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Posts posted by JohnMc

  1. 4 minutes ago, Ser Barristan Selmy said:

    I don't think having a small amount of caps for Mexico necessarily means anything. Remember when Celtic signed Brazilian internationalist Rafael Scheidt? 

    I'm not sticking up for Pena but Rafeal Scheidt was part of a scam that Celtic, and a few other clubs, fell for. The Brazil manager and a number of football agents realised that a player who was a full Brazilian international commanded a premium transfer fee and salary in Europe. Plus without international recognition it was hard to get a work permit for some countries. So Wanderlay Luxemburgo, the Brazil manager, and I imagine a number of officials at the Brazilian FA, arranged copious amounts of meaningless friendlies where players never normally good enough to be picked for Brazil got capped. These players were then touted to gullible European sides as full Brazilian internationals (which they technically were) who fell for the rouse and signed them up, often on lucrative contracts and decent transfer fees. I'm sure the players got some of it but Luxemburgo and the agents grew fat off this until it was rumbled after a few years. 


    I'm surprised Celtic haven't demanded an independent enquiry into it.


    Pena looks a shadow of the player he must have been at some point in his career, whatever his failings today he earned his caps the correct way. 

  2. He's one of these young players for who an awful lot is expected, whether that'll ever be fulfilled is another matter. He's already a Wales international although I suspect that was fast-tracked as England were trying to persuade him to represent them. He scored the winner in his second match for Wales too. He needs to start playing regular first team football that's for sure.

  3. 1 hour ago, the gunslinger said:

    I mean in future years. Weve set our stall out now.

    I can remember when they not only got the Broomloan but also the West Enclosure and a wee bit of the Main Stand. Things change, because we've decided to do this now doesn't mean it'll be the case forever. I could see a time when both clubs stop away allocations completely if the cost of policing and stewarding continues to rise. In ten years time things might be very different, you cut your cloth accordingly. 

  4. 4 minutes ago, forlanssister said:

    They currently receive 4 for the Broomloan and us 16 for there, they will now receive 7 for the Govan West Corner and we will be reduced to circa 6 or less over there.


    I'm not averse to the move per se in fact I'm inclined to welcome it but a nett reduction in available home wheelchair spaces when there's a waiting list of 221 people isn't acceptable.

    That's unfortunate, I'm sorry. Hopefully something can be worked out, I've no idea of the logistics or availability for other suitable parts of the ground. 

  5. 4 hours ago, Bluedell said:

    We've had lots of different colours of away strips.




    I don't see the problem in an orange/tangerine strip. It's a nice colour and it looks good. The oranje cup final looked superb.


    We've had orange buses and orange subway trains in Glasgow. So what? Likewise I've worn green ties and orange ties.


    If we want to move away from religion then we need to stop associating colours with religion.  It's just a colour.



    For the record I have never worn a green tie. 


    The oranje cup final was superb. I'd no intention of wearing an oranje top to it, dressing up for cup finals wasn't really me, all felt a bit too tartan army for my tastes. I was driving down Dumbarton Road to pick up my mate listening to Cosgrove and Cowans on the tranny. Cosgrove was spitting feathers about the oranje thing, inferring anyone who took part was clearly a bigot and it shouldn't be allowed. I promptly stopped at a wee Partick clothes shop and bought an orange t-shirt. A few pints later I'd bought an orange wig too. It was a great day and the stadium looked immense. 

    A great after party in The Nile that night too. 

  6. 10 minutes ago, forlanssister said:

    This means Rangers wheelchair fans will now receive less tickets for the fixture at Ibrox and across the city while they will receive increased wheelchair allocations.



    How's that work Forlan? 


    Forlan's concern aside having more Rangers supporters in the ground at every match and having more season ticket holders sounds like a good move to me. I could care less how Celtic feel about this or what they do in return. 

  7. I'm not sure where to begin with this. I mean it's a very bad idea for any Rangers player to sit among Celtic fans at any match, they are putting themselves in a position of danger if nothing else. Whilst he's not the most high profile player he was clearly still recognised and, had the match gone differently, some of their support might not have been in a friendly mood. 


    Secondly he can't be that naive. He's from here, he 'gets it', he was brought up with it. You could maybe excuse a foreign player or maybe an English one, where this type of thing might happen without comment. But this is Glasgow, and rightly or wrongly you don't do that here. A Rangers player, any Rangers player, watching a cup final Rangers aren't in, from the Celtic end, must rank as a stupid thing to do. If he was an ex-Motherwell player and in the Motherwell end then okay, that could be explained. Not the Celtic end though, that's unforgivable in my book.  


    Lastly with MO'H and his background he should be particularly sensitive to this type of thing. We pay his wages, and whatever frustrations he might have with the club there's a new manager coming in and everyone get's a fresh start. Why blow it before Gerrard even sees you train? 


