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Everything posted by Rangersitis

  1. Liverpool looked flat until the introduction of the vastly underrated Joe Allen. Anfield was like a morgue.
  2. The article fails to explain how a loan will see him increase his stake in the club. It's also quite a jump from holding 7% of the stock to being the owner. Wishful thinking from a barcode fan?
  3. Frankie's article contradicting the magazine's strapline. Brilliant.
  4. Defensive lapse gave El Alagui the chance to create and score a wonderful goal. 2-1 at FT and both sides showed that their displays at Ibrox were no flukes.
  5. Sensational strike from Nicholson, but the dummy was even better. Penalty makes it 2-0.
  6. In total agreement. The perfect opportunity arose to do just what you say, but the right people were not in there to do what was best in the long run. The latest in a long line of wasted chances.
  7. As the SPFL is now one body, the only one missing is the Glasgow one, and that is the only one that sponsors are interested in. Never a penalty.
  8. What a shitebag! [video=youtube_share;XuUPWzJFVn4]http://youtu.be/XuUPWzJFVn4 Suspected broken nose for the PSG player with a lengthy ban in the offing for Brandao.
  9. That all sounds like a pretty positive outlook towards long-term improvement for the club. Just a pity that the words come from Stubbs at Hibs.
  10. Northern Spirit and Shenzhen were absolute disasters. A club needs to have sorted out it's own long-term planning before it can even consider entering into any deals with others.
  11. Gutsy win for a below par Arsenal, a stunning goal for McGeady, big Sam sinks deeper into the mire and Ron Vlaar continues to show that he is one of the best in his position. The league of hype is back!
  12. Perhaps, as Merlin informed us, there will be a £50m injection of cash. More likely to be a scorched earth policy as they withdraw.
  13. If King comes in and starts spending amounts which are unsustainable in the long run, we will end up back at square one in a few years time. I would much prefer that any cash injection went straight to scouting and youth development. I am not hopeful.
  14. Yet another example of not planning ahead. To replace a whole side and expect it to hit the ground running is a disaster waiting to happen.
  15. Simonsen Miller Boyd McCulloch McGregor Foster Daly Black Smith Faure McAusland Mohsni Gasparotto All out of contract at the end of the season so they either need to be replaced or enter into discussions about extensions, no doubt even more lucrative than now.
  16. The TV deal struck after the collapse of Setanta was in the region of £1m per club. I can't see it being worth much more now.
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