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Posts posted by JohnMc

  1. 1 hour ago, Uilleam said:

    I don't think it matters: there seems to be a legal position on the definition of malicious prosecution, beyond malevolent, and involves pursuit without just cause, no matter the motive. Actually, that may well be worse. 



    When actions are agreed out of court they almost always carry a 'no blame' caveat. Even when it's clear that one side has won and one has lost, when damages have been agreed and they are clear to everyone lawyers always insert a 'this agreement signifies no acceptance of blame etc...'. Clearly the LA and the PF think they have that here, however it seems one the Duff & Phelps team feels they don't. A lot will hinge on that. I suspect the Crown will push very hard for that and a gaging order agreement on the remaining cases still to be agreed. 

    There's little doubt in my mind the current LA is choosing his words very carefully. He's not going to admit to 'malice' in the sense that we understand the word while related cases are ongoing and also because he knows it would start a feeding frenzy I suspect he'd rather avoid. Today buys him and everyone involved time. There was no smoking gun, and this will drop down the news agenda while the related cases are dealt with. When it returns to the public eye, well, who knows where we'll all be by then. 


  2. 2 hours ago, Bluedell said:

    I believe a better question is who benefited from a deliberately botched criminal prosecution against those involved with the administration and buy-out of Rangers.

    Normally I'd challenge you on 'deliberately botched' but with what's come to light recently I'm now open minded to all possibilities. I don't think we got any answers today, just more questions. 

  3. 25 minutes ago, Bill said:

    Incompetence wouldn't amount to maliciousness. "Malicious" describes conscious and deliberate wrongdoing.


    Surely the only way this isn't a criminal act is if the Lord Advocate decides (for whatever reason ?) that he doesn't want it to be.

    The choice of the word 'malicious' was certainly eye-catching and we'll all have our own understanding of what that means. I'm very cautious attributing motive on a public forum though, especially to a current High Court judge or his staff. Hopefully we'll get full transparency on this in the near future. 

  4. I've held off commenting on this as aspects of it have puzzled me and I think we all have to tread carefully for our own and Frankie's sake. That said if, as is being reported, this was a "malicious" prosecution instigated by the previous Lord Advocate, then I'm not sure we're fully grasping the implications of that. The Lord Advocate, as well as being a political appointment, is literally the most senior law officer in Scotland ultimately responsible for all prosecutions. The lengths and expense that's going into keeping this from being aired publicly in open court is troubling. For the current Lord Advocate to make the statement he made yesterday is an astonishing admission. At best we have total incompetence, at worst we have corruption at a very senior level. So, you have to ask yourself who benefits from an attempted criminal prosecution against those involved with the administration and buy out of Rangers. I'm no fan of Duff and Phelps or Charles Green, but what has happened here is disgraceful. It will be interesting to see what more comes out of this and if there is an appetite politically, legally or from the media to punish those involved in this. 

    How this isn't now a criminal matter is beyond me.

  5. Comparing periods is very hard. The Rangers sides of the 60s, 70s and early 80s were playing in a league that had some of the best sides in Europe at that time. The calibre of domestic opposition was considerably higher than it is currently. That said, I think this current Rangers side plays the best football I've ever seen a Rangers side play. I never thought I'd see a Rangers team play more pleasing football than the one Advocaat put together in his first couple of seasons, but I now think this current side is even more attractive. Now, that's not say this team is 'better', in fact I doubt it is, that side contained Numan, Porrini, Gio, Albertz, Kanchelskis and of course Barry Ferguson, all exceptional players. Our sides of the late 60s and early 70s reached 2 European finals, winning one, you could argue that was our best ever side, even though they weren't able to win the league. 


    Anyway, Gerrard can only build a side to beat what's in front of him, and he's doing that with some aplomb just now. 

  6. I assume this means Lewis Mayo isn't in the manager's first team plans either. Isn't Leon King a centre-half? He's only 17 but aren't great things expected of him? 

    Surely we're buying another centre-half, wide player and midfielder in the knowledge that any decent offer received this summer can't be turned down. If English sides aren't looking at Goldson and Helander I'll be astonished, Kent and Kamara must be on the radar's of many clubs as are Morelos and probably Roofe. I still think it's our full backs who are most coveted though. 


    The directors deserve a lot of credit for keeping the squad together this January, indeed we've probably strengthened it which is remarkable. 

  7. 1 hour ago, alexscottislegend said:

    I thought he was awful against us both times. Sorry just don't see him as the answer to Scotland's striking problems.

    Whether he'll ever be international class is still very much unknown, but if he keeps scoring goals this season I suspect he'll get his chance, we're not exactly spoilt for choice up front. I've been impressed that he's been able to step up each season to a higher level. From East Stirling to Raith Rovers to Dunfermline and then Hibs, where he's currently joint top goal scorer in the SPFL this season. Hibs have been our most difficult domestic fixture this season, a draw and two 1-0 victories. I don't think any of their players were awful against us. Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't swap him for Roofe or Itten, but I'm not surprised he's attracting interest and as a young Scot I wonder if we've considered him. 

