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Everything posted by Rangersitis

  1. LvG taking the 'We will win 6-5' approach. What's the Dutch word for gallus?!
  2. There can't be many individuals/groups with such a large holding.
  3. No doubt, but I don't see Ashley giving him many exclusives after that savaging.
  4. Oooft! Jackson has certainly nailed his colours to the mast with that propaganda piece.
  5. He will have been well aware what role he was there to play. He has lied on more than one occasion - he's no innocent.
  6. You can't even be consistent with your views. In a post from you the other day you stated that when we went into administration you were worried that there wouldn't be a club to support, so what is it to be?
  7. That's some attitude there. Have you put your name down for the fans board? You would be a shoo-in.
  8. The guy has only asked some questions. If you are in a position to clear everything up that has been discussed on the thread that would probably be best for all concerned.
  9. It all depends on where one wants to put the emphasis when reading it. In any case, he was talking about the actions of other clubs when he wrote that part. Much ado about nothing.
  10. What does any of that have to do with the footballing philosophy of the club? They can't compete financially with the big hitters in their league, but instead of filling their sides with defensive bruisers sent out to stop the opposition from playing, they hire coaches who have an ethos of playing an entertaining style where passing is paramount. To me, that is something which should be applauded, not mocked. Rangers fans don't appear to be wholly enamoured by the current approach to how the team play either. It's all about choice, but to me, the game should be a joy to watch, not a chore, and I certainly won't apologise for that.
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