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Everything posted by Rangersitis

  1. Agreed. It's very similar to the way the current board/investors have treated the support. Look how that has turned out.
  2. It may be small, I really don't know, but as has already been stated by BH, so are RF and the RST in the grand scheme of things.
  3. Rangers were deducted points for entering administration. The reason for the demotion followed the failure to achieve a CVA to exit administration. I really can't believe that this is not imprinted on the brain of everyone who went through it?
  4. I do wonder if that is based on a like for like basis from last season, or on what Deloitte said was required to remain solvent. 23,361 tickets sold as of this morning.
  5. I'm well aware of that, thanks. If folk want to join share schemes, that is their prerogative, but there are at least three of them on the go, with each of them having issues with the others. Perhaps if there was one body united in their aims, people would indeed become more involved. I wish the best of fortune to all those who are genuine about what they want to see happen.
  6. Far too many egos and too much history of hatred for that to happen without seeing the next bout of infighting take place.
  7. That would be my favoured outcome. It would certainly challenge all those who say that "the club is the support" to put their money where their mouth is. I wouldn't expect there to be any great desire for it, indeed it would result in the same 'rhebel' insults that many dish out at the moment.
  8. Now the OP has Share Wars to add to his dread! A shambles from top to bottom.
  9. Blow-jobs all round from 'Captain Barry'. Pity that his respect for tradition didn't extend to the honour of wearing the Rangers armband. My big worry is that this type of ghost-written pish will eventually lead to him being installed as manager.
  10. Don't you think that you should perhaps steer clear of posing questions relating to what monies the RST have in their account?
  11. Were you not advocating starving them out and urging Letham to call in the loan?
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