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Posts posted by JohnMc

  1. 1 hour ago, craig said:

    I'm biased, but I could listen to Kevin Thomson's footballing insights any time.  He is far, far better than Michael Stewart, he played to a higher standard than Michael Stewart, achieved more in the game than Michael Stewart and, importantly to me, he is impartial - has a fondness for Rangers despite being a Hibby, but will always call out deficiencies in the Rangers performances when he sees them.


    That is why he is so well-liked.  People know he is being honest and without an agenda.  He's a millionaire in his own right so isn't driven by money - his drive is a determination to reach the top.

    I think I've only heard on the Si Ferry interviews, and no one looks good on them! ? 

  2. 2 hours ago, Bluedell said:

    I can't believe that there's anyone who thinks that.


    My view has always been that Traynor helped King take over the club and He's kept on Traynor through loyalty and/or because he'll perform PR tasks for King himself (in a Murrayesque way), but not for what he does for the club

    That makes as much sense as any other theory I've heard. Traynor is a sport's journalist, not a PR professional. Many journalists make the change from one to the other, but simply knowing the media landscape isn't the same as understanding how PR works. 

  3. Genuine question, does anyone think Rangers PR department and Traynor in particular are doing a good job? I've some insight into how PR 'works' and fully accept that it's a bit like an iceberg in that you can see 20% of it but the other 80% you can't. But the Morelos interview translation is a farce, I've no idea who carried out the translation but this wasn't some mistranslation of a colloquialism, this was someone adding stuff Morelos simply didn't say. Who would do that, and why? Rangers must have sanctioned Morelos to do this interview, they must have known what the line of questioning was going to be and had a good idea what Morelos was going to say in reply. So I assume someone from Rangers was involved and sanctioned this. Morelos has been largely kept from the media, other than Rangers TV he's been conspicuous by his absence from the tabloids and broadcast media so I'm struggling to believe this wasn't agreed at a fairly high level at the club beforehand. Following the Morelos car story it's really not a great few days for us, and Morelos, who is entirely blameless is all of this, continues to be at the eye of a bad PR storm. 

    Michael Stewart isn't daft, he's cultivated his 'shock-jock' straight talking, not afraid to upset people persona pretty well which is why he's in demand from broadcasters. Believe it or not people will listen to him, controversy brings listeners/viewers, far more than insight or considered opinion does. Them's the times we live in, folks. Stewart has a problem because he ignored his producer, who I suspect was shouting in his ear the other night not to slander Jim Traynor or the Daily Record or anyone else for that matter, and Stewart ignored them and carried on with his diatribe. That's actually a problem at the BBC, even in the sport's department ignoring the producer see's you being taken off air for a period of time. 


    I'd be very surprised if anyone sues anyone else. Stewart will get a gig somewhere else, he'll continue to develop himself as the poor-man's Scottish fitba Rush Limbaugh instead of offering genuine insight into teams and players, he'll start quarrels and kick those he feels will further his persona. Scottish football is crying out for an authoritative voice, someone with genuine insights and understanding and who is capable of explaining the intricacies of the beautiful game to us ignorant fans. That person could have been Stewart, but it won't be. Realising his potential has always been a problem for Micheal Stewart. 



  4. 30 minutes ago, Frankie said:


    So did Rangers prepare this and give it to Sky as an exclusive or did Sky do it? Because if the translation is as bad as is being suggested surely someone Sky or the club realised someone from the 572 Million Spanish speakers in the world might see it and notice. Does @der Berliner speak Spanish, perhaps he can tell us what it really says? 

  5. 16 hours ago, ranger_syntax said:

    Did any of them mention Paolo Maldini?

    His son made his debut for AC Milan at the weekend. He's an attacking midfielder apparently, not a defender like his father and grandfather. 

  6. In my head his dad was a Barcelona player, that's the side I associate him with. Yet I read earlier he only played 30 odd matches for them and actually played double that for Real Madrid, I didn't realise he'd ever played for them. 

    It must be difficult for the sons of great players, no matter what he does he'll always be unfavourably compared to his father. I didn't actually know he existed until yesterday, so i've no clue how good he is, but he's an interesting signing and should give the squad a boost. 

  7. 2 hours ago, Gonzo79 said:

    Based on the recent history of this fixture, I'm not sure how you come to that conclusion. 

    Well, we've got better players, a better manager and better backroom staff, we're doing better in the league, we're at home and their form is pretty poor. So if you're just taking that sentence on it's own, that's how I reach that conclusion. The rest of the paragraph following that sentence was meant to explain why that might not end up being the case though. 

  8. I've lived in Glasgow most of my life and I'm stunned by this. If this is true and it doesn't turn out to be some sort theft or petty vandalism then we've really turned a corner into a very dark place. I genuinely hope it turns out to be someone trying to steal his car because the alternative I'm struggling to comprehend. 

  9. 3 hours ago, Bluedell said:

    It's a bit of an over-reaction to suggest that the team has a mental problem. We've played 21 league games and lost twice and drawn twice and are sill in Europe.


