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Posts posted by JohnMc

  1. I travelled up ticketless along with 3 pals. It was my first trip to Pittodrie, we were pulled over by the police on the A9 for being rangers fans as far as we could tell, accosted on Union Street before the match, weren't able to get any tickets at the ground and so listened to the match on the car radio driving back to Glasgow. We stopped in Brechin or somewhere like that for fish and chips to hear Charlie bloody Nicholas score the winner for them. A shocking day all round. 


    Durrant was also an idol of mine and by far my favourite player too, this is my favourite of his goals though. 



  2. It's telling that for many of us our first thought when hearing that Jack and Arfield might be out for a few months was 'we need to sign someone as cover' instead of wondering if one of the youngsters could step up. I was certainly guilty of it. If none of our younger players are capable of stepping in for a few weeks then you do have to wonder what the point of having them is. But I suspect, with a bit of patience, some of them are and it's people like me that are the problem. 


    As for Kennedy I suspect we'll sell him to Shrewsbury or someone like that for quarter of a million in a couple of years. 

  3. I emerged from my Christmas hibernation this morning and read this on the BBC website. I suspect Rangers supporters are much more familiar with the story than others might be and of course for a significant percentage of people this story might seem like ancient history now. To people my age it's not though.  On the whole I felt it was quite a fair and accurate retelling of these tragic events. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/extra/B0cJMZS3B1/Fiveboys 

  4. On 30/10/2020 at 08:20, Frankie said:

    Fixtures updated until the end of this year; it's a real shame we're lacking previews during what has been a fine season so far.


    I'll do one for Sunday! :)

    Your state of the union thread has shamed me, I'll write one for this weekend's match if that's okay.

  5. There might be some gnashing of teeth and hurried memos to the music department at Pacific Quay this morning as Dougie Payne, Travis bass player, has publicly outed himself on the BBC Sport website. Obviously BBC Sport headquarters failed to pick up on Mr. Payne's loyalties before the interview. I'm sure Richard Gordon and Stuart Cosgrove will have a word, can't be having Rangers fans being portrayed as anything but reactionary neanderthals now, former art school indie band rockers not supporting the 'Tic or some diddy team, that's going to confuse the listeners. 

    "But it has to be said that things are going really well right now. Gerrard has really turned things around and the players he has signed have slotted right in. We are not just getting good results, we are playing really well too."

  6. 17 minutes ago, Bluedell said:

    Are you suggesting that we as a support should be morally obligated to buy the shares? 


    £13m for King and then another £33m for the next 7 investors who make up 50% of the share capital?


    Where does it end?


    Morally obligated? No, I don't think so, King went into this with his eyes open. He knows better than most that his shares might be worth a lot less than he spent on them. Had he agreed to buy the shares on the proviso that Club 1872 or the greater support would then buy them from him, in a similar way to Budge at Hearts, then I'd feel their was an obligation on our part, but that didn't happen as far as I know. 


    I think it would be better for the long term future of club if significant investors are able to get most of their investment back. I think selling to supporters is preferable to selling to people with no emotional attachment to the club. That might not be possible of course. I don't think it's good for the club if we're seen as a black hole you throw money down without any hope of ever getting it back. Perhaps if the club itself set up a share-buying scheme, where small investors, like Bill up thread, were able to invest into it and they slowly bought existing shares from current shareholders at an agreed rate or at market value, then people like King and Park etc would have an exit strategy and people like Bill, you and me would have the opportunity to own shares. That might mean that in ten years time 'we' and hundreds of others have bought control of the club and that King and the 3 Bears have seen a return on their original investment. Perhaps the money is held in escrow until someone is ready to sell. I'm sure there are a number of hurdles to this back-of-a-fag-packet idea. Currently apathy seems to be the main one and that's what needs changed. 


  7. I had to listen to the radio to follow our match on Sunday and found it surprisingly enjoyable. Neil McCann, Brian Rice and, I think it was, Paul Mitchel on commentary were quite balanced and insightful. Both Rice and McCann had decent knowledge of some of the Falkirk players and their style of play and both as well as the commentator were very complimentary of Rangers and our performance and our style of play. If you'd just been transported in from outer space and had never listened to Radio Scotland before you could almost have been forgiven for thinking this was normal coverage. I can only assume this aberration was caused by the main Sportsound producers marching on Parkhead to throw sharks at the Glasgow police leaving some junior in charge. I expect normal service will resume on Thursday. 

  8. On 27/11/2020 at 16:04, craig said:

    Disagree.  The only reason that bench looked weak is because of the European rules on homegrown players - that is why King, Dickson and Barjonas were on the bench.

    Other than Jermaine Defoe who was missing out for that reason? Zungu, Jack and Aribo were injured, and Edmundson and Jones, even before their party weren't troubling the first team much. Look, I'm not criticising the management, just pointing out that our squad isn't as deep as some think. Even with the strongest squad in a decade we were a couple of injuries away from introducing teenagers the other night. Players pick up knocks and suspensions as the season goes, we've been fairly fortunate so far, that's all I was pointing out. 

