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Everything posted by Rangersitis

  1. People can try to explain it away using whatever method they choose, but when it comes to bare numbers, 10k+ have decided that enough is enough.
  2. A perfectly legitimate point of view to hold and one that would be best in an ideal world. The problem I have with him is his ability to talk about non-football matters only when it suits him. He was more than happy to take the plaudits for keeping the support informed when we went into admin, and more recently he has not been averse to using 'goings-on' within the club as an excuse to bat away criticism of his management style or the results/performances of his team. If he wants respect, he should stop treating the support with such contempt.
  3. 31,851 today. You will need to adjust your figures, Mr Hemdani. This is for a Saturday in August with a 3pm kick off. Just imagine what it will be like playing Alloa on a Tuesday night in January.
  4. I like Jonny Evans, but the other two at the back plus Young, Valencia and Fletcher just aren't good enough. The introduction of Rojo and Blind should help them no end, as will the break for the international matches.
  5. Not all the supporter groups were aghast at venture capitalists from overseas homing in on the club, but then again, that came as no surprise as they were waiting to get their pom poms out for another one of the shady bidders.
  6. From two weeks ago : Somebody is ripping the piss here.
  7. Falkirk only stated that it was a club record fee, with the previous record being £380k. The £1m figure was their reported asking price.
  8. You have been given ample opportunity to provide proof to refute their claims and to back up your assertion, which you state quite frequently, that he has no money. On every single occasion you haven't been forthcoming. Could this be the one?
  9. I'm not. I have heard the same drivel too many times before to allow it to go unchallenged, and to be perfectly honest, being polite is not a priority.
  10. I'm not questioning his wealth, I'm asking what proof there is that he wants to plough that sort of money into Rangers, and if he does, how would he do it while owning Newcastle?
  11. Starve this lot out as quickly as possible and start again from there. They have their claws in and won't let go until they have taken all that they desire.
  12. Rangers announce that they are up to their chests in shit and you want to divert your attention to what Celtic are up to. Sums you up. Sadly, you are far from alone and it was this sort of idiocy which allowed the current situation to reach the level it has.
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