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Posts posted by JohnMc

  1. I think you have to acknowledge the post he's taking up in all this and why that matters. He's not been appointed the head of catering, or finance or head of facilities management, he's been put in change of PR and so he'll be in daily contact with the media, so we have to expect the media to take an interest in him and question his background. This man's job will involve working with, and managing, the media. In the same way eyebrows were raised when Traynor got the gig so they're being raised now. Does no one think that's worth considering before it's written off as the work of bigots? 


    A question for you, who is head of PR at Parkhead, or Aberdeen, or Hibs? Or indeed at Man U or Liverpool? I guarantee most of us have no clue and that's how it should be. Good PR is accomplished below the surface and away from the spotlight. Supporters have (rightly) complained about our PR for years, and that's because it's not been managed at all well. PR is a skill, and for an organisation as high profile as Rangers working with a large local media demanding content and access that requires experience and know-how. I'm not sure how being a local councillor in Belfast gives you any of that. My concern is Mr Graham sees us a stepping stone on his way to getting a chance to stand in a safe seat for his current employers. Having a couple of years at Rangers on his CV won't do his chances of that any harm. 


    Employing someone who is closely associated with any political party was always going to cause a stir. Politics is polarising, even more so than football. Whatever party he'd represented he'd have drawn criticism from some. Having lived in Northern Ireland I never felt the DUP were any good at PR, indeed I felt they were pretty poor at it, the only group I can think of worse than them at PR was/is the Orange Order. I doubt Mr Graham was personally responsible for that to be fair but it's the background he's coming from. 


    Anyway, my concern over this appointment isn't that he's an Orangeman or must support most of the DUP's policies, some of which are anathema to me, he's entitled to his own views whatever I might think of them. No, my concern is the direction this suggests we're taking as a club PR wise. At a time when I think the club needs to be building bridges and making friends, I fear Mr Graham's skills lie in the opposite direction. I suspect many of our support won't share my concerns, and that this appointment is being made with them in mind. Fine, but in my opinion that's a very short-sighted strategy. Rangers remain toothless in influencing Scottish football and indeed greater society, I don't see how this appointment will address that. 

  2. Appointing someone with this background suggests to me this is a war footing. It signals no attempt is being made to speak to anyone but our own support, and even then perhaps not all of them. I suspect that will be popular with a number of vocal and influential supporters. With a share offer mooted it probably makes sense to to keep the support largely onside and encourage a siege mentality. 


    For me though this smacks of short-termism and will not address the very real PR issues we have as a club. 

  3. 1 hour ago, Gaffer said:

    When this season is formally cancelled I wonder how many clubs will collapse.  Perhaps this will be the final nail in the coffin for those who rely on our supporters to keep them afloat.  Maybe this will finally be the end of a lot of those horrid clubs that wanted to cut off their nose to spit even their face when they voted to send us down. I don't want any of them saved, unless their own supporters bail them out themselves.


    What is much more worrying however is the thousands of businesses that will collapse if this panic continues.  It could end up with us facing a much bigger economic and social problem.  The media has a lot to answer for here, and of course it may then contribute to their collapse too.


    I also wonder what is happening with the legal teams at the likes of BTsport, Sky, etc.  They've paid for a product that hasn't been delivered so will they attempt to recoup the money they've paid to the various leagues?  It wouldn't take much of a swing to cause collapse of some huge clubs in England, Spain, Italy, France and Germany.  Maybe the lack of television based funding could be a blessing in disguise for our league.

    BT Sport and Sky (and their continental equivalents) will want to stay 'onside' with the bigger leagues and clubs and aim to help them as much as they can, expecting something back in return in the future, but they'll have some serious scheduling issues. With no football (or rugby, cricket etc) their channels will be forced to show reruns and while that will draw an audience it will be less than normal. I suspect subscription numbers will remain steady at first, particularly if thousands of people are forced to stay at home for long periods, however advertising revenue will fall without a doubt. That will be compounded by advertisers reviewing when they advertise. Food stuffs and weekly household staples are doing very well just now, but new cars, holidays and gambling, the staples of sport's advertising are in rapid meltdown so expect them to pull budgets and reduce costs in the coming weeks. As such the TV stations can't give money to clubs they simply don't have. 