  9. It's worth bearing in mind that the BBC 'boycott' is a BBC Scotland Sport management decision, not one made by individual journalists or presenters. As we've pointed out in this thread before individual BBC employees have fallen out with specific clubs or managers in the past and it's not resulted in those clubs being largely ignored. Sir Alex Ferguson refused to speak to Alan Green for years, Alan Green was one of the leading commentators on Five Live and Match Of The Day during that time, indeed a much more high profile position than Chris McLaughlin has. Strangely the BBC didn't choose to stop attending Old Trafford, they just sent a different commentator. Likewise Harry Redknapp and Sam Allardyce, both high profile Premier League managers at the time, refused to speak to the BBC, which led to their assistant managers giving post match interviews for several years. Again, the BBC continued to cover their matches in a normal fashion. 


    While I assume Ms McLaughlin supports her brother, it's unfair to criticise her for doing her job correctly. She's welcome at Ibrox and will continue to be if she can do her job in a half competent manner. I mean it's not like the bar is set all that high for the average Scottish football journo; simply treat our club the same way you treat all the others. It's worth reiterating that the BBC aren't banned by Rangers and only one of their journalists had his press credentials refused. It's their choice not to cover our games. 


    Once again this ludicrous decision looks petty and unprofessional. It was easy for them to ignore us when we were in the Championship or stumbling around the SPFL. But now we're the leading side in the country, playing superb football, achieving results not seen by Scottish sides for decades with a high profile, young, charismatic and media friendly manager and their decision to ostracise our support over something this petty surely breaches their own guidelines. Of course the longer this goes on the harder it becomes for anyone to concede ground, so our support suffer for their arrogance and intransigence. 


    The danger for the BBC is nature abhors a vacuum. The hole they're leaving is being filled by others, both professional and not so professional. Glasgow has a new radio station this year, one that's made sport a big focus. There are numerous podcasts devoted to Rangers now too (although some have little quality control around who they invite on...), recently News International launched The Times radio station on DAB. I think you'll see more of this type of media crossover in the future and it's only a matter of time before someone else tries to buy the radio broadcast rights for the SPFL. 


    We might not like Rob McLean, or countless others, but I suspect few are willing to risk their jobs to support what is an increasingly ridiculous stance.

  10. Put me in the 'why didn't we make any subs' camp. I'd have replaced our forward three with Barker, Hagi and Itten and either Davis or Arfield with Helander when it was 2-1. We were clearly struggling to match them at that point as their 4 subs injected freshness and energy to their play. Looking at our bench you realise we're still a bit thin squad wise. It feels like Stewart and Barjonas are simply being kept around to make up the numbers as neither looks like ever playing while Dickson and King are not close to being ready for this level. 


    That grumble aside I can't lose sight of the fact we just went toe-to-toe with Benfica and produced two wonderful matches. Ten goals, some wonderful football from both sides, and, in truth both sides can feel fortunate to have drawn while also feeling they could have won. The simple truth is our first team are now at the same level as Benfica and if we can maintain that this season we'll play European football after Christmas and we'll win the league. No slip ups, no distractions, keep focused and keep playing as we can and it won't matter if they appoint Guardiola assisted by Klopp, this will be our season. We can all see the potential now, we know 55 is in our own hands and if they can keep entertaining us with that beautiful football we play then so much the better. 

  11. 1 hour ago, the gunslinger said:

    for decades. 

    I think you're mistaken there. When he first came to prominence in Glasgow back during the poll tax protests he played down his club allegiances for fear of alienating potential support and because it wasn't fashionable for politicians to openly support football sides. He played Junior for most of that period so he wasn't seen attending senior matches, but there was no doubt what club he supported, none at all. He was pals with Billy Davies so maybe that's why you think this, but trust me he was always a Tim. 

  12. Google tells me I'm 3.7 miles from the old lady of Edmiston Drive so I'm happy at this development, but I have to say Covid is rife in this part of Glasgow currently and I'd be astonished if they allow even small crowds of people to congregate anytime soon near here. 

    As has been pointed out 4,000 in Ibrox won't make much difference to the atmosphere or the coffers, but it's a big deal to St Mirren or Hamilton far less Yoker Athletic or Petershill. I think Glasgow will be one of the last places to see this restriction lifted though. 

  13. Thanks Bluedell, a very helpful summary. We really are incredibly fortunate to have the directors we currently have, I'm not sure supporters fully appreciate what they're doing just now. 

    As you say we'll need to start selling good players quite soon, if not January certainly in May. Our wages to turnover ratio feels high at slightly over 73%, but then I guess that's why we made a loss. Celtic's is sitting at around 80% I understand so these things are all relative. 

    Anyway, thanks BD and thanks Mr King, Park and Bennett. 

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