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  1. How much did SDM sell our club for ?.....The rest of the story is an ongoing nightmare with a ray of sunlight in the distance.....
  2. Well.....things are most definitely moving in the right direction
  3. Are the SFA going to investigate this ?
  4. Maybe Parliament is the only place that Fat Boy can be held to account, although he did not appear himself last time...
  5. It is small comfort but I reckon Fat Boy's ego is hurting and he has been outmanoeuvred, shocked to have lost control and is now throwing the toys out the pram ..... I say hold on to his 5m as long as possible ....
  6. I wonder if he is related to Chico Charnley ... I still remember the time that fud challenged Rangers fans to a fight and ran for his life through Maryhill as a samurai sword squad turned up for the duel....
  7. Precisely what i was thinking unless it is under wider British corporate law or to do with registration at Companies House.... Might be challenging us over AIM de-listing ?
  8. Tramps like Ashley should not be allowed anywhere near football clubs....He may well be a billionaire but he would not turn his nose up at 5 quid let alone 5 million.....these people are money obsessed sociopaths
  9. A lot more than Ashley and Easdale......
  10. Didnt know McCulloch knew how to speed...
  11. What with the need to be listed......, I thought the long-term sensible approach was a quasi-democratic form of fan ownership..... Aye some of those venture capitalists, vulture funds and bankers are just what the club needs.... FD/CEO will come in due course.....I quite like the sound of a couple of blokes on 200k max, who were into honesty, added value to the club and pursued fair contracts that were consistent with our size and gave us value.... No bonuses.....they can take home a Sports Direct hoarding if desperate. The idea that there is money to be made by pension funds / institutional investors in our club is laughable.....there is money to be made by strip and rip hedge funds and dodgy bastards but i think we have tried that bus route ...... Let us be realistic ...buy within our means invest in yputh and the future and see how the European leagues develop in the next ten years...without access to massive tv money we need an alternative, realistic strategy based on a mixture of youth, development and good European bargain scouting.
  12. Bit like the African migrant knocking on the captain of HMS Bulwark's door demanding a council flat in Westminster without having the courtesy to thank the captain for saving his/her life...... What would you rather have Ashley control with onerous contracts and promotion or the current situation ?
  13. I hope people give this the board the time and space they need....I think people are being unrealistic....ffs it is only a week since we lost the play-offs ....appointments need time and as for finances we have run out of revenue streams and re-finamcing initiatives because of the previous boards incompetence/waste/financial mismanagement. Whoever is appointed manager needs to be backed 100% by the fans... promotion is a must.
  14. Rangers.....advanced training methods, proper coaching, tactics and set play practice..... Jeez next we will ban the burger, chips and buckfast.....
  15. Excellent post .....there is always an element of risk whatever the credentials .....
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