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Everything posted by Rangersitis

  1. Apologies, I thought you were referring specifically to the various share schemes. It is extremely frustrating, especially when the bitching and blame games start.
  2. Look, I have no time for any of the petty personal differences between folk. If they can't put all that aside and concentrate on what they portray to be the most important thing, Rangers, then they should take their inflated egos and cravings to be on a committee and join a fucking bowling club. That goes for all sides before you read that as an anti-RST comment.
  3. You're not being a pest, but that's above my pay scale, I'm afraid.
  4. Hildy, you posted the link to a Buy Rangers video in a Rangers First thread. Don't you think that that could be perceived as being a tad confrontational and lead to increased friction?
  5. Read the thread. Once you have done that, read it again because this was all pointed out to you on the previous occasion that you brought it up and it didn't sink in then.
  6. Yes, that's what I meant by transferred. A similar type of transaction as a couple of weeks ago with the 1.8m.
  7. That's right, you considered it to be similar, everyone who has commented since then has disagreed with you.
  8. It was a comment on Hibs, absolutely nothing to do with Rangers, but even if it was, twisting things to suit is best left to those who are masters of it. It's all yours, Robert.
  9. Tell me, how did that work out for you when Whyte and Green's mob were doing their plundering? I do realise that this is a vastly different scenario, but as it is a discussion board, it doesn't seem right that you should be telling folk to keep their thoughts to themselves.
  10. The holding company also bought pubs and restaurants which crippled them when the property market hit the dirt.
  11. No, it wasn't. Tom Farmer bought the Hibs part of the parent company from the receiver.
  12. If this is supposed to be representative of the support as a whole, then it should be variable. Perhaps not to the extent of Joseph 'intill' Rae, but there should be some folk outwith the professional classes to bring some balance.
  13. I really couldn't care what stb thinks, Wallace would simply be replaced by yet another well-paid patsy who would willingly do their bidding for them because he was being enticed by a big, juicy bonus. Games are being played in the battle for hearts and minds and I for one am sick of it - no matter what direction it is coming from.
  14. I know what McMurdo is saying, I was merely questioning why you are now pushing the positive Wallace line simply because he is being marginalised on the board and having his name linked to King.
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