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Posts posted by JohnMc

  1. For us probably Harold Davis, if his story was a Hollywood film you'd dismiss it as being to far-fetched. To be fair there were probably many now long forgotten players saw and did things in their lives we can't comprehend today. All depends on your definition of hard.


    Against Rangers I'll give you Claudio Gentile, played in the great Juventus side put to the sword at Ibrox in 1978. If you get a chance watch his 'performance' for Italy in the 1982 World Cup, his 'marking' of Maradona in the group matches and then Zico in the match of the tournament against Brazil is quite the eye-waterer.

  2. I cannot believe the overreaction to this news by some people.


    I have yet to see a better midfielder at Rangers since Ferguson retired. He has grown up a lot lately and has cut his teeth at a lower level. Over the last few years he has been working with part time players and really seems to have the desire to succeed as a coach.


    Yeah, I agree, I'm surprised at the outright hostility Ferguson receives. Ferguson let himself down as a player once in my opinion, and that was with Scotland. His falling out with Le Guen, with hindsight, was justified, (not that I felt that at the time), he was the club captain and could see the club wasn't being managed properly, he was right to speak out.


    In recent years Ferguson has conducted himself very well, he's clearly matured. His spells in England and at Clyde will have broadened his horizons.


    Who of us can honestly say they'd didn't do anything in their 20s they now regret?

  3. I mean this is all nonsense, innit? Not just the Darren Fletcher rumour that looks like complete fiction but also the 'tell me the four best young players' story. I mean if there's any word of truth in that then sign me up too for Ser Barstian Selmy's now closed thread. Any new manager should surely look at the squad for a couple of weeks and then say 'I need a centre half, a right midfielder and a sitting midfielder' or something like that? Not 'go sign me random young players'.

    I've my worries over Caixinha, everyone in Portugal seems astonished he's become our manager, but I'm willing to give the man a chance and see if perhaps he's learned a few things since leaving his homeland. But not for long if there's one scintilla of truth in that Jellybeans post.

  4. Thanks very much for the donations that have come in.


    We're raised £185 towards our target of £500.


    Please donate here on our website, every penny counts.




    This link seems to be broken? The link in the first post seems to go to a personal Paypal page, is that correct?


    Great work, you guys continue to impress with your diligence and your tenacity.

  5. Bill Struth had no managerial experience and had never even played football before he became Rangers manager. His football career had simply involved coaching prior to Wilton's untimely death.

    When Jock Wallace joined Rangers in 1970 he'd only managed Berwick Rangers. He'd spent some time coaching at Hearts but had no managerial or playing experience in the top flight of Scotland. I'd also point out that Willie Waddell performed as 'director of football' in all but name during most of Wallace's time at Rangers.

    Walter Smith had never managed anyone before getting the Rangers managers job.


    History is littered with successful Rangers managers who didn't have stellar playing careers or even impressive managerial careers prior to Rangers. Like most of us I've never heard of the man who it seems will be our next manager. Like most of us I'm a little surprised and little apprehensive. But, looking at what he's achieved (or not achieved as the case may be) without context and insight is pointless. PLG looked like one of the best managers in Europe before he joined us.


    Whoever comes in faces a big job. Our current squad isn't good enough to challenge for the league, we need some new and better players. The mentality of the squad needs to change too, it's weak and too easily bullied. I've no idea if Caixinha is the right man for the job or whether our directors have had too many fine roasted triple expressos washed down with organic craft beer and gone all hipster on us by plucking an unpronounceable Portuguese from the nether regions of football. He'll need to learn the realities of Scottish football and Scottish footballers fast, I wonder who his assistant will be, he'll be very important in all this.

  6. What is it people disagree with? McCoist is correct in everything he states, his point about McStay is very interesting, we've no one in our side currently who comes close to being a player of that ability or stature.

    As for why he's saying it he's working for Ladbrokes, has done on and off for a few years. It's an old PR trick to get the media to cover something that basically has no news value. Get someone who the media would like to interview along and allow them time to interview him in return for showing a pic of whatever is being promoted. What else are they going to ask McCoist about other than Rangers?

    I don't know if it's just a Rangers thing, or if it's a Scottish thing or if it happens all over, but fuck me we're quick to turn on our own. Just for fun here are the actual words he spoke;

    “It’s difficult to gauge the two periods,” said McCoist. “We’re certainly in a similar position now if not worse. That Celtic team – although we were dominant – was capable of beating us on the odd occasion. You don’t really see that right now.


    “I will contradict myself when I say Rangers can win the odd game, but as we all sit here I think we’d all say Celtic have got better players. In the 1990’s it wasn’t as much of a certainty that Rangers would win as it is now saying Celtic will win.


    “I always looked across the tunnel in Old Firm games and fancied our chances but there’s a big difference between that and knowing you’re going to win. There’s so many things can happen in an Old Firm game.


    “Celtic had some really good players. Paul McStay is one of the best I’ve ever played against. But when I looked at our team I was happy with it, although we never took it for granted that we would win.”


