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Everything posted by Rangersitis

  1. It's a joke of a competition anyway. The team have far greater problems that need to be solved ahead of trying to win a meaningless trophy that ranks alongside the Glasgow Cup in terms of kudos.
  2. I wasn't being sarcastic. I do think that the reasons I gave are behind this pish.
  3. I'm not at it. I believe that there are those at the club who feel that way.
  4. Those dark days of sectarian signing policies and PUL identity.
  5. Arrange a friendly over there!
  6. Police Scotland support starving them out!
  7. You really don't want to go down the road of accusing someone of having tunnel vision. You repeatedly ignore what is staring you in the face when it comes to the board/investors. Periodically stating "I'm not pro-board" may lead you to believe that you are being perceived as neutral, but you are transparent to most posters. Wallace lied at the AGM, so why would he have any qualms about doing so again? Why would that not be the default thought of anyone who has knowledge of how he operates?
  8. It's certainly a harder line of thought to follow than it is to think that Wallace lied to fans and shareholders about club finances.
  9. Perhaps you can better explain than der Berliner has so far, but in what way have the circumstances changed?
  10. Is that the extent of your argument? It is possible, if somewhat improbable, that existing investors just decided to change their minds on a whim, even when they were, according to the guy who had previously lied to the AGM, still prepared to sink more money in despite being aware of the mismanagement of funds and the mass refusal to buy season tickets.
  11. What has changed in the interim for them to alter their stance? You claimed in your last answer that it was the financial results and ST boycott. It wasn't 'possible' investors either. At the push of a button, indeed!
  12. Ok, just to give them the benefit of the doubt, I shall put the Easdale quote to one side for now, however, Wallace made his claim AFTER the 120-day review was published and the Ibrox 1972 Trust Fund had already been put in place at this point.
  13. How far into the medium/long term will this £4m of financing run? Please bear in mind that there has been no notification that the previous short-term financing initiative has been repaid. There should be no need for anyone to underwrite the share issue. Graham Wallace claimed to have £5m of equity funding available from current investors and Sandy Easdale stated that they had investors lined up - unless both were, shudder the thought, lying in order to pull the wool over the eyes of the support.
  14. It was a Derby match, they are always frenetic affairs. That being said, both teams did attempt to show the audience some nice football at times.
  15. NUFC have a profit of £24m in transfers since Ashley took over. In what way does that suggest that he was 'throwing cash around'?
  16. It is the share issue itself which is short-term and desperate. Allowing Ashley to underwrite it would be another story, especially as he was the beneficiary of one of those onerous contracts dished out by the bad 'old board'.
  17. George Soros will be raging when he sees that someone else is trying to muscle in on his and Charlie's deal.
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