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Everything posted by Rangersitis

  1. So, you are against boycotts, but we should have had them years ago under Murray's tenure. As there weren't any then, there shouldn't be any now. Doo-roo-doo-roo-doo-roo-doo-roo.....
  2. You're entitled to your opinion. Enjoy sitting there singing The Blue Sea Of Ibrox as the club has the life sucked out of it by individuals who have absolutely no idea of what Rangers means to people.
  3. These 'I'm off' posts always end up the same way. The need for attention is always too strong to resist. A similar scenario to the users who trumpet their widespread use of the ignore function only to bypass it when it suits. Totally transparent.
  4. Is that not the responsibility of those who will no doubt be against any call for a boycott? The status quo is certainly not the answer.
  5. As you are prone to use as your get out clause, note the use of 'might' and 'may'.
  6. You're very fickle when it comes to your billionaires. Here today, gone tomorrow.
  7. Would they buy at 23p/24p when they can buy at 20p in the fire sale?
  8. Only those who believe that they are in any way linked. Sadly, there are some who read the witterings of the ill-informed and swallow it all as fact.
  9. What you say is very commendable, but until the RST can galvanise the majority of the support to agree with you, you are pissing in the wind. If they succeed in doing so, it will be an impressive turnaround.
  10. If there is a lack of trust surrounding any organisation, then it will struggle to attract members/customers, and it will be a long, slow process to regain that trust. I can't think of anyone involved in Rangers over the past few years who I would trust implicitly, so you could have picked a better example to make your point.
  11. My only gripe is how the situation was handled by Mr Harris, and do think that there may have been a touch of revenge in the manner in which he acted. In saying that, I have never believed that it prevented any investment into the club. The reaction to it on another site was OTT, but not at all unexpected given previous events.
  12. Agreed. That is the only way to guarantee that things are brought to a head.
  13. It 'could' get everything brought out into the open, but I wouldn't be holding my breath on that. They will already have various plans drawn up to cover for all eventualities.
  14. He hasn't revealed anything new. An inauspicious start when sporting such a username!
  15. I wasn't being hypocritical, merely stating a fact, and as you say later on, ignore the messenger but not the message. The UoF statement was excellent and I meant to say last night that it is the type of comment that would get Mr Easdale calling his brief - if it is untrue, that is.
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