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Everything posted by Rangersitis

  1. It would appear that he doesn't take too kindly to rejection! Expect a member of the fairer sex to request that you sign a confidentiality statement.
  2. Haha, superb. You will be on their hitlist now.
  3. There would be absolute carnage, likely to result in a permanent ban on away fans in the same way as now happens in De Klassieker.
  4. Thanks, Zappa. The above confusion can be added to the amount of corrections that they have needed to issue on their notices to the market.
  5. By how much has his proxy block increased it's share?
  6. What share instead of payment option are you referring to?
  7. He is a celebrated spokesman for them, and yes, I read it in the same place as you did. It comes as no surprise, and I daresay that the same message will be being expressed elsewhere with the two names being switched around. All part of the plan from the club to set in motion another venture which will be used to promote further division within the support. Divide and conquer.
  8. The Vanguard Bears display their usual rationale of how all matters Rangers should be judged: How fucking pathetic can it get?
  9. That figures. Always had my suspicions about his motives. Well done on your successful application. While I share the scepticism of a few others, I have no doubt that you will push hard to ensure that this venture has real power, and will be strong enough to speak out if it falls short of what you feel is acceptable.
  10. Both will be given a universal welcome. Good luck to all those elected. I hope that they are not too slow in throwing a few fucks into those who continue to run the club for personal gain.
  11. Dry your eyes, sunshine. You are no stranger to throwing insults around. Your bitter hatred towards the Orange Order and it's members was hardly the behaviour of someone who was striving for classy, passionate discourse. You're not quite clever enough to disguise your true feelings and detest it when the mask slips and someone spots it.
  12. It is as logical as using favourable assumptions to come up with the complete opposite. That is what makes it all totally irrelevant.
  13. The losers continue to spout nonsense about what the percentage was in particular age groups or from area to area. It was a national vote with two options, and as such, the only numbers that matter are the winning 55% and the losing 45%. Didn't Papal Bear claim that on the Friday morning he would deal with the result and move on? Same old same old.
  14. Mourinho has steadily become more cautious and negative as he has got older - and he could never have been described as gung-ho, even in his Porto days. Such a shame.
  15. Strongly held views, and you have a legitimate right to hold them. I wouldn't attempt to drive you away from your club for taking that stance, but I do find it very strange that you believe that others should aquiesce in order to pander to your sensitivities.
  16. When did these people start following Rangers? Why has it taken so long for them to see what has always been apparent to those who attended games? There have been 'idiots' within our support for as long as I can remember. I admit to being one of them on quite a few occasions, and, if people are honest about it, I will not alone in that regard.
  17. People like myself? Fancy explaining yourself on that one? Please bear in mind that you will also be denigrating the characters of the many thousands of Rangers men who have held similar views over the years. The Rangers support has always had a huge following from the people of Ulster, whether it was from those still living there, or the many who moved to Scotland for work, especially in engineering and shipbuilding in the areas around Ibrox. Rangers were 'chosen' to be the Protestant team to rival the emergence of the RC team operating out of the East. Many of those who arrived were Orangemen and links were formed between the support and the club, especially under the tenure of Sir John Ure Primrose, a man who was very much a prominent and outspoken Unionist when the Home Rule debate was raging. There was certainly a direct link between the club and the Orange Order from at least the 1950s until 1997 when Sir David Murray put an end to the annual church service being held in the stadium. This lead to the Order relinquishing long-held shares that it had in the club.
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