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Everything posted by JohnMc

  1. I think i've voted correctly this time. That's quite the post BH. I'm not sure anyone is suggesting he's Andrew Carnegie but as CVs go his isn't bad. Aren't all successful business people basically 'super salesman' or have I missed something in the last 20 years?
  2. I seem to be the only person who voted for the removal of James Easedale and Somers. Or maybe I've voted for them to stay. Well seen it was bloody accountants who created this poll.
  3. Yip, it's far from satisfactory. I just find myself measuring it against our normal scales of self harm, it's a skint knee rather than losing a limb. I imagine that Newcastle not having a manager for most of January played a part in this. Carver was only confirmed as caretaker until the end of the season last week, I imagine if someone new had come in they'd have wanted all their players available. They're almost as dysfunctional as we are, so who knows.
  4. Rangers managers have in the past been told they couldn't pick a player. Normally for financial reasons as going over a certain amount of games triggers a payment. This is different from being told you do need to pick someone of course. I'd be surprised if being told to play someone isn't more widespread than we think. I doubt it happens with young players but I'd be really surprised if directors haven't told a manager he must play a 'star' player no matter their fitness, training or discipline etc. I've also heard of prominent players demanding certain other players are chosen and others aren't. This is not uncommon.
  5. First thing to remember is the five players are entirely blameless in all this, they're doing what they're told. So a warm welcome to Rangers from me at least. Like most people I've my reservations. Firstly from a footballing perspective parachuting in five players from one club will create a clique in the dressing room. These five will know nobody but each other, they'll be in a new city and they know it's a short term thing, assimilating them into a 'team' mindset will be a challenge. They are inexperienced players albeit they might be talented. I'd expect even young players from an EPL side to be of a higher standard than most in our league, but attitude and workrate will determine that. However had we brought in five fringe players from Chelsea or Man Utd I feel we'd be greeting this news with more enthusiasm. The fact it's Newcastle clearly means Ashley's hand is behind it, however we need new players so in the circumstances this might be as good as it gets. Of all the stuff that's happened to us in the last few years, particularly the stuff Ashley has been behind or involved in this strikes me as the most benign. It's not ideal and it doesn't address the real problems we have and it's probably a bad portent for what he sees Rangers as. But in the grand scheme of things I can live with it for now.
  6. Frankie, Zappa, do you want me to post the preview straight onto the forum, it's pretty much ready?
  7. Actually I think it'll backfire. Reading an English based general football messageboard yesterday and without exception everyone was laughing at it or pitying the people who did it.
  8. Some harsh criticism on this thread. We were 'sparkling' in this game Hutton in particular looked world class and Adam's goal was a beauty. We were good in the return leg too despite losing.
  9. I'm still not sure if this is just an elaborate wind-up. Anyone who thinks the soul of a football club is weighed by it's date of incorporation, the issuing of shares or its annual report clearly knows absolutely nothing about being a football supporter. Why did they build a statue to Brother Walfrid instead of the Chief Executive of BDO if corporate structure is so important to them? Continuity is vital for supporters so it doesn't surprise me our enemies choose it as an area of attack, but it doesn't matter what they think, the truth is we are Rangers and as long as we remain we always will be. I've a feeling this is a riff I might return too next weekend.
  10. Celtic under O'Neill were route one, long ball, win set pieces. It was only having Larsson in their side that gave them any guile, other than him they were all power and strength.
  11. That's an interesting point, I wonder how important that is. Struth, Whyte, Wallace, Souness, Smith, Advocaat, McLeish and Le Guen never pulled on the Light Blue. McCoist, Greig, Waddell and Symon did. At first glance you'd have to say the first group was considerably more successful than the second. However it would be wrong to place the reason for that firmly on who they played for. Whyte and Le Guen didn't exactly excel, likewise both Greig and Waddell it could be argued were victims of timing and circumstance. Also the greatest British manager of the last 50 years was a Rangers player, he just didn't manage us. What ex-players are realistic candidates? Davies is often mentioned, Derek McInness too. Guys like Arveladze and Van Bronkhurst, Barry Ferguson, Ian Murray and Steven Pressley and Davie Weir are still learning their trade, they might become great mangers, average ones or bad ones, time will tell. At the other end of the spectrum you've got Jimmy Nicholl doing great things with Cowdenbeath, and the much travelled Bobby Williamson with untold experience and insight. Yip, none of them is exactly filling me with anticipation either.
