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Everything posted by Rangersitis

  1. Do you think the media engineered the release of the statement on the LSE in order to shield Celtic?
  2. For Christ's sake, this has nowt to do with Celtic. The media haven't made this situation up - it's very real.
  3. You have absolutely no idea whether King will be the answer, but just out of interest, where should they move on to?
  4. As has been witnessed over and over in the past three years, nothing is too far fetched. Each of those scenarios is quite possible before the season ends.
  5. There is little likelihood of it going in that direction anytime soon, although that's not to say that it couldn't happen further down the track.
  6. The inclusion of the Mike Ashley rumours takes away a good deal of the impact from what is otherwise a decent statement. It comes across as scaremongering.
  7. Where are all those managers then? They will be well aware that our cash-strapped club will be easy to deal with, so why have there been no bids accepted/declined?
  8. They are there to extract as much cash as they can using various methods to do so. You must have been so busy looking for all these bogeymen in the shadows that you have missed everything that they have been up to.
  9. If FS is correct in his assessment of the situation, the lights going out will be the least of the worries.
  10. The real enemies are a lot closer to home. I would like to think that you may grasp that at some point in time.
  11. Raging. He was quite happy to discuss off-field matters when it was being used to deflect from a poor result and performance. Should be showing the fans some respect.
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