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Posts posted by JohnMc

  1. It's hard to know how difficult some of these fixtures will be. Kilmarnock could implode without Clarke, their managerial appointment is certainly ambitious but would anyone be surprised if an Italian with very little previous experience of leading a side and no experience of Scottish football actually struggles. Livingston fell away last season after a blistering start, I expect them to spend the season fighting the drop this coming season, they've lost a couple of key players as well. Hibs at home and St Mirren away we should dispatch, you can't challenge for a league if you can't win those matches. End of November to the New Year is a busy time with some traditionally difficult matches, that could be a difficult period. 

    Qualifying for the Europa League could be a double edged sword. We should start the league season having played some competitive matches, in theory perhaps a little ahead of some other sides. But those games might catch up on some players as the season goes on, we'll need to use the squad wisely. 

    Anyway, bring it on, can't wait for it to start again. 

  2. This seems to have been greeted with a collective shrug yet I can't help but feel this is a significant decision. Is it the right one though? If the goal is playing against 'men' as is stated in the article then surely sending players out on loan is the answer? If it's playing against better 'reserve' sides than the SPFL currently have then fair enough. I guess my only concern is the SPFL reserve league will have an element of competition to it and an element of rivalry. The matches against assorted English and European sides will be friendlies. It'll be interesting to see if players can push on this season and this change does bear fruit. 

  3. I met a Cork City fan once, he told me that sometimes Cork supporters say they follow Rangers as their 'Scottish team' to noise up the Dublin sides particularly Shamrock Rovers. 

    Looking at the LoI table Cork aren't having a good season, however they'd be up for this and as they play a summer season will be sharper than most. Gerrard has a huge profile in Ireland, he'll be a massive draw there too. 


    Be good to horse the Luxemburgers though, then just Chesterfield left to avenge! 

  4. As most of us played football, not necessarily to any great level, but even if just as kids, then we've probably all looked at professional players and imagined what we could have done if we'd had their ability. We of course view that opportunity through the prism of our own lives which have been largely untouched by adulation, great wealth and expectation. 


    I saw the new film about Maradona at the weekend, and it's fantastic. Now, it might not be for everyone, firstly it's a documentary and secondly it's largely in Italian and Spanish so subtitled, so if that's not your thing quit reading now. 


    For me, as a football fan rapidly approaching my the end of my fifth decade one this earth, Maradona was the greatest player of my generation. This film focuses on his time at Napoli, the peak of his career. He took a side that had never troubled the honours in Italian football and usually fought relegation, from the poorest and most unfashionable city in the country and turned them into one of the best sides in the world. During that period he also won the World Cup and reached the final again four years later, both as captain. 

    The film is much more than football though, it's an insight into the utter madness that was his life. He was treated like a God in Naples and eventually that drove him mad. 

    It's made by the same director who made Amy and Senna, both of which are stunning films. This is no different. It truly gives you an insight into how his life in Naples was and how no one is really equipped to deal with that. 


    If you can, go see it, I'm not sure what kind of release it's getting, I saw it at the GFT in Glasgow if that helps. 


    If nothing else you'll see footage of the greatest player ever on the big screen, it's almost worth it for that alone. 


  5. Four Lads was clearly reading @Govan Rear Bear 's blog at the weekend. 


    That's a horrible looking car, he might as well have been driving a Trabant. I knew almost nothing about this player until yesterday. A quick read up of course now makes me an expert on him and suggests this is his make or break season. He seems to have been some sort of boy wonder, playing for MK Dons under 18s when he was only 13 and costing Liverpool £2million to sign as a 14 year old. After a fairly bright start things seem to have tailed off although not every 20 year old is capable of moving abroad and settling well. Let's hope Govan is more to his liking than the Champagne region of France.

  6. 3 hours ago, Uilleam said:

    The self-styled "Tartan Army" became an end in itself; various worthies appointed themselves  "Commanders", or some such, of area based "Battalions"; the football became of increasingly secondary importance. One need only consider the songbook, the most notable of which are "The Tartan Army Boys", and, Gawd help us all, "Doh-a-Deer", neither of which relate to the team, or even the sport. Maybe I am missing something (irony?), but it all seemed, and continues to seem, very much

    "Carry On Scotland", and as camp as a row of tents.

    There's probably some sort of correlation between Scotland becoming a poor footballing nation and the 'Tartan Army' seeing football as of secondary importance. 

    I'm not sure we can criticise them for their choice of songs, singing songs that have got nothing to do with football is hardly unique to them. 

    But the dressing up and giving people ranks and all that martial nonsense, they deserve all the derision you can muster for that. 

  7. 30 minutes ago, Bluedell said:

    He doesn't say what % are Rangers fans. Could be under 10%. I also wouldn't be surprised if a majority who are Rangers fans don't go to Rangers games.

    The majority of Rangers fans don't attend matches regularly so there might be something in what you say. Fat Eck always went to Scotland matches and was in the Supporters Club last time I spoke to him (which was a few years ago now) so some who go to both do exist. It could be under 10%, I'm not sure what that proves though? Like a lot of people I was initially surprised by this, but as the club with the biggest support I suppose the odds were we'd still be well represented. 


    As I understand it the data comes from the official Scotland Supporter's Club member database, there's an option on it to declare what side you support apparently. It was the head of digital for the SFA who published it. I'm not sure the SFA are all that interested in deflecting criticism, they're fairly impervious to it all in all.

  8. At this stage of their careers they simply need games, they need to be playing week in and week out and learning their trade. If that's not going to happen at Ibrox then it's better for everyone they go out on loan. It's very hard for a teenager to become a first team regular at our club. 