  8. I read this morning that Birmingham have made a bid for Nisbet from Hibs. I've been impressed with him when I've seen Hibs this season, thought he linked up play really well on Wednesday but fell away after half time. His career is interesting. Released by Thistle then working his way through the leagues at various different sides and now looking like he's going to the English Championship for a couple of million and possibly the Scotland squad for the Euros. Losing him will weaken Hibs and if Aberdeen sell Cosgrove too then I suspect Celtic won't have any problems securing second. Shame.  

  9. Yeah, with the season Goldson's having it wouldn't surprise me if there's interest in him. Albeit I've no knowledge of this player (or the Aberdeen player we've signed whose career to date has slipped well below my radar) I'm delighted we're looking to strengthen and increase competition. He's played at a decent level, he should, in theory, be good enough for this league and he keeps everyone on their toes. Great management.

  10. Any guesses what incident led the Radio Scotland sport news reports this morning? No, it wasn't Rangers great win away at Easter Road and our imperious march towards the title, or plucky Celtic getting their first win of the year against bottom of the table Hamilton, or indeed Motherwell getting their first win in ages in the relegation battle away at Ross County or even St Mirren's remarkable 5 goals at Tannadice. Nope, none of those things, for some reason those stories are of secondary importance. 

  11. I mean I'm inclined to give it to Alfredo for stamping on that animal Porteous, yes it was unprofessional, yes he could have been sent off and changed the match, yes he'll probably get a ban now, but that prick had it coming. Still, hard to look past Kamara, what a performance. 

  12. 14 hours ago, craig said:

    2 points

    Mmm, a desire for accuracy with numbers, spoken like a true accountant! It'll never catch on.

    I only have a vague interest in how many points Livingston actually have, my focus was on how many points Celtic don't. Point taken...

  13. Are Ian Maxwell and Dr John MacLean really 'Celtic-minded'? Hillhead High School in the 1970s wasn't known as a breeding ground for Yahoos it has to be said. If anything his preferences might lie in the Maryhill direction, but to be honest as a doctor I've still got faith that any personal preferences he might have are ignored when it comes to healthcare decisions. I'm fairly confident Maxwell doesn't have allegiances in the east of the city either, but he might simply be incompetent, it can be hard to tell those two apart sometimes. Doncaster and Petrie need watched at all times though. 


    For what it's worth I'm less suspicious of this. I suspect this has been done to clear the clubs of the accusations and ensure all protocols are being followed in case someone does try to push that issue. I genuinely don't believe the SFA and SPFL want to call the season early or null and void and will do all they can to avoid that. With the reported 'R' number dropping in central Scotland and lockdown continuing for another month or so, if football can keep its house in order for a few more weeks I think we'll be okay. What Lennon and his board might try next is hard to guess but the reality is his rant didn't bring enough of their support 'onside', most saw through it and the best way for their board to get the backing of their support again is to replace their manager. His appeal to their baser instincts failed, even with some compliant media backing, in the end even the most one-eyed Celtic supporter expects his team to beat Livingston reserves and gets angry when they don't. 

  14. 13 hours ago, Scott7 said:

    About Shinty I know nothing except that it’s violent. Nonetheless the Shinty scores delivered by Hugh Dan Maclennan at about 5.40pm on the old Sportsound twenty + years ago carried the same fascination as the Shipping Forecast. It mattered not that Glenurquhart had drawn with Boleskine, just so long as Oban Celtic got beat.

    Highlanders can be a curious bunch at times; exhibit A. I met an Oban Celtic player in Brisbane of all places. He explained that a toss of a coin many years ago decided the club's name and strip, had it fallen on the other side they'd have been called Oban Rangers and worn blue. He did assure me that almost all of their players supported Rangers, and often wore Rangers attire to training to even things up. Still, 'mon the Oban Camanachd. 

  15. What odds an exclusive interview with Lawwell or Lennon on BBC Scotland in the coming days? A chosen interviewer and pre-agreed questions submitted in advance. My money's on Chris McLoughlin but Micheal Stewart might be on the shortlist too. Tom English was very critical of them recently, so I expect he's off the Christmas card list for now. 

  16. 48 minutes ago, Bluedell said:

    I don't think Celtic should get away scot-free with a blatant disregard of the Covid bubble rules and playing a player who has been outside of their bubble. Our players got 7 games suspension.


    We can turn a blind eye to it and the favourable treatment of Celtic by the SFA/SPFL will continue unabated, not forgetting the health risk that Celtic created. 

    Ah, BD, my rapier like wit misses the intended target once again. The internet has told me many, many times before that a witty one liner is best left to others, but still I plod on like an Irish international centre-half sent out on loan from a jobbing EFL side to a Scottish team in need of defensive fortitude. I should know better. My plea for clemency for Duffy was meant tongue in cheek, apologies. 

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