    The other big unknown for the subscription TV channels is a short term economic hit to the general public. A company I know well just put all of its staff on a compulsory 4 day week, in real terms everyone is taking a 20% pay cut. That forces people to review domestic spending and so things like  Sky TV subscription get chopped, particularly if there's no sport to watch anyway. I suspect we'll start to see lots of this in the coming weeks. While it feels callous to speak about the economic impact of coronavirus when people are dying, the reality is a 2 or 3 month virtual shutdown will have a catastrophic impact on many businesses. That will affect all of us, directly or indirectly. 


    In my opinion, Scottish football is in for a very challenging few months. Most clubs, with the arguable exception of Rangers and Celtic, rely on gate money to survive. Rangers and Celtic have a far higher percentage of season ticket holders who have already paid, so they have the bulk of their cash already, although if people start to demand it back, and that might happen if you lose your job, then they'll be just as affected. So for your standard SPFL club like St Johnstone or Kilmarnock, the loss of fortnightly gate receipts, programme sales, catering and hospitality will mean their only source of income is TV money and merchandise. So if the TV companies can't or won't pay, those clubs are in serious difficulties. It's not unrealistic to predict they'll be forced to release players because they simply can't pay them, backroom staff, groundstaff and so on might be forced to leave or work for no salary. We could see good sized, otherwise well run, Scottish SPFL sides forced to play youths when the league starts again. Or, footballers, like everyone else, might accept we're living in exceptional times, and take a short term hit, in the hope of picking up where they left off in a few months time. 


    I'm becoming less bothered about this season now. If the decision is taken to end the season now and award Celtic the title and relegate Hearts then so be it. We've only ourselves to blame for being 13 points behind them after all. I still think the season should simply be scrapped, no one is promoted or relegated, no one is Champions, use the current places to award European places (if that resumes in time) and whatever prize money is being awarded. I'd be open to having a 2019/20/21 season, simply keep playing come September or whenever it all starts again (I can't see things returning to normal before then, but what do I know about anything) and have a 60 game season finishing in April 2021. I mean in the end it doesn't really matter, what we want are meaningful matches to return, so if it's one long but truncated season, or one shorter season I'm relaxed, just bring it back as soon as possible. 

  4. Okay, cancelling gatherings of 500 or more isn't because of the danger the gatherings themselves bring for those present, it's to ease the burden on police and ambulance/hospital staff required to attend or deal with these events. While I'd have postponed all 500 plus gatherings before now I think it's unwise to shout conspiracy about it. Whatever your views on politicians let's give them the benefit of the doubt that they're following the best advice, rightly or wrongly. We're looking at 4 to 12 weeks of major disruption, almost certainly many of us will lose people we love in the coming weeks, perhaps this isn't the time for political point scoring. 


    The thought that Celtic won't actually be given the title and that Dundee Utd won't get promotion is almost, almost, worth the pain of the last few months. If we don't finish the season, and I can't see how that'll be possible, the season has to be called void. I'd have no problem with them giving Celtic the Champion's League place as they're currently top and giving the Europa spots to us, Motherwell and Aberdeen, but there should be no title awarded in any division and no relegation or promotion. As painful as that might be for some clubs we're in unprecedented times and that calls for unprecedented measures. 

  5. I've no insight into what UEFA might decide but I can tell you it's been pishing down all day (it feels like all year) in Glasgow and the pitch must be a concern. It's not as bad as the day the recent game was postponed but the pitch will be heavy at best tonight. 

  6. 1 hour ago, Briton said:

    It would be interesting to see how we compare with other big teams.   

