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Posts posted by JohnMc

  1. There's no issue with the initial link - that happens all the time and RFC, MW and our fans have to deal with it.


    The problem is the subsequent coverage which appears to be inaccurate - stuff about new contracts and increased transfer budgets. That suggests MW may be manipulating the link for his own ends which he's clearly very annoyed by. Remember, MW has been nothing but respectful to the Scottish media since he arrived. He could have looked to create a siege mentality to get the fans onside early doors but instead he chose to work with BBC Scotland instead of against them.


    Essentially he's now had that co-operation thrown back in his face. It's no wonder he's angry but, like us, I'm sure he's also unsurprised.


    I listen to Radio Scotland every morning on the way to work. Their 7.25am sports bulletin highlighted MW's comments but still went on to play an excitable Tom English saying our season would be finished f he left and the club would be staring into the financial abyss once again. What a load of old cobblers.


    The story the BBC ran about the board being willing to increase Warburton's salary and transfer budget was written by Richard Wilson and Alasdair Lamont - http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/football/34980312 I wouldn't class either as people who'd purposely try to damage Rangers or Warburton despite their employers. Indeed I'd go as far as to say if they are claiming board sources there might be some veracity to it.

  2. We need to be careful we don't become paranoid here. What Warburton achieved with Brentford didn't go unnoticed in the English Championship and if anyone thinks Fulham haven't considered Warburton for the vacant post then they're deluding themselves.


    Fulham have been 'rejected' in one form or another by three other managers now. So rather than approach Rangers and be rebuffed again they've leaked it to the press that they're interested in him. That puts pressure on Rangers and also allows them to see how Warburton reacts to this indirect approach. Until last night Warburton was at best ambiguous in his answers to the Fulham questions. 'I'm at Rangers and I've a job to do here' 'it's disrespectful to discuss this' that type of answer simply fuels the speculation. Had he came out and said 'I'm not interested, I'll not be leaving Rangers for Fulham, end of' the story would have ended there, but he didn't until last night.


    The truth is of course Warburton was interested in Fulham, would any of you not be interested if another company made it known they'd like to employ you and probably pay you a lot more than you're earning just now? So I'm going to speculate that Warburton has weighed up what he currently has and perhaps what out board have intimated he might expect in the future, added that to what he might achieve with Rangers, measured it against Fulham, and decided he's better off where he is. For now.


    But for the life of me I can't see what the media have done wrong here and we should be careful not to let our distrust of them cloud our view on the reality of professional football.

  3. The only thing I took out of the above...... Gary Neville at Valencia :shock:


    The once great Valencia are now the play thing on 'super agent' Jorge Mendes, who along with the owner have turned Valencia into a club for bringing players to the attention of larger wealthier clubs, players who just happen to be represented by Jorge Mendes. The list of players Valencia have sold in the last few years is really eye-opening.

    It's a disgrace but it's a salutary tale, they got themselves into so much debt that they became easy prey. Sound familiar. If you want to see how powerful Mendes is look into the Bebe transfer to Man Utd, a transfer of £7.4 million. He was playing third division Portugese football just five weeks before Man U bought him. Ferguson had never seen him play. Needless to say he played like a third division player. The transfer stinks and some people made a lot of money.


    So yeah, Gary Neville going to manage a club for the very first time in a country he never played in and he can't speak Spanish. Nothing to see here, move along...

  4. Can the law courts tell an independent body such at the SFA what to do? Surely the only recourse to law would be if they hadn't followed their own procedures? It's clearly just another salvo in the dirty war King and Ashley are fighting, after all even if he get's it overturned King's place would simply be taken by a person of King's choosing, it won't make much material difference.

  5. I'm so pleased you pointed that out, the line 'those players wouldn't have signed for Rangers if it wasn't for EBTs' is simply supposition yet is getting a regular airing currently as if it's irrefutable fact. Murray was a huge gambler, everything about him suggests he would have found a different way of raising the money.

  6. John' date='


    If you think others will allow us to look or move forward, then with all due respect you are extremely naive.[/quote']


    In what way D'Art? How can 'others' prevent us looking forward and focussing on the future? Others can fixate on the past if they want too but we don't have too. We can't change it now however we can change the future, we can influence what happens from this day forward. If we expend energies defending, frankly indefensible, tax avoidance schemes that have no bearing on today now anyway we're playing into the hands of those who want to do us mischief. If we accept the decision, accept we were badly led and badly advised at that time and have paid a very heavy price for it and accept there's nothing we can do about it now it really doesn't matter what 'others' say.


    If people want to call us 'cheats' or discredit our achievements let them, feel free to respond to them, rebuff and mock them, but let's not become them. If all our efforts go towards building a better future for our club we can achieve great things again, if we stay mired fighting unwinnable battles, battles that even if we had 'won' won't change what happened to us and won't change the opinion of people who hate us anyway, then we're in danger of losing focus on what actually matters now.


    I don't care what Chris McLaughlin and his like think of Rangers in late 90s or early 2000s, I can't do anything about that. But I can do my best to ensure that when he sees Rangers today he sees a vibrant, living club, playing attacking attractive football and shaping the sport in this country for years to come. That'll piss him off far more than appealing HMRC.

  7. Personally I hope this isn't appealed and that's it now over. There is no 'winning' on this, even if the case had gone against HMRC again we still lost. Our playing squad was shredded, our reputation trashed globally and our club destroyed. We suffered Craig Whyte, Charles Green and Mike Ashley, he's still not gone away and the other two are still capable of inflicting damage on us. We published figures today showing we lost over £7 million last year, we lost even more the year before that. We lost guys, whatever those judges said this morning we bloody lost.


