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Everything posted by JohnMc

  1. Yeah, I'm not sure leaving the SPFL for the MLS can be described as showing a lack of ambition these days, indeed arguably it's the opposite. Wilson showed ambition when he left us for Liverpool, it didn't work out. Maybe he's realistic about what he can achieve in his career and playing abroad might be one of his ambitions. It's frustrating he's going but he can be replaced, indeed he already has been. Good luck to him.
  2. Am I the only person that thinks he looks like a ginger James Tavernier?
  3. Burt uses the same agent as Naismith and Whittaker. Burt looked like a great prospect a couple of seasons ago, I suppose it depends in his injury and how serious it was. Anyway, with Declan and Sean in the side there's space for a Liam now!
  4. I'd the misfortune to listen to the tranny last night. I'd foolishly assumed we'd get an 'as-live' commentary from the studio and was stunned when I realised the Hibs/Dundee match was being covered. They cut to Rob McLean when we scored and they half-heartedly admitted Morelos was in decent form and having a good season. The second half was much the same, cutting away to other grounds if someone scored. The radio gave the impression of a more even contest than those in attendance have since told me it was. It's farcical that second against third isn't the match to receive live commentary.
  5. It might not be a big surprise if Wilson moves into midfield with Martin and Bates or Cardoso at centre half. This will be a hard game, changing our midfield against Aberdeen was a smart and a very effective move last time, but Aberdeen will be wise to it this time, be interesting to see what we do.
  6. I don't think he was there in his capacity as Chairman of Celtic to be fair. That being said I'm not too sure how much longer the Whisky Shop is for this world. Douglas Park Ltd is a far stronger business. I suspect political leanings are as important to this guest list as business acumen.
  7. I agree he's all those things, however I still think you over estimate some of our support. People were championing Whyte even after we went into administration and likewise Green was lionised by a surprising amount of people despite what I thought were very clear signs he was bad news. This is all hypothetical, I don't think Ashley will return to Rangers, but if he did and he made the right sort of noises and tapped into some of the concerns a section of the support have towards King there would be people who would welcome him. There would be people who'd welcome Kim Jong Un and Donald Trump if they promised to sign Messi and stop Celtic winning the league.
  8. We could use a nippy right winger to be fair.
  9. Do Bayern have much of a youth conveyor belt then? I thought they bought the best players from every other German club and were hated for it?
  10. I actually agree with Rab and Ally on this. I don't think McCoist is as out-of-touch with the greater support as some of us think. There is a percentage of every club's support, and some cases quite a big percentage, who will back anyone who promises to invest money. We're no different. It's not that long ago that a fairly well known supporter's group were championing Craig Whyte, and a good number were very supportive of Charles Green for a long time. Indeed one of the reasons I switched full-time to Gersnet was reading some of the stick both Gunslinger and Forlan's Sister got on another forum from posters who refused to believe those in charge of our club were harming it. If Mike Ashley said he'd learned from past mistakes and he wanted to invest £50 million in Rangers and win the league and take us back into the Champion's League there would be people in our support who would back him, there's nothing surer. Not everyone is as aware of business and boardroom and off-field personalities as your average Gersnet poster is. I wouldn't want Ashley anywhere near Rangers, but I learned a while ago that not everyone thinks like I do!
  11. Thank you. Who else does he represent that we can sign!!
  12. Who are his "representatives" then?
  13. If I'm being entirely honest I do avoid wearing green whenever possible, which is 99% of the time. Father Ted is the most anti-Irish programme ever made, it was literally banned by RTE for years. Other than that Germinal currently speaks for me.
  14. I voted 'No' because having weighed everything up I felt it was the better choice. But I'm open minded on it and could see me change my vote if the current UK government continues down the path it's currently on. I've a good number of bluenose friends who voted 'Yes' because they came a different conclusion. I find being a 'bear' has no influence on what I eat, watch on TV or believe politically, I'm always curious when people conflate being a Rangers supporter with some other belief. For the record my sister married a St Mirren fan, as I said to him he'd a lot of experience of pain and disappointment, that would help him living with my sister...
