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Posts posted by JohnMc

  1. Davie Cooper signed in 1977 and played under Souness while Walter Smith was his assistant. Barry Ferguson signed pro at Rangers in 1997 and played under Smith, he left Rangers (second time around) in July 2009, so  a span of 32 years. Allan McGregor signed for Rangers a month after Smith left however he did play for him second time around, so if we include that then that's a span of nearly 46 years and counting. 


    Derek Johnstone signed for Rangers in 1970 and left in 1986 (for the second time), being released by Souness and Walter Smith. He didn't play under them though. 

  2. Beale is a new manager, in his career he's spent all of 9 months as the man in charge. That's not long and as such we have to accept he'll make mistakes. The midfield chosen for the cup final didn't perform. I can understand why he chose to go with the experience of Kamara and Lundstrum to balance the youth of Tilman. There is absolutely no guarantee that had he started Raskin and Cantwell the match would have finished any differently. Starting is different from coming on as a sub. 

    What's important about Beale is learning from his mistakes. We play Celtic again in a few weeks, it'll be interesting to see what we do differently then. Beale is a gamble, we're gambling that someone recognised as a very good coach can become a very good manager. It's not going to happen instantly though, he'll need some time and support. Wether he'll get it is another matter. 


    Pedro's big downfall was his inability to learn from his mistakes. Fingers crossed Beale is smarter, and luckier. 

  3. 18 minutes ago, Bluedell said:

    I believe McCulloch was entered into the Hall of Fame in 2014, along with Ricksen and Novo, a year which totally devalued the HoF, in my opinion.


    Wallace deserves to be be in front of all three, in my opinion.

    I stand corrected, I didn't realise McCulloch was already in the Hall Of Fame. I couldn't find a definitive list of who was in it. My internet skills are clearly as poor as my memory these days! 

  4. What I find interesting is two players, McGregor and Davis, are honoured despite both leaving the club when we went onto administration. Yet two international players who stayed, McCulloch and Wallace, are ignored. Now we can debate motivation, stage of career, earning potential and so on, but both could have played at a far higher level than the bottom divisions in Scotland at that time. 

    As it happens I don't really blame Davis and McGregor, or any of the players who left. It's a short career, there was enormous uncertainty around the club, the new owner, Charles Green, even then didn't fill you with confidence. But, both Wallace and McCulloch made different choices and so provided experience and leadership at a time when we were looking like playing children in our first team. Whatever your views on their ability I find it surprising they've been overlooked when some of their contemporaries are being inducted.  

  5. I remember a number of years ago, ironically against Thistle again, Iain Ferguson being criticised for chasing the ball following a similar incident. Someone went down and the ball was put out, it was thrown back to Thistle by us, then Fergie chased their players not allowing them to dwell on it. The Thistle fans howled, their players remonstrated but as the game was tied and it felt like Thistle were wasting time Fergie wasn't for letting them pass it among themselves. At the time I fully supported him doing it, I felt Thistle were taking advantage of the unwritten rule, using it to their advantage, trying to slow the game down, stop our building momentum. 


    So for me there isn't a line, I don't see this as club specific, I see it as circumstances specific. I'd have no problem supporting the manager and players doing the same thing, in the same circumstances, against any other side, even 'them'. In different circumstances though, I might take a very different view. As this thread has demonstrated, this isn't a black and white issue. We all see things differently and I suspect if this ever does happen again there will be disagreements, again. 


    Interestingly I just watched the Leeds/Aston Villa incident from a few years back. It's slightly different but the outcome was the same, Leeds letting Villa walk in a goal. What I noticed though was the Leeds supporters booed and jeered it, they weren't happy about that decision, made by a very popular manager in Biesla. So maybe @Bluedell is onto something in his observation that those at the game and those watching on TV saw the incident differently. 

  6. Since we're reading so much into this let's consider for a moment what might have happened had Beale ignored Thistle's protests and said 'play on, tough'. He'd have certainly created an angry and highly motivated opponent for a start. I expect more than one Thistle player might have fancied some old-fashioned retribution on Tillman too. The referee had already shown himself to be lenient when it came to Thistle, so quite what protection Tillman would have got we can only speculate about, but not much isn't a wild guess. That's before we even consider the off field reaction. Pressure for a replay in the manner of Arsenal a few years ago would have been doing the rounds by now not to mention the demonisation of Tillman.

    The more you look at it not only was it the right decision for reasons of sportsmanship, it was the pragmatic decision all round. 


  7. 3 minutes ago, ranger_syntax said:

    Winning is a habit.


    You might think that you can tell the players to pick and choose.


    Just remember that when you complain about scraping past an inferior team. Or maybe it will be a match that we don't kill off before letting the opponent equalise.