    I think the best I can come up with is to agree with Frankie, MO'H is clearly not very bright.  

  8. 11 minutes ago, Bluedell said:

    I don't know where all these pro-independence Gers fans are. They don't sit beside me at Ibrox, they weren't in my supporters club, I don't know them socially or through business. 


    Out of all the Rangers fans I know, there's only one whom I'm aware is pro-independence. 

    Do you live in Glasgow BD? I've always assumed you do, I'm not sure why though. Personally I don't know how it's possible to live in Greater Glasgow and not know, or know of, lots of independence supporting Rangers fans. I mean half the people I know openly support the SNP or the concept of independence now. Some of the are nominal supporters who never go to games and watch infrequently on TV or catch games on radio, some are lapsed attenders due to family/work/cost commitments and some are guys who Rangers still play a big part in their lives. 

    I thought you'd be hanging around with Jim McColl BD, that not the kind of circles you move in! :D

  9. 9 hours ago, Bluedell said:

    Don't forget that the SNP's Dornan plans to fight sectarianism. 


    Yet again sectarianism is a one way street as far as the SNP are concerned. 

    It's annoying anyone in our support asks his opinion, it only increases his credibility as a spokesperson on this issue. If they really wanted political input there's another 300 politicians they could have asked. We really don't box clever. 


    It's disingenuous nonsense to suggest the term 'Hun' doesn't mean Protestant. They can claim all they want that it isn't what they mean but it sure as hell is what I hear when they use it. It reminds me of when people claim they use the word 'Fen1an' only to describe 19th century Irish republicans. That may indeed be the case but today people hear 'Roman Catholic'. The meaning of words changes. I see the meme going round that shows Jock Stein and Neil McCann as if this somehow shows the word has no religious connotations. I wonder if a similar meme showing Neil McCann and Jock Stein where the word 'Hun' was replaced with the word 'Fenian' would appease Mr Dornan. We already know the answer. 


    All of that before we even get to the use of the word 'scum'. I mean how do the club and police allow that?  



  10. On 5/8/2018 at 22:10, Gonzo79 said:

    I watched tonight's game in a pub full of Hearts fans.  They are rather perplexed that Ian Cathro's arrival at Tynecastle was greeted by bad press but Gerrard's arrival at Ibrox has been greeted by good press.


    I just smiled.

    Of course Cathro's arrival was actually greeted by good press from journalists and cynicism from players and ex-players. The media bought into Cathro being some kind of new super-coach despite the lack of evidence to back that up. With Gerrard the media has been largely negative and dismissive however players and ex-players have been largely positive and open to him. Now that might be because players and ex-players stick together and didn't fancy someone with Cathro's background getting one of 'their' jobs, or it might be because they know and understand the workings of a team and dressing room better than journalists. 

  11. Pena is 28 years old. If he's not 'wised up' by now he never will. The reason he joined Rangers was clubs in Mexico had lost faith in him, only the Caixinho connection got him a gig at Cruz Azul, now that's bombed no one will touch him. I'd be astonished if he ever plays for Rangers again. He'll surely be told he needs to report to training everyday, but he won't be considered for the 1st team and he won't be getting any win or appearance bonuses, or else he can find another club or rip up his contract and walk away. I expect a similar conversation has/will take place with Herrera. 


    I think we'll keep Morelos though I don't expect us to sign Cummings permanently. 

  12. When club's tell a young player they are releasing him because he's 'too small' they aren't telling the truth. It's a kind way of saying 'we don't think you're good enough'. It leaves the player with some hope, they are able to contextualise the rejection and deal with it differently that way. A player can't do anything about his size, so the rejection doesn't hurt as much. I mean you only have to go and look at the players parents to get a fairly accurate idea of what height and build they'll have, even that's not beyond our youth coaches surely.


    There is a good argument that clubs the size of Rangers shouldn't have a youth set-up. A young player needs to be so exceptional to make our first team that the odds are simply stacked against them. Morgan is a perfect example. Let St Mirren develop him, make his mistakes there and learn the game, then if he's good enough he joins us. Docherty is another example. Would he have made it at Rangers if he'd joined us from school? He certainly wouldn't have played nearly 100 first team games by the age of 20 if he had. He got that chance at Hamilton where there is less pressure and less scrutiny. Perhaps we should invest our resources in helping a couple of smaller sides develop young players instead, with us taking first refusal on them. 

  13. 37 minutes ago, der Berliner said:


    "That's revisionism and just blatant lies." ... now you throw earnest stuff about like confetti. Maybe I "misquoted" you, my dear friend and fellow Bear.


    As for the rest, I was expecting any reason why Gerrard the person was not of a calibre of Souness the person. Will ask more precisely next time around.


