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Everything posted by Siam69

  1. Union Bears As you will know, the group took the very difficult decision back in May not to renew our season tickets due to the selfish, malicious and borderline illegal actions of our club’s current and previous incumbents. This was a decision echoed by nearly 15000 season ticket holders and the crowds at Ibrox so far this season have reflected the feeling of many Rangers supporters. We watched with hope and expectation as Dave King submitted his £16 million offer of funding in exchange for a majority stake in the club. We then watched with resignation but not shock as Mike Ashley and his friends within the Board room blocked this move and instead pushed through Ashley’s £2 million emergency loan secured against Rangers assets and on the premise of complete Board control. Like all other supporters, we wanted a clean break from people like Charles Green and his murky investors, but it is clear this isn't going to happen. It therefore brings us to a crossroads, as a group and as individuals. Mike Ashley has his grip firmly on the throat of our beloved club and nothing and nobody will make him remove it, as has been demonstrated in his time in charge of Newcastle Utd. It has thrown up a pertinent question which must be answered by not only us but every Rangers fan. Do we maintain our boycott for potentially years in the hope that someone saves us? Or do we elect to support the team on the park and explore other ways of enforcing change at Rangers? After much discussion we have elected to follow the latter path. As of 03/01/2015 we will be returning to the stands on a permanent basis. This is not a gesture of support for those now in charge of our club, nor is it an admission of defeat. It is simply a change of tactic. As a passionate group of supporters whose best attributes lie in what we achieve in and around the stadium on a matchday, we feel hamstrung by our absence and therefore the group needs to go back to being present within Ibrox. We have tried to boycott, to fall in line with other fan groups who have done their level best to encourage change within the club. But in reality all that has taken place over these past few months is a strengthening of Mike Ashley, Sandy and James Easdale, David Somers and many others’ positions within Rangers. It’s the sorry truth. We would like to make it clear that we will not be attending the League Cup semi final as a group, and feel it would be wrong to take tickets ahead of fans who have been attending games on a weekly basis. As we won't be attending as a group, it will make it impossible for us to pull off a display. We would therefore ask all Rangers fans to do their bit by making our end as colourful as possible, with flags, banners, streamers and anything else they can. We will however be planning more displays between now and the end of the season, and look forward to bringing some noise and colour back to Ibrox. Although we return to Ibrox on a permanent basis we won’t be doing so as supporters of the regime. Yes our money will be going towards their bonuses and onerous contracts in the short term, but the Union Bears will throw our weight behind another path towards long term change and that is fan ownership, and more specifically Rangers First. Rangers First is a Community Interest Company which was established at the beginning of this year with very simple goals; to gather together the financial clout of the Rangers support, purchase shares in the club and ultimately put it back in the hands of those who matter. Rangers First already owns over 500’000 shares in RIFC (roughly 0.6%) without any real offline publicising. As a group we hope to support them in the ways that we do best as they move forward towards greater awareness and support for fan representation and ownership. Of course we urge all those who stood with us in BF1 over the years to ask themselves the same question we did and decide what the future holds for you with regards to match attendance. But we will not try and influence your decision in any way. It’s an individual’s choice to make. What we do urge every singly Rangers supporter to do is visit http://www.rangersfirst.org, learn about the initiative and sign up. Put the money you used to spend on Rangers merchandise and funding Ashley's empire of zero hour contracts into something worthwhile. The strength of our support should not be measured or remembered by how many of us turn up at Ibrox or elect to stay away in protest, but rather by the lengths we will go to right the wrongs of those before us and stand shoulder to shoulder with one common goal; delivering the Rangers we all deserve. We owe it our children and grandchildren. If you would like to join the group in BF1 for the second half of the season then please send the following details to transfers@unionbears.co.uk or as a message to the Union Bears Facebook page: Full Name: Address: Date Of Birth: Contact Number (Mobile & Landline): Rangers Number: Do you have a season ticket already? (Yes/No): Union Bears
  2. Siam69

