% FGS FGS% CS CS% Bluedell 116 55 2.11 7 39 66.10% 22 37.29% 14 23.73% 9 15.25% Yorkie Bear 109 59 1.85 2 41 69.49% 19 32.20% 11 18.64% 9 15.25% T-1000 108 55 1.96 2 40 67.80% 17 28.81% 12 20.34% 9 15.25% Rousseau 107 59 1.81 2 39 66.10% 19 32.20% 14 23.73% 7 11.86% Ted 106 59 1.80 2 41 69.49% 20 33.90% 12 20.34% 7 11.86% 26th of foot 104 57 1.82 1 41 69.49% 18 30.51% 9 15.25% 9 15.25% Devil 98 57 1.72 2 40 67.80% 15 25.42% 11 18.64% 7 11.86% SBG 95 55 1.73 1 37 62.71% 17 28.81% 13 22.03% 5 8.47% BEARGER 94 56 1.68 2 38 64.41% 16 27.12% 8 13.56% 8 13.56% compo 87 59 1.47 2 39 66.10% 15 25.42% 6 10.17% 7 11.86% Dado 85 59 1.44 1 38 64.41% 14 23.73% 6 10.17% 7 11.86% DJRFC 83 57 1.46 0 37 62.71% 14 23.73% 10 16.95% 4 6.78% r_s 77 53 1.45 1 34 57.63% 13 22.03% 9 15.25% 4 6.78% Malangsob 76 58 1.31 1 34 57.63% 17 28.81% 5 8.47% 5 8.47% lenny3k 75 59 1.27 0 38 64.41% 12 20.34% 8 13.56% 3 5.08% onevision 74 59 1.25 0 38 64.41% 9 15.25% 9 15.25% 3 5.08% CammyF 68 52 1.31 1 36 61.02% 13 22.03% 5 8.47% 3 5.08% Franc Ergs 67 50 1.34 0 33 55.93% 15 25.42% 5 8.47% 3 5.08% Graeme R 66 58 1.14 0 36 61.02% 5 8.47% 11 18.64% 1 1.69% MacK1950 65 59 1.10 0 38 64.41% 12 20.34% 3 5.08% 3 5.08% Bill 64 49 1.31 0 33 55.93% 10 16.95% 3 5.08% 5 8.47% ian1964 53 36 1.47 1 22 37.29% 6 10.17% 8 13.56% 3 5.08% TB 48 35 1.37 1 25 42.37% 7 11.86% 5 8.47% 2 3.39% MoodyBlue 48 37 1.30 0 25 42.37% 6 10.17% 4 6.78% 3 5.08% BSRT 40 29 1.38 0 17 28.81% 7 11.86% 5 8.47% 2 3.39% FA1833 28 17 1.65 0 13 22.03% 5 8.47% 5 8.47% 0 0.00% stewarty 24 15 1.60 0 8 13.56% 2 3.39% 4 6.78% 2 3.39% * Only includes those that played at least 15 games
  3. Erm... I forgot. What are your thoughts?
  4. Let me get over this season first...
  5. Third post. First in two years. All three on the exact same subject. Strange, but nothing inherently wrong with it.
  6. Transfermrkt has his Goals per 90 at 0.95, but I'm not sure about their data. Dessers this season has 0.42 G/90, for comparison.
  7. It must be because Tavernier is hitting 18-19 in the last three years (excluding this year).
  8. The average tally since 56/57 (European football era) is 26.
  9. McCoist scored 49 in 92/93. We barely get over 30 since then (except for Negri's 37 in 97/98).
  10. I'm just proving my point, which you rubbished. One played as a #9, and got 19 xG worth of chances. One was played everywhere else, and got 4 xG worth of chances. (Lammers in the Eredivise has an xG of 9 (scored 10), playing as a #9.) All I'm saying is, he'll maybe do better as a #9. I'm not saying he's the answer. I have always said that all of our players are for sale if we get a decent offer.
  11. He has an xG of 4 for his time with us (scored 2). Dessers has an xG of 19 (scored 16). Which one played as the #9? Edit: Lammers in the Eredivise has an xG of 9 (scored 10).
  12. Playing him as a #9 is a start...
  13. I would still like to see him get an opportunity in his favoured #9 position. If there's an offer I'd take it, though.