    Regarding the Board, I specifically asked what they should have done at the time instead of what they did. And perhaps we refrain from picking cherries like "throwing money after Pena's old club". We sit neatly here and telling the Board what garbage they have picked with PC and Pena and whatnot, or not substituting Murty with someone better. Yeah, that's all  fine and well, based on hindsight. Too bad the Board has no crystal balls to see how plans work out in 6 months time. I reckon they deemed it a good choice with PC last summer. I also assume that there wasn't a reasonable candidate about in January bar McInnes, and most likely not for lack of trying (though since we don't know, they are all sitting ducks for the dissenters). And for all the FLAK now aimed at Murty and Co. after the last three OF games, go back to the eve before the Ibrox game and check the sentiments there and then.


    Quite a few people like their Black & White scenarios when reality hardly is like that. The Ibrox game killed our season, it seems clear that Murty did lose the dressing room and the players just trotted along ever after. They, much like Murty have to shoulder the blame after that ... and you'd earn serious coin if you or anyone else had the ability to forecast that at the end of January. They there will obviously some know-alls claiming exactly that.


    With respect dB Gersnet was full of posters saying quite clearly that Pedro was a bizarre appointment minutes after he was made. There is no revisionism or hindsight required there, there were plenty who could see how Pedro's reign was going to turn out without the need for a crystal ball. Unfortunately none of those people were on our board. This board deserve credit for what they've done right but they also deserve criticised for what they've done wrong. Well they've handled our managerial position, arguably the most important position at the club, very poorly since they took control.


    As for why Gerrard "the person" isn't of the same calibre as Souness let me try and answer that. For one Souness played for four senior sides before joining Rangers,. He had experience of different clubs, different dressing rooms and different footballing cultures. Gerrard played for one club almost his entire career, a retirement party in LA being his only experience of life away from Anfield. He's never had to walk into a new dressing room and adapt or change it. 

    Secondly Gerrard has some very iffy friendships. His connections to organised crime in Liverpool is well documented, a simple Google search will fill you in on that. As far as I know Souness never provided a character reference in court for gangster. Neither did Souness beat someone up in a bar because he didn't like the music he was playing. 

    Lastly, for football reasons alone, I don't think we don't need another inexperienced coach. We need someone who knows how to galvanise a side, create a team spirit and some tactical awareness. There are managers out there who we know possess this, no one knows if Gerrard does. 

  14. I think the term you're looking for is mass hysteria, it's incredible and baffling in equal measure. 


    If Rangers were appointing the under 18 coach from Spurs or Southampton there would be nothing like the excitement this seems to be generating. Yet both those clubs have a far better record of producing young players than Liverpool do suggesting their under 18 coaches might be quite good. I mean if we feel the way forward is to find a young, ambitious, but untried at first team level, coach then Mikel Arteta for example would make much more sense. 


    This is a hell of a gamble. I find it surprising because we're genuinely not that far away from competing for this league. The side needs more belief and back bone and some leadership, we need a stronger back line, but we're the highest scorers in the league despite another tumultuous season off the park. We need stability, nous and experience in my opinion. 


    People have compared this to the Souness appointment, wrongly I think. Rangers were fifth that season on goal difference, only one goal better off than sixth placed Dundee. The season before we were fourth, 21 points behind the champions. We need a catalyst for radical change, we were a long way behind Celtic, Aberdeen and Dundee Utd at that time. We're not now, we're just poorly managed. 


    The fact Gerrard was a very good player means nothing. We'll be asking him to coach players who aren't as good as he was and not capable of doing what he could.


    It might interesting to look over the city for a moment. Rodgers was reserve coach at Chelsea for a few seasons. Well thought of he was offered the managers job at Watford. Taking over when they were in danger of relegation he kept them up. He left shortly after to take theReading job, a club he'd been at before. Reading didn't work out well and he left after 6 months with them fourth bottom. Rodgers made mistakes at both clubs. As neither is in much spotlight outside of their own towns this largely passed unnoticed. He was able to learn and when he landed the job at Swansea, a club well run with a clear structure in place he flourished. 

    You don't get to make mistakes at Rangers, the spotlight is always on, shining very brightly. 


    So far this mass hysteria has passed me by. Who knows though, it's clearly contagious so I might succumb soon. 

  15. Warnock was interviewed a couple of years ago and claimed then he'd never manage in the EPL again. He explained that the type of players required to play at that level don't respond to his type of management. It was a remarkably honest interview. He said he's an organiser and a motivator and that works at Championship level and below. So if he does get Cardiff promoted he might become available, and if doesn't he might stay there for another season. I suspect the lure of possible European football might be quite appealing for him although he apparently lives in Cornwall and commutes! 

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