    “No Rangers fan in their right mind wants 10-in-a-row to happen but a far bigger issue is starting to compete against Celtic again on a regular basis,” he said. “They’ve got a chance on Sunday; the boys beat Celtic at Hampden in the semi-final last season and played as well as they have in a number of years.


    “But the in the last game at Parkhead, Celtic were dominant. Rangers were very good for around 55 minutes at Ibrox but Moussa Dembele and Scott Sinclair took over the game after that.


    “Rangers will have to play very well, defend well and carry a bit of luck. I feel for Graeme Murty. He’s in a position he wouldn’t have visualised at any time when he came up.”


    “Celtic are miles ahead. Aberdeen and Hearts are well run clubs and I have unbelievable respect for the way Anne Budge and Stewart Milne run their clubs – fantastic,” said McCoist. “But can they challenge Celtic? No chance. Celtic have kicked on. It’s not impossible – I think if you get investment you can get players to close gap initially and then work on other things. It’s not a no-hope situation but it’s very, very difficult.


    “In a one-off game you can beat Celtic. Rangers did it at Hampden last season, albeit on penalties when Celtic probably had the better chances. But that maybe gave people a bit of false hope; because Celtic have better players than Rangers at the moment. “Clearly, I don’t take any delight in saying that at all. In fact, before the 5-1 game at Parkhead I said Celtic were miles in front and Rangers wouldn’t challenge them this year.


    “I got dog’s abuse for saying that all over social media, so I was told. But was I right? I take no pleasure in it but Rangers are exactly where I thought they would be." “I’m certainly not going to be critical of previous managers,” I know better than anybody how difficult the job is even if you have a few quid.


    “This is not me being critical of Kenny McDowall, Stuart McCall or Mark Warburton. What I mean is Rangers needs massive investment – not just investment.”

    And if that doesn’t happen? “The same situation will follow. I just detect the patience of the Rangers fans – and the majority are fantastic – is wearing thin.”


    “There wouldn’t be a club if it wasn’t for the way the supporters rallied in the first couple of years after administration and then liquidation.” said McCoist. “They kept the club alive. “But I know better than anyone that the patience will be wearing thin. It’s only a matter of time before they turn on players, the board and individuals.

    That’s where we are at the moment. “Would Rangers be happy with second place? Most intelligent Rangers fans would have seen that as progress this season.


    Different question – would you settle for second being 35-40 behind Celtic? Probably not."


    Go on then, what is it anyone thinks is unfair, unkind or wrong about what McCoist said? I can see nothing to disagree with unfortunately, McCoist is measured and criticises no one.

  7. I'm puzzled why people don't think we need midfielders, it's clearly the area of the pitch that needs strengthened first. I really like Halliday and Holt but they simply aren't good enough to move us to the next level. We need central midfielders who can take the ball under pressure from the back and dictate play. Teams are closing us down too easily, denying us space and forcing us to play it long. Obviously Kranjcar was meant for this as was Barton. Warburton's philosophy and style is based on dominating possession and that requires midfielders who can dominate the game, McKay apart we don't have any just now. We're so slow and pedestrian at times, we need quicker thinkers and faster movers in midfield. I'm far from convinced the two loan signings are the answer though.

  8. Aird played a part for us, I remember his goal against Queen's Park causing a lot of relief all around me. Along with McLeod and McKay he looked like he might make it then, but for whatever reason it hasn't happened for him. Falkirk are a good club, he might find a second wind there. Good luck to him.


    Something has clearly gone wrong with Walsh. He has talent, but you need more than that to make it at a club like Rangers. It's a shame, every young player should look at Barrie McKay and see what can be achieved. He was another player who looked like it might not happen for him at one time.


    I noticed Morton are having a good season, sitting third with a game in hand and looking assured a play off place, Andy Murdoch is an ever present in their midfield and had his contract extended to the end of the season. He's the one whose release baffled me, why a ball playing central midfielder couldn't find a place in our squad when it's clearly our weakest area is a mystery.

  9. John Morrow was being touted as the 'next George Best' at one stage, but just never kicked on. I didn't know if it was a serious injury or just a young lad losing his way? Speaking of the Journey, I saw that Robbie Crawford has signed for East Kilbride. If memory serves, Big Jig thought that Robbie was the best of the youngsters at that time. I never felt that he was at the standard required by Rangers, but still surprised that he hasn't found a professional league club.


    He was injured but how serious it was I can't recall.


    I remember reading an article a few years back about the highest rated kids coming through in Scotland and Crawford and Jason Holt were two tipped for the very top. But then football is littered with kids who were world beaters at 15 and playing Junior by 21.

  10. Perhaps it was Mr Anthony Higgins, who sat on the panel with Nevin, and AN Other.


    As for Nevin, some time ago, he recalled, on Radio 5, an anecdote from his time at Tranmere Rovers. Apparently, his services were coveted by Bolton Wanderers, but he and his wife were settled on Merseyside, and did not fancy such a move. Consequently, when the Manager informed him of an enquiry from another Club, he assumed that it was the Trotters, and said that he was not interested. He was, he said, very upset when he found out that the inquiry was from the very team he had supported since boyhood, sellikfootballclub, to whom he would have moved with alacrity. By the time he chaired the panel on Mizuno, he was of course, a Hibbie, through and through, and completely disinterested in rahoops' affairs.