  9. What do you think is the point of it Rangers Syntax? I understand there are millions of people in China with a burgeoning interest in European football and an increasing disposable income, but I suspect we must seem like a Junior side compared to the Champion's League and big Spanish and English sides. 


    What I would say is Celtic made some money when they signed the South Korean and the Japanese players a few years ago. I'd a long conversation recently with someone involved in that and apparently Celtic were astonished at the interest it created there, and the subsequent web traffic and shirt sales that followed. 


    For me, a bit more time spent shoring up support in this country would be money better spent. I worry we're heading down the 'Ireland' road now in Scotland. So many young lads in Scotland now support Man City or Chelsea, I suspect there will be a few supporting Liverpool and Spurs in the coming years too. That's a far bigger threat to our club than potential shirt sales in Shenzhen I think.  

    We had that tie in with a Chinese club before, you could buy their shirts at Ibrox for a while. How did that work out in the end? 

  10. Oh he wanted Laudrup and expected him to be there when he joined. Murray had told Advocaat he was confident he could persuade Laudrup to remain at Rangers. Murray was nothing if not confident about most things. 


    For all his tactical shortcomings Walter Smith was able to build incredible team spirit and Laudrup bought into, and enjoyed, that aspect of Rangers. As has been said by others I also would have loved to see Laudrup under Advocaat, however Advocaat was a Marmite type manager capable of falling out with his best players, so who knows what might have happened. 

  11. 53 minutes ago, Bluedell said:

    I guess it depends on your definition of world class, and people could argue about that all day. Goram was world class, and arguably Butcher and possibly Gough were.


    However I would say that Laudrup is the best player to play in Scotland over the last 50 years, and arguably ever.

    100% agree.


    If anyone is any doubt that Laudrup was indeed 'world class' I suggest they watch the Brazil v Denmark World Cup quarter final match from 1998. Laudrup was astonishing in that game, a game a country of 5 million people had no right to be in, against the eventual World Cup runners up. 

  12. I saw Sturridge had been released by Liverpool and woendered if Gerrard, who must know him fairly well, might be interested.  He was a superb player but his injury record is a worry and Klopp all but questioned his commitment a season or so ago in public. I suspect he's still capable of commanding a hefty salary from someone too. 


    I thought Wallace was  home bird and wouldn't leave Scotland? Maybe he thinks he's signing for Queens Park...

  13. 16 hours ago, pete said:

    You are now inventing things. Who am I all over? I said Laudrup was a good player but only a god in Glasgow. He was a good player but not world class as some say. Now his brother he was world class.

    Nope, you really didn't say that Pete, you said "Laudrup had failed in pretty much with Bayern and was pretty much a bench sitter in Italy so he was also a bit of a risk." No mention he "was good player but not world class" only that he was a bench sitter and a failure. By all means criticise Laudrup, but to describe him that way is laughable and insulting to those of us who were lucky enough to watch him. 

  14. C'mon, Laudrup played 31 times for Fiorentina, almost every match that season. He struggled to get into the AC Milan side but be fair, that Milan side were the best team in the world at the time. They won Serie A and the European Cup that season. The 3 foreigner rule was in place so he was competing for a starting spot with Boban, Desailly, Savicevic, Papin, Radicioui and Van Basten as well as most of the Italian national side. Not getting into that side hardly made him unproven. 


    Every signing is a risk but with a player like Laudrup or Gascoigne, or today someone like Arfield or Defoe, you already know they can play at our level, they've already proven themselves at a higher level. They are still a risk of course after all they might not settle or there might be a personality clash but they're proven at our level, that's why they're paid so much. A player like Polster is a different type of risk because he's not proven at our level yet. The gamble is can he step up, improve his game, develop and adapt. 

  15. 6 hours ago, der Berliner said:

    Nono ... you refer to your idea of unproven ... or perhaps "unproven at Rangers". So too were Laudrup, Gazza, Weir and hundreds of others. I doubt that SG would have signed him if he was unproven to him. That's more important to me ... and that was written between the lines ... obviously.

    You've chosen an odd hill to die on dB. Comparing Polster to Gazza or Laudrup is just bizarre. Polster has played 3 seasons with struggling MLS side and has one US cap, a friendly against Bosnia. Gascoigne was one of the most high profile players in the world when he joined Rangers, a first choice internationalist who's played and starred in top flight football in England and Italy. Laudrup was also joining from Serie A, having previously starred in the Bundesliga, he was also a first choice international and had played in the winning European Champions team. Weir was an experienced player who'd worked with Smith successfully and was seen as a short term stop gap. Polster, on the other hand, is the very definition of 'unproven'. He might turn into a Kamara or a Goldson or he might be a Grezda or an Ojaria. He's unproven, so we'll just have to see. 

  16. We were good at developing keepers. Goram went from a good keeper at Hibs to one of the best on the planet while at Rangers. Klos was excellent when he arrived and remained excellent throughout his time with us. Antti Neimi couldn't break into our side but proved himself to be a very high quality keeper when he left. McGregor first time round was superb and is still very good even in the twilight of his career. Big Wes is a better keeper today than when he joined us. Liam Kelly's form with Livingston suggests our keeper development remains strong, hopefully the 'other' McCrorie will continue that run. Our inability to produce a forward player of any note since Robert Fleck is a source of some embarrassment though. 

  17. Some of those English stats are astonishing, no way is that sustainable. As for us if the figures are correct then that's not great reading, however the issues around merchandise are a contributing factor and something our directors are aware of. We clearly need to get our income up as I suspect our wage bill will rise this summer, that's inevitable if you want to sign better players. That said the costs involved in paying off Caixinha and some of the signings that didn't work out might be included in those figures. I suppose this comes down to trusting our current directors to protect the club and not overreach. 

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