    Aside from the sheer bloody hurt those EBTs have been responsible for they are an immoral affront to decency, legal or otherwise. Why shouldn't millionaire footballers pay more income tax? Why aren't we cursing the greed culture that clearly permeated at our club at the time and ultimately brought it down and why aren't we doing everything we can to make sure it never infects our club again? Whether they were technically legal or specifically used in accordance with proper guidelines it doesn't matter now, the damage is done and can't be reversed.


    We can expend a lot of energy discussing this or we can accept that there's nothing we can do about it anyway. Does it give some people an opportunity to go looking for a pound of flesh and others the chance to pontificate about financial doping and so on, hell yeah. So what? It's done and can't be undone.


    It's time to look forward again, not back. We survived after all, they threw everything they could find at us and we survived. We fought with each other and we survived. We were raped and pillaged from within, often with the tacit and unquestioning support of a lot of the fanbase, but we survived.

    We've a team again who are at last worthy of our jersey, we've a manager who inspires us and excites us, all of our energies should be going into building a future, a future a rich shareholder would like to further disrupt. We've other more important battles to fight now, this one has past and we lost it, big time. Accept that, learn from it and move forward again. Let them come for our trophies, let them call us cheats, it'll pass and I'm not persuaded their's an appetite for it at any level above internet moron or failing columnist.


    Let's not lose site of what is actually important today.


    It's an exciting time to be a bear again, let's focus on that.

  8. The anger towards the Record on this thread is severely misplaced. Apart from the fact the 'story' is in a number of papers it's also clearly been released by Rangers or someone close to them and with their tacit blessing.

    We're involved in a dirty war currently and this is another salvo aimed at Ashley and Sport's Direct and intended to portray them in a bad light. King alluded to Sport's Direct attempting to outspend Rangers in court to keep their deal in place, here's an example of it.

    I've no idea the veracity of the story but it's attempting to explain why certain contracts and deals have not changed and certain obstacles remain in our way.

  9. Ewen Murray is supposedly a Jambo, there was considerable speculation a decade past that he was Spiers catamite, but he certainly is a fully paid up Rangers hater. His Guardian piece has been fed to him, probably by Matt McGlone. Zaliukas was reported as being in soapy bubble with his wife, both women he was out with on that evening were not his spouse.


    As for Matt McGlone, I am one of the several people that read his autobiographical tome, 'Emotionally Sellik'. The inside cover acknowledges Paul Weller for providing the soundtrack to his life and contains an apology to all the women he could not commit to because, "there was always Sellik". Matt has been married three times.


    As for Ashton Lane and Jinty McGinties, Glasgow City Council must ensure the cobbled surface has more purchase, the number of Yahoos that continue to slip! Maybe, the club should provide better footwear? I hope none of the resident buskers impersonate Elvis.


    Hah, some good lines in that, applause.

  10. I greatly enjoyed all of Donegan's books, Four Iron In The Soul is particularly instructive regarding the reality of professional sport and well worth a read and No News At Throat Lake had genuine laugh out loud moments. On top of that I was a huge fan of Lloyd Cole and the Commotions, in my youth, indeed Rattlesnakes probably helped me lose my virginity, at least indirectly.

    However discovering Donegan on Twitter has been a mainly depressing experience, underlining the notion that you should never meet your heroes, or indeed follow them on Twitter.


    It's interesting watching many otherwise intelligent football supporters justify using the word 'hun'.

  11. At the risk of being controversial, I'd take Naismith back in a heartbeat.


    Top player, works hard, intelligent and can finish.


    For the record, I doubt it would ever happen.


    Naismith and Davis were made for the style of football we're playing now, they'd be sensational under Warburton.

  12. I don't think he was trying to belittle you but it was indeed a pretty stern reply. Ally and the players leaving has left a few sore spots. Some people do get het up about it. I personally think the difference is that we got a fee for Telfor whereas Naismith and co walked for free while still under contract making use of the situation at that time. Personally I disagree with John as I don't think you can liken 2 different situations.


    I wasn't trying to belittle anyone, I was disagreeing with him and explaining why. I'm disagreeing with you too so here's hoping your skin is a little thicker than Bruno's... :) Telfer left us for personal gain, he compounded that by leaving us for Dundee Utd, a club owned by a Rangers hater and at the forefront of the repeated attacks we've endured in recent years. That stuck in my craw.


    That we got money for him wasn't Telfer's doing, we could have ended up with next to nothing, he was walking out either way.

  13. How come when you make a comment on here some smart a--se with attitude comes on and tries to belittle You? Is that the way you speak to fellow gers fans?


    Belittle? I disagreed with your feelings of sorrow for Telfer and explained why. It's a message board, people you don't know will disagree with you particularly when you express concern for people who walked out on the club.

  14. I feel sorry for Charlie he was leaving a season before he did and was promised by ally that he would get first team experience but all he got was on the bench. Broken promises once again he had no options but to move on for first team appearances...


    He chose to leave Rangers for Dundee United. That's on him, it was his decision, he chose to leave no one made him. Plenty of fans seem unable to forgive Naismith, McGregor and co but somehow wee Charlie gets a bye because big bad Ally wouldn't give him a game. Boo hoo. Forgive me if I don't share your sorrow. He's hardly set the worst side in the SPFL alight, maybe he can blame McNamara for not playing him and then get a move to Celtic.

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