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Everything posted by JohnMc

  1. Calderwood was supposed to be our assistant manager under Advocaat all those years ago.
  2. I greatly enjoyed all of Donegan's books, Four Iron In The Soul is particularly instructive regarding the reality of professional sport and well worth a read and No News At Throat Lake had genuine laugh out loud moments. On top of that I was a huge fan of Lloyd Cole and the Commotions, in my youth, indeed Rattlesnakes probably helped me lose my virginity, at least indirectly. However discovering Donegan on Twitter has been a mainly depressing experience, underlining the notion that you should never meet your heroes, or indeed follow them on Twitter. It's interesting watching many otherwise intelligent football supporters justify using the word 'hun'.
  3. Ah, so he didn't get a signing on fee from Utd or are we not including that in 'earnings' then? He left Rangers for Dundee Utd, fuck him.
  4. JohnMc


    Naismith and Davis were made for the style of football we're playing now, they'd be sensational under Warburton.
  5. I wasn't trying to belittle anyone, I was disagreeing with him and explaining why. I'm disagreeing with you too so here's hoping your skin is a little thicker than Bruno's... Telfer left us for personal gain, he compounded that by leaving us for Dundee Utd, a club owned by a Rangers hater and at the forefront of the repeated attacks we've endured in recent years. That stuck in my craw. That we got money for him wasn't Telfer's doing, we could have ended up with next to nothing, he was walking out either way.
  6. Belittle? I disagreed with your feelings of sorrow for Telfer and explained why. It's a message board, people you don't know will disagree with you particularly when you express concern for people who walked out on the club.
  7. He chose to leave Rangers for Dundee United. That's on him, it was his decision, he chose to leave no one made him. Plenty of fans seem unable to forgive Naismith, McGregor and co but somehow wee Charlie gets a bye because big bad Ally wouldn't give him a game. Boo hoo. Forgive me if I don't share your sorrow. He's hardly set the worst side in the SPFL alight, maybe he can blame McNamara for not playing him and then get a move to Celtic.
  8. Put me in the Gordon Waddell camp too. Scottish football requires a revolution and soon before it withers on the vine, improving the overall quality of team in the top league would be a start. Impressive crowd that for Dunfermline, especially considering the opposition won't have brought many.
  9. Prophetic post Germinal, we were bullied last night, St Johnstone's physicality and experience were too much for us.
  10. C'mon, it's like a Victor Meldrew appreciation society meeting on this thread. Okay, we've got a third strip because it's no longer 1982, teams have three strips, sometimes four, that's how it works these days. They change every season, again, that's just how it is here in the 21st century. Why not purple? As long as our home strip has blue shirts, white shorts and red and black socks what does it matter the colour of our third strip? Rangers change strips don't have to be red, white or blue or a combination of the three, they just don't. We've had pin stripes, sashes, quarters, halves, broad stripes, hoops, collars and cuffs, chevrons, we've had all one colour, we've had four different colours at the same time, we've had white, red, light blue, dark blue, purple (imagine, the horror...) black, erm tangerine, aubergine we've had patterns on the sleeves, on the collars and in the fabric. We wore our first purple strip two decades ago, that makes it a traditional colour for us now because that's older than some of our players. Fashions change, colours are in then they're out. I'm looking forward to the day we introduce green to our third strip, British racing green or maybe a khaki shade, probably with navy piping. It'll fly off the shelves I tell you...
  11. The irony is we actually started last season well and went into the St Johnstone match with confidence and were worthy winners in the end. With all that came later it's easy to forget that.
  12. I've a book in the house written by a couple of professional American sport statisticians who analysed professional football. I found it fairly hard going to be honest but one of their insights was how ineffective corners are. They analysed literally thousands of them and their discovery was that you're far more likely to score from open play than from a corner set piece and that all corners should be taken short and used as a way to start a possession based move and not lobbed into the box looking for a header. It's all part of that 'moneyball' philosophy that's currently in vogue.
  13. Time will tell and I'll reserve judgement until then. The expectation that McCoist should be forensic accountant has always bewildered me though, he's a fitba player. That he held the club together almost single-handedly for a time is undeniable though.