  15. Cummings is surely being sought to provide competition to Morelos and options for Murty. With Miller injured and possibly finished we've only got Herrera and Hardie as recognised forwards at the club. No one has seen enough to know if Herrera is good enough and judging by his lack of appearances Murty doesn't think Hardie is capable. That's not good enough for a club like ours. Cumming is similar is size and style to Morelos and can be interchangeable should Morelos get injured, suspended or lose form. Plus I suspect there will be interest in Morelos from clubs with more money than us in the not too distant future. Martin can come in an do a 'Davie Weir', we need a couple more experienced professionals at the club.
  16. You have way more faith in the decision makers at Rangers than I do. Nothing I've witnessed recently has given me any reason to think they've the first idea what they're doing.
  17. Under difference circumstances I'd have agreed with you but having watched the management of our club procrastinate, dither and blunder over the last 12 months I'm not sure you're correct about that. I do think there's no desire to sign him though, rightly or wrongly. I think it would have leaked if we were interested or pursuing him.
  18. At 31 I doubt Naismith is past it, and even if he's lost a yard of pace Naismith's game wasn't based on speed and power. With Pena gone and Kranjcar struggling we need some guile. Naismith offers that and can play as a second striker very effectively. Indeed a busy, explosive type player like Morelos would do well paired with Naismith. Players like Tav, John, Holt and Windass would love playing with Naismith, he sees runs, he finds space and he creates openings for players like them. He also brings experience, our starting 11 against Celtic was one of the youngest and least experienced I've seen Rangers field. We need some experience in our side. I've no idea if the Hearts story has any truth in it, but he clearly wants to come 'home' and I can't think of any good reasons why Rangers wouldn't facilitate that.
  19. Wasn't Sinclair closer to the 'Strachan philosophy', and one a number of English sides subscribe too as well? Strachan's point, after the last Scotland qualifier, about us not producing players who were as a big as other countries was mocked by most people afterwards. It also seems more amusing coming from someone of his stature who enjoyed relative success as a player. This is something he's spoken about before. But he's not alone in believing the top class player not only has to be technically great but also physically 'big'. It might surprise some to know that Arsene Wenger believes in this too. Have a look at his successful sides and they'd barely a player under 5'11" in them. The recent Barcelona side has turned this on it's head. The triumvirate of Messi, Xavi and Iniesta proving that ability always trumps physicality. Ironically McCrorie, at 6'1", would be Sinclair's perfect player.
  20. That really is disgraceful. Copyright is funny, if the guy has permission from the photographer to use the images he's probably in the clear, but those featured can still request he removes their image from any publicly available material. But where would he have got an image of someone who was just a supporter, not a player or director? And who gave him that permission?
  21. You are making progress Grasshopper.
  22. I wonder if he asked, and received, permission from John Brown, Ally McCoist, Andy Goram, Paul Murray, El Hadji Diouf, Dave King, Alastair Johnston and Stuart McCall, among others, to use their image on the poster? I mean this is a grubby, money making exercise, it would be so sad if he hadn't permission and was forced to remove all copies of it and compensate those whose image he used without prior approval. Hope nobody tells Andy Goram or Bomber about this...
  23. This. There's confusion over the winter break. Some pundits laughably think it's to do with avoiding bad weather and have a moan when it snows or freezes in February. It's nothing to do with weather and all to do with giving the players a break. It's meant to allow players who have been playing with injuries to get them addressed, either through an op or through rest. As supporters we're often critical of players commitment without realising that most players play with ongoing injuries. Either playing through the pain barrier which can lead to their performances being compromised or with pain killers which can lead to injuries getting worse. Hopefully these are nothing too serious and both can get over them within a couple of weeks.
  24. How come it didn't work out with Thomson coaching at Hibs? That seems the most obvious fit for him. Vignal is the intriguing one for me. He's hardly part of an 'old boys' club, having only played one season for us, on loan, a good while ago. He apparently lives in France again too. Isn't this all the work of Craig Mulholland rather than the Director of Football?
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