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Everything posted by Rangersitis

  1. Aye, imagine the organisation which runs the league using league placings for seedings.
  2. That doesn't appear to be feasible as that would surely lead to frozen accounts. There is little likelihood of them being as lucky as they were with the Ahmad ruling.
  3. If it is all being manipulated by this Machiavellian character, why would he allow anything damaging to come out? What are these obvious reasons?
  4. You have been called out on these fantasies before and failed to provide anything to back up your claims. However, I will humour you here. This masterplan was successful, so why the need for these continued appeals. How does that work in your colourful scenario?
  5. Care to give examples of this lot giving two fucks what 'the usual suspects'(whoever they are), or anyone else within the support, think about their actions, or indeed, inaction?
  6. It has been the excuse of choice from the bottom tier onwards, and it really is a piece of nonsense. If a team drops it's level down to that of an inferior opponent, it is purely down to attitude and application of the players on the pitch - functions which should be dealt with by their manager. When he trots out the same lame excuse, then there really is no hope.
  7. If that is the case, their sphere of influence doesn't appear to reach very far.
  8. He doesn't appear to have been doing anything for the last couple of years.
  9. http://davidfarrellfaz.wordpress.com/2014/08/27/louis-reaches-high-with-diamonds/ I realise that the Rangers link is tenuous, so apologies to admin if it is in the wrong section of the board. Never the less, it is an interesting take on how a player views the different methods of training. The highlighted part certainly gave me a chuckle, although I'm sure that a few of our more enlightened posters will be shaking their heads in dismay.
  10. You're the master of pointless comparisons, so nobody is better suited for the job of hunting for a club which has had a 20-25 percent drop off from last season. Let us all know your findings.
  11. Ludogorets won the penalty shoot-out with an outfield player making a couple of saves, their goalkeeper having been given a red card two minutes from the end of extra time.
  12. Of course. Did you think that everyone would just take up knitting or golf to while away the hours and hours that they spent watching Rangers each week?
  13. HMRC will take the view that the amounts spent on appeals will be small change if they ultimately get the decision that they seek. They would be able to claw back millions.
  14. Two things. This romantic notion of a 'journey back to the top' that was concocted up through a mixture of bravado and disbelief soon turned sour once reality bit. If you want to continue believing in it, fill your boots, but most other folk have woken up by now. Simply winning games isn't what millions of fans have expected throughout the club's history. This apparent acceptance of 'winning ugly', no matter who the opposition is, has had it's own part to play in how attractive Rangers are as a club.
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