    Remind me of our results since Beale took over? 


    Beale instructing our players to allow Thistle to score not only didn't affect the result of the match, it has literally no bearing at all on the next match, none whatsoever. 

  8. Morelos to Inter isn't as ridiculous as it first sounds. Italian club football isn't at the standard it once was, you could argue it's only the fifth strongest league in Europe now. Plus in recent years Scottish players have done relatively well in Serie A. Aaron Hickey and Liam Henderson both settled quickly and did well there, now Josh Doig and Lewis Ferguson have continued that trend. A fit, focussed Morelos would do well in that league and for a relatively small outlay he must be on a few Italian sides radar. 

  9. It would hardly undermine the manager if Stewart Robertson or someone on the board did an interview in Rangers TV where they explained the board's delight at finally qualifying but their disappointment at the performances in the Champion's League. The reality check regarding the levels we are striving to reach, the challenges the coaching team have faced regarding injuries to the squad and the confidence the board have in GvB and the need for patience and backing from the support while injured players return to the team. I mean that's hardly controversial or indeed unexpected. A lot of the support might not agree with it but it would let everyone know where they stand. As ever directors can change their mind at any time in the future. 


    For me the fact they haven't done this is more telling regarding how the board are feeling about things. I wonder if there's a split in the board currently regarding our manager. 

  10. As Bassey proved, a good 6 months is all it needs to for one of our players to become a target for richer clubs. Tillman, as a creative player, could easily command a fee similar to Bassey if he can develop his game. There's an argument he's not worth what Munich want for him currently, but the potential is there and with more games and good coaching he could become someone who is in demand. I'd also say King could be a target for English sides if he can continue his progress. Spending £6 or £7 million on a young player like King isn't a big deal for a lot of clubs down there. King isn't worth that now, but again the more he plays and improves the more chance it will happen. 

    Strangely, for this model to succeed, it's really important that Paterson, Aribo and Bassey excel at their 'new' clubs. Even players who might leave for very little in the summer, if they are able to hold their own in terms of the overall quality of the new leagues they play in the more interest that will generate in our players. 

  11. Manchester. Both United and City have made the final. 

    Can't think of many other countries that have 2 cities with 2 semi finalists. Neither Torino nor Lazio have reached the last 4, so just Milan with 2 clubs, Espanyol haven't so just Madrid in Spain, Boavista haven't so just Lisbon from Portugal. Can't think what German cities have 2 strong sides, Berlin certainly hasn't had 2 semi finalists and 1860 Munich haven't reached the semi final. 

  12. The owner of the Phoenix Suns looks like just the kind of guy we'd want owning the club... https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/basketball/62899194 

    The Phoenix Suns owner Robert Sarver has been suspended for a year and fined $10m after an NBA investigation into claims of racism and misogyny.

    The NBA found Sarver "engaged in conduct that clearly violated common workplace standards".

    It found evidence of "racially insensitive language, unequal treatment of female employees and sex-related statements and conduct".

  13. 23 hours ago, CammyF said:

    If La La Land is in West Lothian then maybe that's true. 


    He has several points ;


    - Board communication with fans is horrendous. 


    - Serveral areas of the club have been neglected for too long ; ticketing, catering, disabled access, pricing, MyGers, customer service etc.


    - we were told that money fr9m players sales would be reinvested in the squad. This hasn't happened. 


    - Gio said on Tuesday that there was "no money in bank", yet UEFA deposited £14M into out bank the previous Friday. And that's not taking into consideration of the money from players sales, EL run and record season ticket sales. 


    The board staying silent doesn't help it hinders.





    I didn't read Dave King asking about Mygers, disabled access, pricing or any of the other things you mentioned in your point. Did he raise them? 


    As others have said we have reinvested in the squad. You might be unhappy with who we've reinvested in, and that's fair enough, but it's not accurate to say it hasn't happened. Aside from the 7 new first team squad signings and 11 development squad signings, that from what I can see cost in excess of £10 million in transfer fees, we also gave new contracts to Goldson, Tav, McGregor and Davis, each of who will have received a decent signing on fee on top of agent fees. I hope we've still got something left over after selling Bassey, Aribo and Itten and we're able to strengthen again in January. We didn't know if we were going into the Champion's League until a couple of weeks ago. I suspect we did have signing target(s) if we qualified and for whatever reason they didn't pan out. I don't know if I expect the club's directors or manager to announce publicly we tried to sign someone and he chose to stay where he is. 

    All that aside I'm not sure what other communication you expect from the board and on what subjects? Dave King can pick up the phone to the board anytime he wants, he's a major shareholder he gets to ask questions if he wants. He's stirring trouble in my opinion, I'm grateful for all he's done in the past but I think he's at it currently. 


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