    Welcome Thread

    Bout Yee RR, good to see you here, I'm only a recent 'recruit' myself. Lots of good info on here mate, knowledgeable posters, I usually read every thread
  3. He should go or get punted by Xmas, give someone new a chance with a transfer window (I know we're skint) to claw this back, or at least guarantee the play offs and promotion that way........................................shakes head as was typing that.
  4. His IP address might shed some light, as I'm sure you have thought about before, or maybe he uses proxies.......
  5. Unfortunately that's very true. For some, Rangers comes a poor second to their petty squabbling and feuds with other Rangers fans. Pathetic and heart-breaking at the same time.
  6. He's been quick of the mark - Bitter War Of Words Continues November 21, 2014 / billmcmurdo The war of words between Sandy Easdale and Dave King took a new turn tonight with the King camp claiming they had email evidence that Easdale had, indeed, asked for assurances that he and brother James would not be culled should Kingco win the boardroom battle. That prompted this response from Easdale’s advisors:- Statement from Jack Irvine on behalf of Sandy Easdale Mr King’s most recent claims have been examined by Mr Easdale’s legal adviser, Professor Peter Watson. Mr King has already been contacted by Professor Watson over his comments and asked for clarification. We will be saying nothing further on the matter. The flurry of statements and counter-statements is fascinating but many Gers fans are fed up with it. It has to be said that, for all the sniping going on, one brutal reality has to be faced. King and his cohorts have lost the battle and their pronouncements seem more and more like sour grapes. Dave King may be filling a lot of newspaper space right now but neither he nor his cronies will be filling a Rangers blazer anytime soon.
  7. This tit for tat 'exchange' is both pathetic and embarrassing, and does no one any good. Well, except help keep that scumbag Irvine in a job.
  8. It just shows how out of touch with the support Easdale really is, when he allows Irvine to be so open with that statement. Does he think using Toxic is going to endear him to fans, or are they well past caring what the fans feel.
  9. Can't agree with King, here. Just a 'don't give them any more money' call, nothing else? Unfortunately his latest 'stuff' is starting to make the Board look competent in comparison ffs.
  10. Four men have appeared in court charged with fraudulent activity following a probe into the sale of Rangers in 2011. David Grier, Paul Clark and David Whitehouse worked for Duff and Phelps, who were Rangers' administrators. Gary Withey worked for law firm Collier Bristow, which represented Craig Whyte before he bought Rangers from Sir David Murray for £1 in 2011. All four made no plea or declaration at Glasgow Sheriff Court and were granted bail ahead of a future hearing. Mr Grier, Mr Clark and Mr Whitehouse were also charged with attempting to pervert the course of justice.
  11. Just been on Sky, all 4 Charged with being involved in a fraudulent scheme concerning the takeover of Rangers, the 3 D&P are also charged with trying to pervert the course of justice. Quite serious charges I'd have thought
  12. Was thinking the same, I mean, the Scotland Team's Hotel!
  13. Souness saying Green's a Prick. That's quite diplomatic to be fair............
  14. Entered from Londonistan.
  15. http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/football/30009546 Hibernian: Pat Stanton leads fans' buyout campaign Hibernian legend Pat Stanton is to head a new group that hopes to unite fans behind a bid to buy the club. BuyHibs is backed by the Erin Trust, Hibernian Supporters Association, the Formers Players Association and Hibernian Shareholders Association. Stanton has called for a meeting with Tom Farmer and want Hibs' owner to name his price for the club. "The BuyHibs campaign has the ultimate aim of buying our club," said the former Hibs player and team manager. BuyHibs campaign director Neil Wheelan "The club are failing on and off the park and the need for change has never been greater; the club needs a new direction with fresh drive and investment coming into the club." The group was formed following supporters groups meetings and a survey of more than 4,000 fans carried out by Supporters Direct Scotland. "We are in the fortunate position that the motivation for BuyHibs has not been generated from an emergency situation through a threatened insolvency like supporters of other clubs have been faced with," said Stanton. "We want to be in a position where we can make a positive contribution to the long-term position of our club and to be ready to buy the club when the opportunity arises. "We are asking fans to pledge to provide funds which will allow BuyHibs to drive positive change and to give an indication of what size of stake is achievable. "We are open to work with all Hibernian-minded people and groups who share the same goal. "As a first step, we call on Sir Tom Farmer and Rod Petrie to meet with us to find and promote a positive and sustainable change for the betterment of Hibernian and to provide Sir Tom with a clear and deserved exit from the club he has backed for many years." Hibs are presently playing in the Scottish Championship after being relegated from the top flight last season. Cowdenbeath's Callum Gallagher challenges Hibs' Matthew Kennedy Hibernian are in the Scottish Championship after being relegated last season BuyHibs campaign director Neil Wheelan said: "The club are failing on and off the park and the need for change has never been greater; the club needs a new direction with fresh drive and investment coming into the club. "The potential within the Hibernian fan base is enormous and this must be used to take the club forward. "The club needs sweeping changes to bring a new and more positive outlook and the required fresh investment. "It would appear that the current custodians have no desire to invest to move the club forward so we call on Sir Tom Farmer to remain true to his word and pass the Football Club, Easter Road Stadium and the East Main Training Academy into a community-backed vehicle that safeguards the future of all assets." In August, a consortium of investors claimed to have made a £3.5m offer to take control HFC Holdings Ltd, the company that owns about 98% of the Easter Road club. The fans survey by Supporters Direct Scotland, which has helped other clubs move to fan ownership, revealed that 84% of Hibs fans wanted the Edinburgh club to follow that path. Slightly less - 80% - also believe Easter Road Stadium should be safeguarded and that any change to that would require fan approval, while 68% said that they would be willing to join a membership scheme to provide additional income for the club. Andrew Jenkin, of Supporters Direct Scotland, added: "Supporters are the heart and soul of any football club and the BuyHibs campaign shows Hibernian have many passionate, knowledgeable and highly-skilled supporters who would like to be further involved in the running of the club."
  16. When I hear his name, the first thing that comes to my mind is Injury, sadly.
  17. Spot on, and something I have mentioned quite a few times on RM.
  18. Ok, understand. But do you believe that was their motivation for getting involved when they did, surely that's a more recent development?
  19. Yep, same here. And thanks for posting rbr.
  20. Disqualified, how are you meaning, Whyte?
  21. Thanks for the opinions so far. As above, yes, they are definitely the front for the Green gang, whether still willing participants, or wanting but finding it hard to exit is open to debate? Also yes, with Ashley getting more involved, will that herald the exit they maybe crave, or with them allegedly quite close to him in the lead up to his 'power grab' is there still a role for them? I think McMurdo is their biggest champion.
  22. Yes, I find it interesting as well, excellent last couple of posts above from yourself and time4 change.. And I shake my head with disbelief when I unfortunately regularly read stuff like 'I didn't even read it but know it's lies and bollocks because it's by XYZ'. Especially with everything we've been through recently, the mind boggles. Personally, even with the more obvious 'plants' on RM or McMurdo, i'll read and digest what they have to say first, before forming an opinion, as most sane people do!
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