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Rousseau last won the day on July 7

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  1. The use of the JOKER let me down: 7 points is mid-table. I was good with the Correct Scores, though.
  2. der Berliner and @WorthingBear91 were the big movers with JOKER-applied Correct Scores. @lenny3k, @Gonzo79, @Franc Ergs, @Ted McMinnime and @Yorkie Bear end with 2 points each for a JOKER-applied Correct Result. @CammyF and @Whosthedado are "relegated", alongside @BEARGER who couldn't fulfil his fixtures because of 115 PSR charges.
  3. The Winner of the Gersnet EURO 2024 Prediction League: @der Berliner
  4. Atalanta! That was the team I was struggling to recall! Their revenue is significantly higher (£120m?), but that's the type of smart spending we need. Like I said, I'm hopeful with Koppen. If we can use our capital more efficiently, we'll do well. I'm not saying we've not made mistakes or that there are no issues, but you're spinning everything negatively. Fair enough; I'm not going to challenge you on it, as it's an opinion. Edit: Actually, Atalanta made a huge loss of £67m! The wage bill is still an interesting comparison.
  5. I know, but we can't do much about it. That's why I don't see the point in getting worked up about it.
  6. I'm quite a pessimistic person but I don't know how you get through the day...
  7. Despite thinking he's a good player, I've always thought he doesn't quite fit into Clement's style. And, of course, there's the news that his agent is flogging him to some Italian sides!
  8. It's a good question. Haven't we covered this when the accounts were released? We're spending too much. Revenues slightly decreased 4% to £84m, but our expenses increased to £108m. That loss was offset by the income you listed above. I'm not an expert, but I think the business side is 'improving' - we can all quibble about how much - but the footballing department is not spending money efficiently. £5m on Dessers is awful business, for example, but even our wage bill is too much. I think someone mentioned that we have a higher wage bill than PSV (iirc?) despite having comparable revenues? They were streets ahead of us. It's not that we don't 'have' the money, per se, it's that we're not spending it well enough. I'm hopeful Koppen and Clement will improve things going forward.
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