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Posts posted by JohnMc

  1. 3 hours ago, Frankie said:

    It's a fair point but one I'd counter with in that the players may be a lot more relaxed and able to play the kind of football that isn't always easy when nervous or tense.


    I doubt we'll be as open as we were in both legs against Antwerp as I think Slavia will carry more of a threat so I'm eager to see how the tie develops.

    Yeah, you could well be right, I'm probably projecting my own listless, slovenly personality onto them. Looking forward to it all the same, it's European football in March, what a fantastic side we have just now. 

  2. As long as any bans are only for games this season and are only for league matches. The problem we have is Rangers and the players have publicly admitted to the breaches and the players have been punished by the club. No Celtic player was punished and their club said nothing officially. I think a player or one of the management team spoke about 'minor breaches' but nothing official came from the club. I suspect that's the loophole being used here. You wonder if our honesty will come back and bite us or mitigate against further punishment. 

  3. Bluedell never forgets! There's no doubt for those of us who remember those dark days this past week has been all the sweeter, and the inevitable rage that's followed simply adds to it. 

    Looking back at the thread only you and Craig haven't left or been banned, yet! 

  4. Goldson for me, would have been Helander but for that poor pass in the first half that gifted them a chance. Goldson is so good we don't even notice anymore, we take it for granted. If we lose him for a few matches then we'll all see just what he brings to the team. 

  5. Yes, I wondered if there might be a bit of player sharing at some point too. I don't follow German football closely dB so is there a reason why Hamburg and now Schalke are struggling? I mean other than they've got poorer players and coaches than the other sides. Have they finance problems or systemic structural issues or is it just bad luck?


    I watched some of the Hamburg match the other night. St Pauli had a forward who was a bag of tricks, Muslim sounding name, great close control but poor final ball in half hour or so I watched. Certainly looked to be a better player than lower half of the German 2nd division would suggest. 


    1 hour ago, compo said:

    Since this Greenslade story first broke there hasn't been a single word of condemnation in the Guardian 

    Henry McDonald, their Northern Ireland correspondent, has been very critical of Greenslade in the past, as he has been about Irish republican violence in general. McDonald's upbringing and background give him an insight into the reality of these people that violence tourists like Greenslade will never understand. 

  7. In some ways not drawing an English side in lunchtime's draw means BBC Scotland Sport can probably survive the pressure they must now be coming under from headquarters in Manchester for a chat with Gerrard. Had we drawn Man Utd can you imagine Match Of The Day, Football Focus and Five Live just accepting they couldn't speak to Gerrard or McAllister, who they must know fairly well. This might still come to pass of course. 

  8. 4 hours ago, Scott7 said:

    Leaving Lennon to get back to PQM, I saw last night on Sky News the closing fragment of a discussion involving Alistair Bonnington and a bizarre looking woman, whom I had never seen or heard before, the latter grinning vacuously and hee hawing, as only weegie wifies can, about Nikla. The piece ended and the presenter thanked Bonnington and the apparition whom he named as Angela Haggerty. 

    @26th of foot, be ashamed. You have been far, far too kind to this person. How can someone like this have an authoritative voice in national broadcasting? 

    And Goon Shall Speak Unto Goon

    Point of order, she's not Glaswegian, take your well deserved ire and point it in the direction of Bute. 

  9. 11 hours ago, the gunslinger said:

    dinosaur of a manager who bullies his players into some initial success then implodes. 



    You might be right. I understand his style is based around relying on two or three match winning players being supported by everyone else in the team. This was not unlike Walter Smith's Rangers in his first term, but is miles from Gerrard's 'total football' philosophy. I think he is able to organise and motivate players, at least initially, but as @stewarty points out above that can only last for so long. Anyway, nothing was funnier or more enjoyable than watching his own fans turn on him, that's got to have hurt. 

  10. 15 hours ago, stewarty said:

    I don't necessarily disagree with what you've said but the counterpoints in my mind are that I think that he is a manager that has quite a short shelf life unless he finds different ways to motivate his players.  That may be the way with modern football generally in terms of managerial changes, but here's only so many times he can bollock his players to better performances and results.  


    He was regularly throwing individuals under the bus and the club, presumably with his blessing, strong-armed players to stay with them this season when clearly they were eyeing up moves elsewhere.   


    Over his time, the coaching and structure put in place to very good effect under Rodgers was slowly eroded.  Add in his very poor judgement of players in terms of recruitment, and I'm left wondering whether he has simply been left behind by the more modern, tactically astute and technical approach epitomised by our management team.  The contrast is stark in my view.


    Yes, all fair points. The rumours of how his Hibs tenure ended certainly back up what you're saying. I think I'm just touchy to any narrative that suggests somehow our success this season is down to Celtic having a poor manager, I don't think they did, he just isn't as good as ours. 

  11. It took me a week to get over the first bloody match and then they go and do that to us! Whatever else you say about this Rangers team they're entertaining. Kent and Morelos were outstanding and while not as effective Hagi worked so hard he too deserves a mention. It's the strangest tie to review, I mean we conceded 5 goals, that would normally deserve much scrutiny and criticism but when you score 9 in reply it can be glossed over. Of the 5 we conceded 3 were poor defensively and one was a dodgy penalty. That said while I don't think we set out to concede so many I do think the game plan was simply to overwhelm them upfront. Two very attacking line-ups was always going to leave us open. Some of our goals over the tie were things of beauty, Kent must be registering on the radars of richer clubs by now, if he wasn't already. Nathan Paterson's goal feels like vindication for the liberal hand-wringers on here like Gonzo, Bill and me... 


    I'd like AC Milan next. For someone of my age they exude glamour and majesty, but whoever we get can I just say how proud I am we're in the last 16 of a European tournament for the second year in a row, Berwick, Brechin and Peterhead feel that bit further away again. 

  12. It's clearly late in the afternoon as this thread is confusing me. 

    Albertz is our leading 'foreign' goal scorer in Europe, so surely he must make every team. Of course that's if this thread has anything to do with Europe, and I'm not sure it does. 


    For the purposes of this thread is England 'foreign'? 

  13. Surely he can't play on Sunday, even if we wanted him he'll have to self isolate for 10 days as a minimum after breaking the Covid bubble, won't he? 


    I believe in second chances, particularly for teenagers. If he can rebuild his career at Rangers he should get that chance, but it won't be this season and he'll need to work very hard to earn the trust of the management team and the support. I suspect if someone made a bid for him or any of the others we'd accept it. It might be best for him if he goes out on loan for the first half of next season, he needs first team football and I suspect a right back just went to the top of Ross Wilson's to-do list. 

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