  14. I was going to say, 'mon the Roth Raivers, but they have a plastic pitch, don't they? 'Mon the County!
  15. Step forward Sam Adrianus Martinus Lammers!!
  16. On the bright side, it's time for @der Berliner's transfer thread!
  17. I agree, but he hasn't played that well when he has been given a chance.
  18. Aggregate table: Pos Player 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 2021/22 2022/23 2023/24 Total pts Avg pts Titles Seasons played 1 Rousseau 91 54 91 96 113 109 94 107 755 94 1 8 2 Yorkie Bear 40 66 80 100 109 109 78 109 691 86 8 3 26th of foot 74 56 83 81 104 104 74 104 680 85 8 4 compo 72 62 87 103 95 83 76 87 665 83 8 5 Whosthedado 64 60 70 71 105 99 99 85 653 82 8 6 BEARGER 80 67 69 106 114 31 81 94 642 80 2 8 7 onevision 48 67 77 58 87 94 73 74 578 72 8 8 T-1000 81 83 88 101 89 108 550 92 1 6 9 MacK1950 48 60 62 76 89 77 72 65 549 69 8 10 ranger_syntax 35 90 86 96 83 81 77 548 78 7 11 Bluedell 64 85 85 86 74 7 116 517 74 1 7 12 Bill 45 79 77 92 78 81 64 516 74 7 13 Tannochsidebear 75 60 45 78 79 73 51 48 509 64 8 14 Weebluedevil 6 23 97 98 88 87 98 497 71 7 15 Franc Ergs 12 89 72 91 76 78 67 485 69 7 16 forlanssister 30 41 81 68 95 53 50 23 441 55 8 17 ian1964 34 30 40 51 70 45 86 53 409 51 8 18 lenny3k 13 43 75 78 74 75 358 60 6 19 DJRFC 50 107 92 83 332 83 4 20 gunslinger 49 66 39 58 67 29 14 322 46 7 21 CammyF 4 86 97 60 68 315 63 5 22 WorthingBear91 0 15 74 75 61 53 12 290 41 7 23 cooponthewing 52 47 86 64 3 1 253 42 6 24 Sutton_blows_goats 39 96 95 230 77 3 25 buster. 99 9 108 0 216 54 2 4 26 les186 46 69 89 204 68 3 27 Pete 60 48 61 34 203 51 4 28 stewarty 5 79 94 24 202 51 4 29 SBS 85 56 37 178 59 3 30 rbr 65 63 46 174 58 3 31 Malangsob 18 79 76 173 58 3 32 Ted McMinnime 63 106 169 85 2 33 JFK-1 18 51 50 41 4 164 33 5 34 Uilleam 20 50 24 9 40 18 2 163 23 7 35 Gaffer 14 30 46 64 154 39 4 36 Craig 46 79 8 11 144 36 4 37 Graeme Ro55 58 66 124 62 2 38 Frankie 72 51 123 62 2 39 blueflag 5 46 72 0 123 31 4 40 Gribz 54 15 6 18 21 114 23 5 41 boabie 52 52 104 52 2 42 gisabeer 2 0 23 20 45 12 102 17 6 43 Stevie - 4LHAD 69 30 99 50 2 44 Barebear 39 59 98 49 2 45 StuGers 51 47 98 49 2 46 Yorkshire Bear 95 95 95 1 1 47 BlackSocksRedTops 10 1 17 2 18 40 88 15 6 48 Brahim Hemdani 82 82 82 1 49 Gaspard 81 81 81 1 50 pj_1872 60 16 76 38 2 51 trublusince1982 14 26 30 70 23 3 52 MoodyBlue1872 20 48 68 34 2 53 Blue Haven Blue 58 58 58 1 54 Bearman 29 18 47 24 2 55 colinstein 16 28 44 22 2 56 Nevermind 31 9 40 20 2 57 waltersgotstyle 35 35 35 1 58 DMAA 3 25 2 30 10 3 59 FA1833 28 28 28 1 60 Big Jaws 19 19 19 1 61 Chelseaboy 5 10 2 17 6 3 62 Dave M609 8 4 12 6 2 63 Yuddie 11 11 11 1 64 Dondarion 9 9 9 1 65 bobtrap 8 8 8 1 66 Scott7 7 7 7 1 67 1972tango 5 5 5 1 68 Mountain Bear 5 5 5 1 69 bluedan 5 5 5 1 70 Devil's Advocaat 5 5 5 1 71 FDMA 5 5 5 1 72 Steve1872 3 3 3 1 73 stirlingbear 2 2 2 1 74 scotjo 2 2 2 1 75 Duffman 2 2 2 1 76 Billy Simpson 2 2 2 1 77 YoungDavy 2 2 2 1 78 aweebluesoandso 1 1 1 1 79 mcmichaelkevin61 1 1 1 1 80 laudrup11 1 1 1 1 81 Mason16 1 1 1 1 82 mitre_mouldmaster 0 0 0 1
  19. @Bluedell takes his first title and joins an illustrious group: Past GPL Winners 2016/17 Yorkshire Bear 2017/18 T-1000 2018/19 buster. 2019/20 BEARGER 2020/21 BEARGER 2021/22 Rousseau 2022/23 buster. 2023/24 Bluedell
  20. The WINNER of Bluebear54's Gersnet Prediction League 2023/24: Bluedell
  21. Well, no helicopter Saturday. Correct Result (1 pt): Dado, BD, r_s and T-1000. Correct Number of Rangers Goals (1pt): Dado. FGS (2 pts): - Correct Score (3 pts): - Final Standings:
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