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Everything posted by Rangersitis

  1. It's only a theory, but if they look at the first team and the signings that have been made in the last couple of seasons, it cannot exactly fill them with hope of being given an extended run to see how they get on.
  2. Three of the seven were playing and it wasn't exactly an inexperienced side with Robinson, Faure, Hutton and Aird all taking part. Perhaps it's all down to disillusionment?
  3. I spend my money elsewhere, so I don't see that I would be alone in doing that, indeed I have known folk who have drifted away over the years for various reasons and other pastimes soon fill their time. I would say that facing the very real possibility of a second period of administration might be considered as a reason to feel duped.
  4. Just wait until the bad weather arrives. That will see attendances plummet further still even though the official figure will hold up. That is assuming that events haven't overtook things by that time.
  5. Ok, they won't have taken their business elsewhere as in to another football club, but their money will likely be going to another 'leisure pursuit', one that values it's customers and isn't out to short change them at every turn. I am sorry, but I really don't see how anyone can be blamed for deciding that their hard-earned shouldn't be squandered year after year and that they are going to hold it back in the hope of bringing about change for the better. The root cause of the current predicament are those up the marble staircase and their masters in the shadows.
  6. The point being that they were not in a position to re-pay the loan on the due date. Had George Letham played hardball, what then?
  7. No matter how many times you say that, it will still be wrong. If the board of Marks & Spencer are seen by their customers to be untrustworthy and failing in their business objectives, those customers will go elsewhere. Nobody from the company would then come out and blame them for the downturn in sales. That would be seen as ludicrous and would lead to a Ratner-esque meltdown.
  8. They have failed to re-pay George Letham by the agreed date. It is only through his good nature and love for the club that it was re-negotiated until after the share offer.
  9. You're hardly neutral where McCoist is concerned. One only needs to take a look at the ones that he has brought in to know that he is a poor judge of a player, plus it's as clear as day that he favours experience over youth. Being able to cite only one player who is given a chance to progress damns your argument instead of strengthening it.
  10. The transfer deadline is a myth. Both Arsenal and Manchester United got extensions last night. Going back to the old system would curb a lot of this crazy spending.
  11. The message is what is important. If you don't like the messenger, do the fucking leg work yourself.
  12. Only the interest was to be paid back in cash or shares. Why would he want to take even more risk with his money?
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