    That depends on who you're comparing up with and your definition of 'big'. We currently compare poorly with Celtic who have 3 or 4 first team regulars who came through their youths. Teams like Motherwell, Hamilton, Hearts and Aberdeen have a higher success rate, albeit there is less pressure and expectation on players there. Our spell in the lower leagues was a chance to build something but our ownership at the time wasn't good and the opportunity was wasted, it seems like we've started again in the last couple of years so we'll see what the next couple of years brings.

  7. That Morelos Tweet reads like it was written by a professional PR. Fine, if he can sort himself out and find his form again most will forgive him. 

    There is no correlation between playing level, ability and management. Zidane was one of the finest players who ever lived and has managed a side to the Champions League while Klopp was a journeyman player in the German 2nd division. 

    My main concern with Gerrard is his ability to relate to 'ordinary' players. He was so gifted and driven as a player I worry he struggles to understand players who aren't. Unfortunately in the Scottish league you aren't going to have a squad full of top professionals. I look at players like Docherty and Murphy, good SPFL level players doing well out on loan, or Jordon Jones proven at this level, and wonder why they can't get into our first team. 


    BTW On John Greig, I've argued before that Greig was a victim of circumstance and actually good have gone on and been a great manager. His tenure coincided with Alex Ferguson and Jim McLean, two freakish geniuses, the rebuilding of Ibrox causing revenue issues, and the ageing of our double treble winning side. Advocaat used Greig quite a bit when he was in charge for scouting and advice on teams, he felt Greig was wasted not being involved in the football side of the club. 

  8. 10 hours ago, 26th of foot said:

    Copenhagen's Coach just interviewed on Radio Shortbread.


    He mentions the club visited Auchenhowie today and met Stevie G. They were made most welcome and Gerrard hoped Rangers would draw Copenhagen in Friday's draw? 


    Tom English hopes Rangers draw Man U.

    I don't know if that's true or not but I'm telling everyone I meet this today. Brilliant. ?

  9. 46 minutes ago, Bluedell said:

    Nice to see Fat Eck featuring on Gersnet. 


    It seems like a lifetime ago when the likes of @JohnMc and myself were regulars on his blog.


    Excellent article too!

    A focus on Europe, defending the manager and a mention of kebabs, the old tropes remain I see! A great read. 

  10. There was an interesting interview with Roy Keane a few years ago when he spoke about his regret over how he'd treated Sebastian Veron when he was Man Utd captain. He'd been delighted Utd had signed Veron, Keane felt he was one of the best midfielders in the world at the time, Keane had played against him in Europe and really admired him and was really looking forward to playing alongside him. But Veron's form was poor and Keane was really on his case about it. Veron complained that his family weren't settled, he was living in a hotel, his wife and kids missed 'home' and their friends there and they were finding the language barrier a big problem. Keane dismissed all this poor excuses, Veron was being handsomely paid and was a top professional, he should be able to switch off from domestic issues when on the pitch and Keane told him so on a number of occasions. It didn't work out with Veron and he eventually left Man Utd. 


    Later Keane joined Celtic, his family stayed in Manchester and Keane lived in a hotel when in Glasgow. Keane was amazed how much it affected him, he didn't appreciate it how having his family and friends around him created the right atmosphere for him as a player. For Keane there was no language barrier, no time difference and he could pop home every week, yet still he struggled for form and was unhappy in Glasgow. Keane thought back to how hard he'd been on Veron, and how he'd not appreciated how some players could be affected by off-field stuff. 


    Morelos isn't living in a hotel, but his domestic life must be fairly turbulent currently. None of us can say how that could affect them because we're all different and we all react differently to similar situations. I was diagnosed with high blood pressure when my wife was expecting our first child, I was so uptight about everything (her blood pressure was fine!). I don't think it's fair to dismiss the off field issues Morelos is experiencing simply because he's highly paid. Robert Enke was highly paid and highly successful, that didn't stop high standing in front of an onrushing express train. 