  12. Allan Mcgregor spent most afternoons in the William Hill on Kelvingrove Street. I've no idea if he bet on football or not but gambling is endemic among footballers.
  13. McDowell never wanted the job and seems to be saying he's unable to do it. We should respect that. Gordon Durie stepped down as East Fife manager because the of the toll it was taking on his health, there's no way he's capable of taking the Rangers job, even short term. If Jig does get the job on a temporary basis I hope we all support him. It's worth remembering that the mess the club is in is not the fault of any of the three men named above.
  14. What do people expect the fan's board to say here? They can issue any amount of statements but in reality they are powerless to prevent the board doing whatever they want. We all are. To criticise the fan's board for being impotent on this is to miss the point that all fans are impotent currently. Do any of us think the board didn't know what the reaction to this was going to be? Do any of us think a strongly worded criticism of this potential action would make any difference to the ultimate decision? None of that means a fan's board isn't a good idea. They can still give input on subjects, they can still provide a formal conduit between the club and the support, but people have to be realistic about what they can influence. The time and energy expended could be much better spent. If people want to make the directors know about their anger over this then arrange a large, noisy, legal protest outside McGills bus depot or even better outside the distribution hub of Sport's Direct. Take the fight to them. Everyone on this messageboard knows how Forlan's Sister feels about the club and it's current custodians, it's fair to assume our board of directors do too. It's not his or anyone else's fault they don't care.
  15. From this thread I think we can take it that Der Berliner doesn't have to work with or live beside many Celtic supporters. Trust us Db, if they hammer us life will be intolerable for a long time for those of us who have to 'interact' with them on a daily basis. Frankly if they only beat us by 2 it'll be them who'll be complaining the most. All the tims I know see this as a once in a lifetime opportunity to destroy us. If the worst comes to pass Db you might need to find room for a few thousand lodgers!
  16. Is that real? No one, but no one, pays £3k for an ad in the Herald these days!
  17. I've not read anyone suggesting we should limit our players or coaches to Rangers supporters, no one at all, that part of your post is a complete strawman. Being owned and run by people with an emotional connection to the club doesn't seem to have hindered Bayern or Barcelona or Real Madrid. I think we should always remember the caveat placed on 'Rangers Men' is not just any Rangers Man. Park and Letham have strong business backgrounds, King does too, but he also has baggage that concerns some. If for example someone was suggesting that I should take control of Rangers simply because I'm a 'Rangers Man' then that should rightly be derided, Mr Sarver is clearly better qualified than me, but when comparing him to the '3 bears' or King then it's far less cut and dried, indeed on balance the people who understand the club, the support and indeed the sport seem more preferable.
  18. Valid points, the 'fan' on the board can get carried away 'chasing the dream' and bankrupt us just as easily as the incompetent or corrupt director. There is no guarantee any of those interested in the club can run it correctly, but the very basic business premise of not spending more than you make would be a start and you'd hope at least one of them understood that. For clarity I'm not criticising Craig, I'm genuinely interested in his take on the compatibility of the two sporting cultures.
  19. Well a section of their support was so hacked off they left and formed a new club. By any measurement Manchester Utd have not improved under the Glazers, the club has spent over £680 million simply servicing their debt since the glazers took over. Think about that figure for a minute.
  20. I don't have a 75p target, I think you misread my original post. He only has to make the club worth more than he paid for it. If Celtic are worth 75p a share and we're in the low 20p bracket then their is scope for that rising clearly.
  21. Do you feel the skills are transferable Craig? American sport is quite different from European sport, the franchise system, the manufactured equality of the league, the fact the NFL, NBA and major league baseball are basically the Champion's League not some backwater provincial league. Liverpool are on their second American owner, the first guys were deeply unpopular, John Henry seems more popular but Liverpool are still punching well below their weight globally. Aston Villa fight relegation every season and Man Utd are being milked as a cash cow. Rangers aren't a franchise and our culture means anyone making money out of the club will be despised by the support, it's not how our sport has evolved. We are are run at breakeven by people who care for the club or at a loss by wealthy people as a hobby. I'm not sure any other system works in the UK.
  22. No, our recent history shows that so far everyone who has got involved with us since SDM left was purely interested in making money. Hopefully King and the '3 bears' are different but I can see no possible reason for thinking this guy is.
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