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Everything posted by Rangersitis

  1. I don't, but in any case, I don't want to see anybody throwing in money willy-nilly. We need to be self-sufficient. Any investment should be directed at youth development and scouting, not signing more mediocrity for the first team.
  2. Did Chris also force you to open the thread, or did you not quite get the gist of the content within when reading the subtle title?
  3. Pish. It is barely enough to cover the necessities for the next couple of months. They, both the club and the newspaper, omitted to say that the £3.13m figure is before costs of at least £370k are taken off.
  4. No, it's not, or are you talking about the DR quote?. Anything less than 75% would have seen the share issue fail and another source of funding would have been required.
  5. I shall allow you to define plenty. I'm not particularly fussed if you believe me or not.
  6. The ones who decide not to go, are they paying customers?
  7. I believe he is talking about the next one, BH.
  8. I understand that, and my original point wasn't solely aimed at them. The RF and VB have played their part too. I am also sensitive to the fact that their members are free to act however they see fit. Those shares which were purchased today (by all three) will never get them anywhere near the goals while this current lot are still on the scene nor will they give them a significant enough number to have any real say at the AGM. From where I am standing they have merely given a struggling regime a helping hand when a foot on the throat was needed.
  9. Which was? They all appear to be on the same page when it comes to their anti-board tactics.
  10. On the RST specifically, I don't see the logic of calling for a boycott to starve them out, while putting money into a share issue which does the opposite. I hope they come out and explain themselves the next time their is a UoF statement.
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