    That league form was only matched once during the 9IAR run (in 96-97). We had poorer league form in the other 8 seasons. Are you suggesting that the teams in these other 8 seasons also had mental problems?


    Bad performances happen every season. We lose the odd game unexpectedly. It happens every year.  It doesn't reflect on the mentality of a team.



    You might be right, I hope you are.


    I agree every side will drop points, my concern has been the manner of them.  We didn't lose them to sides who are better than us (even on the day), we lost them to sides that worked harder and dug in and fought for the ball. I do see that as a mentality issue. When our short, slick passing style is working we're a joy to watch, even in the cup final when we lost I can accept that it was just one of those things, the ball simply wouldn't go in. But against Aberdeen and Hearts, having been leading, we should have seen both games out. We didn't seem able to match their physicality and desire. I believe our players are as fit as theirs and are man for man better footballers. All that's left is mental strength. 


    We bounced back from the Aberdeen draw fairly well, hopefully the Hearts defeat will prove to be a catalyst for a similar bounce. But there's a fragility to Rangers just now, and I'd argue that includes our support as well as our players. We've lost our last 3 domestic cup finals, it's nine years since we won something of consequence, it's inevitable that has some affect on the club. 

  10. 12 hours ago, craig said:

    The management team, particularly Gerrard, has been at pains to highlight the need to not mirror what happened last year.  One of his major explanations was the lack of game time before the Killie game due to the Cowdenbeath SC game being postponed.  This time around they had the friendly in Dubai, they had the Stranraer game but it hasn't helped.  So what is it ?  Clearly this team have the capabilities.  Is it mental ?  Is it because they haven't switched back on ?  Either  way it needs to be corrected and very, very quickly.

    It can only be 'mental', a side that can play Celtic off the park in their own ground but capitulate to a rotten Hearts side has a mental problem. Losing Morelos clearly affects our performance but a mentally strong side finds a way to win, and win ugly. The points dropped at Pittodrie and Tynecastle against limited sides while we were leading in both games is a concern. We've two players in our side who have ever won a league title, I'd be looking for more from both of them currently. 

  11. Because of the result and overall performance Kent's goal yesterday is being overlooked a bit, which is a shame as it was a cracker. Great surging run from Kent, nice lay off to the impressive overlap from Barasic and a clever cross/pass from him, Kent didn't stop but continued his run right into the box and gets on the end of Aribo's lay off. It was a nice finish too. 

    I was critical of Kent after the last Aberdeen match, felt both him and Aribo needed to do more from a creative perspective. To be fair Kent has since then, he's chipped in with goals and assists, generally works hard and creates something in every match. Time will tell if we paid too much for him, I don't think he's storming the league but he's scored 5 from 11 appearances which is a decent return and he is still better than Ojo, Barker or Jones I'd say. He also has the happy knack of scoring against Celtic, something to endear him to us. 

    I suspect we'd recoup most of our fee for him still, Leeds were willing to pay it in the summer, I suspect there are other clubs like them who would see that as a decent investment.

    I think he'll prove to be an astute signing as long as he can steer clear of injuries. 

  12. 12 hours ago, JFK-1 said:

    If you listen to the usual suspects we're a cert for BSC Glasgow at Ibrox.

    Of course if recent history is anything to judge from that likely wont happen. At this stage last season we pulled Kilmarnock away then in the next round sheep away. A personal preference would be DU/hubz at Ibrox. 

    BSC Glasgow were literally the school team for one of our local primary schools a few years ago. How they've created a club from that is nothing short of miraculous. This is a great draw for them, but getting us at Ibrox would have been the dream for a lot of the guys involved. Maybe we'll get them in quarters.

  13. I understand what BlueDell is saying but I'm not sure it's fair on Konterman to compare him to Negri. Konterman was a limited player who tried his best, Negri was a talented player who downed tools and stole a wage. I've heard Konterman speak and he's surprisingly articulate and if asked the right questions he's actually pretty interesting. His views on the structure of Scottish football and the absence of organised local clubs is worth listening too, actually. 


    As a support it's funny who we take to our hearts. The Sebo love-in baffled me, I didn't share it. But there are other players who only played for us for a short time who somehow retain enormous affection from our support, guys like Ray Wilkins, Gattuso and Pedro Mendes spring to mind. In the grand scheme of things all three were mere footnotes in our history, yet they're arguably more popular with our support than other players who made a much more significant contribution. Football doesn't make sense of course, that's part of its appeal. 

  14. Barasic is having such a good season it would be dangerous to sell him now. Injuries are always a concern but assuming he doesn't pick any serious ones up his value won't have dropped come June. 

    I always wondered how we'd have faired in 07-08, the season we sold Hutton in January. He was playing out of his skin, starring in Europe and at international level. We lost the league on the final day and we reached the UEFA Cup Final, would keeping the best full back in the league all season have been worth 3 or more points to us, we'll never know. 

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