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Everything posted by Rangersitis

  1. Is anyone aware if the Academy Development Fund that was promised in the Business Review has been set up yet?
  2. That is the rule for an ineligible player as opposed to a suspended player. The UEFA match delegate, Paul Krahenbuhl, found the discrepancy on the Thursday afternoon.
  3. http://www.inbrief.co.uk/football-law/dual-ownership-of-football-clubs.htm Doesn't answer the question and I can't vouch for it's accuracy, but it does appear that the Premier League does have it's own ideas on the matter.
  4. Cheers, mate. Perhaps it's a stipulation laid down unilaterally by the EPL? It's a strange one.
  5. The Belgian guy who owns Standard Liege is the major shareholder in at least four clubs, including Charlton. Was that a Charlie Chuckles quote?
  6. http://www.theguardian.com/football/blog/2014/aug/14/san-lorenzo-copa-libertadores Proof of what can be achieved with the right men at the helm.
  7. Fair dos, although I do think that you would be a fine addition to anything which was genuinely set up to improve things. I think we both know the reason why there was a fee for those who refused to buy a ST.
  8. I agree that it is unrealistic to expect them to meet the demands of the support - they have shown us that they can't even meet the demands of the business view that they put together themselves!
  9. I think that is a little unfair. I don't believe that Forlanssister would sit meekly in the corner, content to just being there. Obviously, there may be others who would see it differently to him, but until we see the make up of it, we shouldn't disregard it. If the board manipulate the candidates up for election they will only confirm what most people think of it and it will never have any credibility.
  10. The review was nothing more than a continuation of the bullshit that has been fed to a gullible support in order to keep them placated while the money flies out the back door. Even now, after everything that has gone on, there are still those happy to give them the benefit of the doubt.
  11. You may not think that it is fair, but it is what it is. If Wallace was held in high regard by other clubs, they would pay for his services.
  12. Those decent performances occurred in the high profile of the CL and that resulted in a subsequent England call-up. That is the big difference.
  13. His audience are made up of those who have the same agenda as him. They have a fixed mindset and are not people who will listen to reasoned debate, and therefore will take no notice of what the likes of Chris Graham have to say on such matters. All part of the tit-for-tat nonsense that both sides like to indulge in.
  14. Is he not a Rangers supporter? Agree with the sentiment though.
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