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Everything posted by Rangersitis

  1. Brian Bowman is yet another one who Dingwall has 'personal differences' with, however, as we have seen throughout this sorry saga, everything in isolation should be taken with a pinch of salt. The picture becomes clearer as the jigsaw is formed.
  2. I have no standards to live up to. Halkett was in the side.
  3. This is just another example of poor Sandy not getting the admiration that he deserves.
  4. Share price has dropped to 23 pence this morning. That could be interesting if that trend continues.
  5. It's in overdrive, Frankie. Time to clear the decks to bring in a new CEO 'with great credentials' just in time for the AGM vote....and the gravytrain just keeps on rolling.
  6. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/sport/football/scottish-football/11086105/Graham-Wallace-on-way-out-of-Rangers-amid-mounting-crisis-over-cash-flow-needed-to-keep-club-going.html
  7. Not to forget, complete and utter disrespect towards the support.
  8. I don't know about the deals with Starbucks and Vodafone. Will you please explain the ins and outs to me? Thanks in advance.
  9. I merely asked you a question, and of course you are quite entitled not to answer it. I made a post earlier bemoaning the petty infighting that goes on within the support and your reply was "I understand and share the frustration." Seriously, ffs?
  10. I'm well aware of the story, thanks, and as such I called it as I saw it. If you don't agree, that's fine by me.
  11. This sort of shite does you no favours either, I'm afraid. For someone who sees this venture as a sham, why, other than personal vindictiveness, are you taking such a keen interest in who doesn't get on it? Would you have the guts to go to FF and post a link to a thread discussing some of Dingwall's past indiscretions?
  12. It was bumped by one of the FF admin ghost accounts. One has to wonder why they didn't have the baws to put their own name to it.
  13. Alan Harris knew that this would come up and is well aware that he will have to face it. I think what he did was bang out of order, but he paid for it, so, hey ho.
  14. The company which ran Hibs Football Club was purchased from the receiver by Tom Farmer. Remember all the 'club isn't the company' arguments, Robert? The parent company was subsequently liquidated.
  15. That is from the old article, gunny, STV just tacked the new info above it without bothering to edit. Both parties were urged to come to an agreement over security.
  16. I'm in agreement about the squabbles between groups, as can be seen above, but if either of the schemes have aspects worthy of criticism, those points should be allowed to be aired even if they are not considered 'nice' by some.
  17. I understand about the reasons for the appeal, and I could see the point if the leave to appeal was granted with a hearing on Friday, say. But to do what he did on Friday of last week, knowing that the full case would be heard in November, then today's decision to hear the appeal in the same month seems rather peculiar.
  18. Does anyone else find the reason for granting the appeal very strange? The financial climate can't have changed much from Friday when he issued the arrestment order.
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