  14. Oh I think he's made mistakes, I just think that in the passing of time we might look back and think we were actually very lucky to have a manager who was a strong character and had currency with both the media and the support that the directors didn't. His reputation has been tarnished, without a doubt, but in time I think we might view this period differently. It's terrifying to think what might have happened had our manager been someone Green or Ahmed appointed. It's not a perfect analogy but Churchill was a terrible politician and an even worse Prime Minister in peacetime, but we were lucky to have him during the WW2.
  15. If ever I find myself doubting my convictions I stop and think 'what would Ser Barriston Selmy say on this' and as long as it's the opposite of me then I know I'm on firm ground. I don't expect you to understand, there's no room for shades of grey in the black and white world you seem to inhabit. You still ranting against our manager buying English players or have you moved on to some new level of wrongness yet?
  16. Actually I think there's a very strong argument to be made that McCoist was the perfect person to manage us when he did and that history will judge him far more kindly than many supporters do today. The people who ran our club during his time as manager are currently facing charges of fraud and organised crime, just imagine what they might have done had they some patsy as manager instead of McCoist. Very few people will argue McCoist is a great football tactician and I doubt anyone would want to swap Warburton for him, but at that time it might be he was exactly the right person for the job.
  17. Was that the match where we started singing 'you've lost that loving feeling' or something like that as it was played on the tannoy? I've this memory of being on the old open terrace at Tynecastle in horrendous weather and the entire Rangers end eventually starting to revel in it as the match went on.
  18. Of more interest is that Rhys McCabe also featured as a trialist for Shrewsbury in the same reserve match Black did. When he broke into our side he looked like he could achieve great things, just goes to show you.
  19. To be fair he was playing for Thistle, how is anyone expected to do that without taking drugs.
  20. I'm not sure but that's a terrible slur on a knight of the realm... I'm not suggesting he shouldn't be punished, just that 2 years seems excessive. He already lost his job (Thistle sacked him) I'd have thought a 6 month ban with a further year suspended to be applied should he fall foul again is more appropriate. This is assuming he's not some sort of addict, in which case some sort of assistance might have been more beneficial.
  21. Teams will sit deep against us, press the space in the final third to stop us passing through them and try to break up our flow with fouls and time-wasting. Livingston did that on Saturday and I expect every side we play for the rest of the season will do the same, relying on set-pieces and counter attacks. That being the case it's important our centre-halves can pass the ball because in many cases they'll be starting our moves. We'll face two banks of five sitting around our midfield and forward line. If our defenders can only punt the ball that tactic could be effective, but if they can make a pass, carry the ball and break forward themselves then it becomes harder to implement as midfielders drop back and defenders break forward. Or something like that.
  22. Am I the only one who thinks a two year ban is a little harsh? It's not performance enhancing after all, at least not his football performance. I wonder if his off-field behaviour was the reason behind his release, at the time I was baffled why we didn't retain him, he left us to join a club two leagues higher.
  23. Not favouring flag waving and abseiling doesn't mean I don't recognise their bravery Bluedell, it's not an either/or scenario. It's not about reminding the soldiers about the reality of war, I'm pretty sure they've got a fairly good handle on that already, it's about reminding the politicians and members of the public who are completely detached from it. Too often in the past this country has sent young men off to die for no good reason other than it was politically expedient. I'm against anything that makes that easier. The armed forces have already been sent to fight ISIS even though parliament voted against military intervention. I'm not sure if tomorrow's activities will embolden those politicians or not but I'd rather not take the chance.
  24. I'm uncomfortable with the celebratory aspect of it, it's a personal thing and I'm not sure it's connected to my nationality. My father and my uncle were both in the Royal Marines, both my grandfathers were soldiers and I've a great uncle buried in a field in Belgium somewhere. For me it's not about being anti-army or anything like that, quite the opposite. I support the club honouring the armed forces, a minutes silence at the match nearest armistice day, a collection for Erskine and donating tickets to soldiers etc I can fully back. However it's the 'party' atmosphere I'm uncomfortable with, it's all got a bit of the 'Oh What A Lovely War' about it for me. I think it takes away from the reality of war and the eases the path with which politicians can send young men to their deaths and tabloids can whip up demands that we do so. I don't think it's just a Scottish thing either, many European countries are uncomfortable with this type of military celebration.
  25. To be fair they're probably his second team. Nice preview and an enjoyable angle to take. I've always felt Livingston were a plastic side, stolen from Meadowbank Thistle and artificially created in West Lothian. It's interesting to read of second generation of their support now, for whom they're as legitimate a side as any other.
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