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Everything posted by Rangersitis

  1. Of course, but it should also be of prime concern to the administrators. They are the ones who should be demanding that plans for the future are robust, realistic, and most of all, achievable. If there is a serious campaign against one of the bidders, the latter part must be seen as a major concern. Sadly, all of that is based on legitimate administrators being hired.
  2. Isn't that a question for the board/investors to answer?
  3. The 'saviours' spin would be unrelenting.
  4. I would be surprised if there was blame on only one side and I too have no interest in the 'he said, she said' side of it. Nice political answer, by the way.
  5. Get MCR back for another stint. Job done! I would be shocked if they haven't had contingencies for every scenario from way before this all began. Also, would the MVL theory mooted a couple of weeks ago be a possible outcome? There was no satisfactory answer given at the time.
  6. So now you want King to come in and reward your wee band for siphoning off millions of pounds? Not only do you worship at the feet of Charlie, you are even using his patter now. It would be laughable if it wasn't so pitiful.
  7. Sorry, I should have been clearer here. I did mention a coalition on another thread.
  8. Those who resigned from their posts on the RST board. If I am mistaken in thinking that any of them are now involved in RF, please accept my sincere apologies.
  9. And your solution is to provide them with even more cash.....so that they can run out of it again....and again....and again....
  10. I was under the impression that some of your leading lights did just that fairly recently. Anyway, thanks for answering.
  11. So, from that are we to understand that there are no plans to attempt to bring the two organisations in to work together?
  12. You have got involved in this thread, you have constantly championed Green and his hordes, you denigrated The Blue Knights bid every chance you got, you spoke up for MCR and the good job they were doing if there was any querying of their methods...... Yeah, you're simply a football fan who only wants watch his team.
  13. Frankie has stated on another thread that if both schemes came together they would be far stronger. Would you like to comment?
  14. I was warned the other day for making personal comments towards you, personal comments that launched you into a tirade regarding how much debate had been curtailed. Short memory.
  15. There are now two schemes because those within the one initiative couldn't see eye to eye, resulting in, yet another, less than amicable split. I don't think that a coalition now will be on the cards.
  16. It really doesn't matter whether it is a new thing or not. You will not be permitted to deflect attention away from what your hero is doing in the here and now to destroy everything.
  17. There was never a time when we needed Green to come in, never.
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