    To be fair to Nevin he has publicly spoken about not wanting his children to support Celtic because of the sectarianism he could hear around him in the stands. Not many people are brave enough to say that or apparently have good enough hearing in the first place.


    But on your bigger point the panel that sits on these things is a farce. How can anyone can claim a 19 year old from Ghana without an international cap should get a work permit? I'd say that if we'd signed him.

  11. Andy Kennedy went out with my cousin for a while, he looked like he might have a big future at one time, his first goal for Rangers was a cracker. He came through at the same time as Dave Macpherson and Hugh Burns just before Durrant and Derek Ferguson. Billy Davies was another around that time, he was very highly rated but got injured and released.

    John Morrow was a sad one, I remember seeing him play for us at McDiarmid Park a long time ago and he looked like he was going to be a superb player. Didn't he pick up a really bad injury?


    Chris Vinniecombe, Davie Kirkwood, Brian Reid, big things were expected of all of them at one time.

  12. Kind of on topic I read something very recently that written online media will become available in a similar way to how music is available on Spotify. So, you'd pay a small(ish) monthly subscription and that would give you access to thousands of articles from all across the world, the writer or publisher would then get a payment every time someone read their article. Algorithms would see the type of articles you enjoy and suggest new ones to you and so on. As a business model it has some appeal to smaller regional 'papers'.

    In the end this will still reward writers of popular articles rather than factual articles.


    As a matter of interest has anyone on here read either issue of Nutmeg? https://www.nutmegmagazine.co.uk/

  13. Good point about Cathro's age counting against him too. As Calscot says Levein might well provide the backing and the authority that Cathro needs.


    I actually think Levein was a better manager than he's given credit for however the Prague debacle was all his doing. The concept of flooding midfield and hitting on the break is fine if you have the players to carry it out. Scotland didn't.


    I notice Barry Ferguson doesn't mention calling Iain King of the Sun from his car on the drive away from Murray Park that fateful day, he must have forgotten about that call...

  14. Newspapers have never been impartial, very few have even pretended to be impartial. They've almost always openly supported a particular political party and that ideology has been editorial led. In times past that would have been a left or right wing a Tory or Labour support, in recent times we've seen 'nationalism' also enter the equation. So any demand for impartiality in newspapers is pointless, they are private companies and can support who they want and report stories to suit their readership.


    Broadcast media used to try and be impartial but most commercial stations are right leaning and always have been, today Murdoch owned media doesn't pretend to be anything else.

    The BBC is the issue, it does have a duty to impartiality and at times falls well short of it in my opinion.


    What is often overlooked is economics. The BBC aside all the rest are commercial organisations that need to earn money. There is very little appetite to pay for content online, and so click-bait type articles have come to the fore. It's a shame but we've only got ourselves to blame. I stopped being surprised at how many Rangers supporters insist on reading articles from bloggers and journalists that they already know to be biased. Just don't, ignore them, they rely on your clicks, if you don't it will disappear.


    "Aggressive shut down mobs" are not limited to Scottish nationalists, anyone who thinks that is deluding themselves. I know a few bluenoses who've suffered astonishing abuse online from fellow bears.

  15. There are parallels between the new Hearts boss and PLG. Not so much in record, PLG's record was much better, but in terms of the media reaction and expectation compared to that of professional players. PLG was going to 'revolutionise' Scottish football, new diets, new training and new ideas. I read similar things about Cathro. The problem PLG faced and Cathro will face is the actual man-management side of it. To introduce anything new you need to be able to communicate and win the trust of professional players, a generally cynical, hard-bitten and conservative group.


    Interestingly the only truly revolutionary moment on sport in recent years was the Moneyball episode in major league baseball. But the architect of Moneyball thinking, Paul Depodesta, was unable to implement his thinking, he'd never played the sport and was viewed with suspicion by players and managers. It needed Billy Beane, a highly regarded coach and former professional player, to introduce Depodesta's ideas.


    When Southampton appointed Sir Clive Woodward as Sporting Director it should have heralded the beginning of a golden period for the club. Woodward is/was a progressive thinker, a hugely successful coach in rugby union he was tasked with modernising the sport's science and culture at the club. Instead he clashed with the existing coaches almost from day one. The head coach, Harry Redknapp, left before the year was out, Woodward's appointed Head of Sport's Science lasted two months and eventually Woodward himself realised he was unable to communicate and manage footballers successfully.


    As a footnote Woodward was later appointed the head of coaching for the British Olympic team and oversaw the most successful period in British Olympic history.

  16. A similar scheme has been in place in Scotstoun for a few years now, primarily for the Glasgow Warriors games. It's great for residents, it can be a nightmare parking anywhere near your house when a match is on, something that made me very angry when our kids were still babies. I'm surprised this hasn't been introduced before now, the Scotstoun scheme is about 4 years old now.


    Ibrox is well served by public transport, there are car parks at various underground stations and the Science Centre is only a 10 minute walk from the ground.

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