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Everything posted by Rangersitis

  1. Found this old article. What the hell happened to that theory? This now looks like little more than McCoist massaging his own ego in the press. He has reverted back to the same method that his predecessor preferred - buying solid, safe, hard to beat 'old heads' and to hell with the nurturing of "the good batch of kids" that he has. It is both depressing and infuriating.
  2. What expertise does he have for such a role? Also, if it's true, McCoist is obviously calling the shots.
  3. Falkirk are allowing it to happen because they had the wind knocked out of them. Rangers are still rank.
  4. Rangers appealed against the length of the ban - a ruling which didn't have a fixed penalty to work to. Legia are not. If you are going to provide comparisons, please try to make them relevant. On second thoughts, don't bother, this is pointless.
  5. He's grooming the support to accept mediocrity and expect embarrassing defeats or draws. It has been a profitable tactic for a succession of suits, so why shouldn't he adopt it too?
  6. If the rule needs changed, it is up to the clubs to petition UEFA into doing so - but not once they fall foul of them, for whatever reason. If UEFA start changing a rule mid-competition to suit whatever group is placing pressure on them, the game will become unmanageable with cries of corruption coming left, right and centre.
  7. You can note whatever you like, but you are totally wrong in your assumptions. If the rules and laws were not to my liking, I wouldn't join up in the first place. Whether that be an occupation, a sport, a social club or even a religion, it makes no difference. If I want to live by my own rules, I set up my own wee thing instead of being so conceited that I expect everyone else to change solely to keep me happy.
  8. Only if the Arab was buttoned up the back and had never seen a snake oil salesman at work.
  9. You still haven't addressed the points about Legia a) signing up to those rules; b) failing to challenge this particular rule until they were caught breaking it; and c) not leading the backlash when FK Atyrau, Neftchi Baku, Arsenal Kiev and Maccabi Haifa (I expect that there are other examples) received the same 3-0 forfeit for fielding suspended players. Come to think about it, where was your indignation when those previous injustices, carried out by a corrupt organisation, were being perpetrated on teams which were not facing Celtic?
  10. That's correct, different punishments for different, if similar, offences. As you like to go off on crime and punishment tangents, that is like saying culpable homicide should receive the same tariff as premeditated murder. Doesn't fair play mean the same as playing by the rules? Introduce a set of rules, and penalties for breaking them, only to turn round and say "Ahh, just forget about it this time." In what way could that be considered to be consistent? Legia did want to be in that group with all it's rules and regulations - they even signed up to it, however, when it fell foul of those edicts, through nobody's fault but their own, they started to bleat about it being unfair. It wasn't, it was stupidity that hundreds of other clubs manage to avoid year after year.
  11. Dunfermline's charge sheet: As I said, apples and oranges - and that is without seeing what the rules stipulate as to what a punishment should be.
  12. There is no case to be made. Read the regulation, the one that Legia didn't, and then tell me whether they were treated harshly or whether they were treated fairly. Leave aside the emotive pish about 'sporting inadequacy'. Still waiting on you posting the specific charge that Dunfermline faced. Your continued prevarication is leading me to believe that it wasn't the same as Legia faced.
  13. Celtic would, quite rightly, have appealed any decision which ignored rules which have no leeway written into them, and they would have won it. You have still to explain why Legia didn't feel the need to challenge this rule prior to signing up to play under the auspices of UEFA and their rules. There is little point in discussing apples and oranges, so you will need to publish the relevant ruling in the case of Dunfermline.
  14. I don't remember it. What was the specific regulation that they broke and what was the punishment stipulated for the offence? Can we get back to the current issue that you completely sidestepped?
  15. Cynic! I do agree with you that there is pressure on them to pick some names who are already known, but as has been seen on numerous occasions, they don't seem to give a fig as to how others view their actions. On the point of vetting the application forms, they don't really need to know who is a militant, if they already know who is sympathetic to them. The way they have split it into a dozen sections makes it a lot easier to control.
  16. Don't you see that had they changed the explicit punishment set out in the regulation that they would open themselves up to accusations of corruption? Each and every team signs up to the competition at the beginning of the season. The time to challenge rules is not midway through when their own incompetence has bitten them on the arse. If they didn't like the rule they should have campaigned to have it changed. Did Legia go on a crusade when the same punishment was meted out to the previous transgressors? Did they fuck.
  17. It wasn't Celtic who noticed the anomaly. It has been covered on this thread on a few occasions. Had Legia taken the same amount of care to ensure that they adhered to the rules in the same way that hundreds of other clubs do, they wouldn't have found themselves in their current predicament. A painful lesson that they won't repeat in a hurry.
  18. His style of football is horrible. Good man for those who are only interested in money.
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