    Morelos is off form, I think he should be benched for a couple of games, but he needs our support just now, none of us really know what he's going through. 

  11. It was a good listen, worth downloading. Sheils speaks well and there were some good insights into what was going on behind the scenes. I'd never heard it confirmed that we 'had' to play the five boys from Newcastle if they were fit, I'd only seen that as rumour and one I was sceptical about. His end with Rangers doesn't cover anyone in glory. 

  12. 20 minutes ago, DMAA said:

    I take your broader point but you can't legislate for the bad luck we had with injury. Our starting 11 has been torn apart since the 29th.


    In the 8 games we've played,

    • Helander has missed 8
    • Tavernier has missed 5
    • Jack has missed 4.5
    • Defoe has missed 4
    • Morelos has missed 3
    • Barisic has missed 2

    Defoe aside, those are all key members of our starting 11 and the backbone of our team. In the loss to Hearts we were without Helander, Tavernier, Morelos and Jack for 50 mins. That is huge. For the draw to Aberdeen we were without Tavernier and Jack and last night we had less excuse but badly missed Barisic. 


    What can be forgotten is that even when you get players back they are not going to be 100% fit and there has been disruption to the line up which will have an impact too.


    It might sound like I'm making excuses and I'm not but I think we should cut Gerrard some slack because he has had his starting 11 dismantled by injury and suspensions.

    Every side gets injuries DMAA, that's what we've got a squad for (Morelos wasn't injured, he was suspended). Successful sides cope, they have a balanced squad and are able to provide cover. I mean it's not like we were forced to throw in young boys last night, kids with no experience. If we've no cover at full back or upfront then that's fairly damning on it's own. It hurts to type this but Celtic played us in a cup final without a recognised forward on the pitch and still somehow managed to lift the trophy. 

    I don't think Gerrard should be sacked, far from it, but I don't accept that injuries are behind this. Last night's side was only missing Barasic and maybe Helander, we should be able to beat Kilmarnock. As for Hearts, frankly, there is no excuse for that defeat, none at all. 

  13. What skills do people think Souness has? He's an ex footballer, so he has insights into the game, but he stopped playing over 30 years ago now and hasn't managed for close to 15 years so how current those insights are would need assessed. I'd have thought our Director of Football and a large and expensive backroom staff could provide all the football insights our board need though. 

    From what I can see he has no business acumen to speak of and has made a number decisions over the years that certainly make me question his judgement. His relationship with Willy Mckay should automatically exclude him from any decision making at our club. 


    Souness was the right man to come to the club in the mid 1980s, lift our profile, set higher standards and provide the impetus for growth and success. I'll always be grateful to him for doing that. But that doesn't get him a job at the club now, particularly one he's not qualified to carry out. 

  14. I'll forever be grateful for what Souness did for Rangers and I'm happy for him to be involved with us but I'd be concerned if he got a place on the board or any executive position. Souness has regularly displayed poor judgement and pig-headedness. That stubborn streak that made him a great player doesn't serve him well in other areas of life. He's an entertaining pundit, personally I hope he sticks to that.  

  15. Sorry, I disagree @Frankie and @ranger_syntax the producer will have the final say. Now, a programme like Off The Ball, with two experienced and long serving presenters will see them have a considerable amount of input into the show, but ultimately it's the producer who calls the shots, agrees what topics they can discuss and the tone and direction it will take. That's not to say Cosgrove and Cowan aren't expressing their own views, I suspect they are, simply that those views are shared by the people behind the show and are probably shared by those in the sport and comedy departments at BBC Scotland. 



  16. It's worth remembering that Off The Ball has a producer too, that person is ultimately responsible for the content broadcast by its presenters. They must have given the start and the overall tone the green light, if not suggested it in the first place. That strongly suggests the prevailing view in BBC Scotland. 


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