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Posts posted by Rousseau

  1. 13 minutes ago, CammyF said:

    Really? Wow.... I don't think I go far enough. 


    No stadium yet to play our home games in. If it is Hampden we have clashes with QP which will mean Friday night or Sunday games (inconvenience for fans).


    Wel'll have to play all our crucial CL qualifiers at what is a "neutral' venue (huge income implications).


    We can't improve our squad unless we sell our best players (plus Lammers). 


    Our wage bill is £2M more than Atalanta who finished 4th in Italy and won a European compition.


    We are miles behind (on and off the pitch) our main domestic rivals. 


    I really can't see anything to be positive about. Maybe someone can point it out to me? 

    Atalanta! That was the team I was struggling to recall! Their revenue is significantly higher (£120m?), but that's the type of smart spending we need. Like I said, I'm hopeful with Koppen. If we can use our capital more efficiently, we'll do well. 


    I'm not saying we've not made mistakes or that there are no issues, but you're spinning everything negatively. Fair enough; I'm not going to challenge you on it, as it's an opinion. 


    Edit: Actually, Atalanta made a huge loss of £67m! The wage bill is still an interesting comparison. 

  2. 2 minutes ago, buster. said:

    In the main, we've been badly run for decades.


    We have fairly consistently spent more than we bring in. 

    Always trying to make up financial shortfalls.


    It comes from the need of the instant fix with no strategy behind it. 


    Demanding success doesn't usually work. You need intelligence, a strategy, finance and a degree of patience.




    That's fairly obvious. 

  3. 2 minutes ago, CammyF said:

    I know you were, but the reality is the club is rotten from the top to the bottom. 


    The end of last season was toxic in the stands and a bad start to this season will only see that increase. 


    Once the fans chuck it (don't believe this 10K waiting list), then they might start to take notice and make necessary changes. 

    I think you go too far, but that's your prerogative. 

  4. 2 minutes ago, CammyF said:

    Quite easily as my interest in Rangers is not at its lowest since I started following them in 1983. 


    I get more joy and satisfaction from concerts. listening to music, reading, spe ding time with my kids than I get from watching Rangers.


    If I wasn't on auto-renewal I wouldn't have my ST for this season. I have now removed myself from auto-renewal.


    I can't be the only fan who is lost almost all interest which is more of a worry than the obvious failings of the board. 

    I was being facetious. 

  5. 12 minutes ago, CammyF said:

    It all leads back to the board. 


    Delays in stadium redevelopment. 


    NEH over budget, late finished and smaller than expected and now under-utilised.


    Horrendous recruitment on the footballing side and horrendous decisions allowing Beale complete control of transfers.


    Horrific fan engagement and PR.


    Huge wage bill (playing side).


    Key roles within the club still vacant. 


    Terrible and overpriced catering in the stadium.


    That's just scratching the surface, and all been talked about previously but with no signs of improvement (In fact, it's getting worse).


    As for Clement and Koppen,  a defeat in the 1st OF game will see enormous pressure on them and sure as fate, the board will capitulate and sack Clement. 


    I'm quite a pessimistic person but I don't know how you get through the day... :D 

  6. 43 minutes ago, CammyF said:

    Not new information, but the question should be why are we skint.


    ElL final, 1 season CL money and decent runs in Europe for 5-6 years.


    2 x record player sales (Patterson and Bassey). Also £10M for Aribo.


    Year on year record season ticket sales (price increasing year on year). 


    Year on year increase in revenue and merchandise money (of top of my head).


    The board certainly ain't showing they are "best in class". 

    It's a good question.


    Haven't we covered this when the accounts were released? We're spending too much. Revenues slightly decreased 4% to £84m, but our expenses increased to £108m. That loss was offset by the income you listed above. 


    I'm not an expert, but I think the business side is 'improving' - we can all quibble about how much - but the footballing department is not spending money efficiently. £5m on Dessers is awful business, for example, but even our wage bill is too much. I think someone mentioned that we have a higher wage bill than PSV (iirc?) despite having comparable revenues? They were streets ahead of us. It's not that we don't 'have' the money, per se, it's that we're not spending it well enough. 


    I'm hopeful Koppen and Clement will improve things going forward.  

  7. Rules:

    - You will receive 2 points for a correct score (CS).

    - You will receive 1 point for a correct result (CR).

    - Jokers applied to a game will double the points. 

    - Jokers can be used once per round (Matchday 1, Matchday 2, Matchday 3, Round of 16, etc.).

    - Your prediction for the Knockout phase will include extra time but NOT penalties.



    Final fixture:


    14 July 


    Spain v England


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