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Everything posted by Rangersitis

  1. Great idea. If you hold it in licensed premises, with some folk music playing in the background, you will have no problems.
  2. He's far from being alone in that regard. The importance of FF is often overstated. It's just another cliquey forum full of posters who can't think for themselves, a large part of whom rarely attend games, never mind ones away from home.
  3. They may be well known to you, Rab, but what about those of us who don't have the finger on the pulse?
  4. Whether the reasons given are justified, and many are, the RST will never be accepted by a large section of the support. If mass share ownership is to be successful, it will need to come from another direction.
  5. That just shows the farce that exists even within the UoF. How can they lay claim to an organisation which doesn't exist, or if it does, has always been regarded as a Murray-inspired entity aimed at killing the aims of the RST - even though they legitimised it's existence by signing up to it?
  6. You have just slagged off the new RFB as being the next incarnation of The Assembly, you know, that group who also come under the UoF umbrella.
  7. I have long been critical of the multitude of groups which appear every so often, but you go out of your way to downplay everything that isn't the RST. That is most certainly not helpful to the situation either.
  8. Eh, as it has yet to convene a meeting, imagination is all you have to go on. I have still not seen any evidence of the board/owners taking a blind bit of notice when it comes to UoF press statements. Please correct me if I have missed something.
  9. As you always ask for them from others, Rab, it's only fair that you provide us with the names and some evidence to back up those claims, yes?
  10. Come on, at no point did SDM step down from controlling the club.
  11. It was somewhat understandable given that he was linked to SDM's tenure, but with that hatred steadily mounting even with the benefit of hindsight, it takes on a far more sinister slant. There are influential groups, and certain individuals on forums, who, for whatever reason, will push agendas without taking the resultant damage to the club into consideration.
  12. Ashley with plenty of money? That must be the money that he takes out via his Sports Direct sponsorship / merchandising deals and through providing tax-efficient loans.
  13. The army should be given free rein to indulge in live target practice when the words 'perceived bias' are used as justification for ovine, placard-waving fuds to stand outside a building!
  14. The club did have to start things off, of course it did, but I must have missed the heaped praise for that particular set of categories. Only the future actions of the fan committee and the club board will show what level of legitimacy it has. Sceptical, yet hopeful.
  15. If it is indeed a legitimate fan board, it is they who should be dictating the terms of it's constituents to the club, not the other way round. I think that should be a default position from the outset.
  16. Would the reverse not be equally true? In any case, if Graham Wallace has had any influence whatsoever on the success or failure of the applicants for the board of fans both questions are moot.
  17. There is the small matter of getting a set of accounts that don't send everyone into meltdown. Probably not a simple task.
  18. It was done to highlight the pettiness of those who indulge in infernal squabbling based on personal grudges as opposed to what is good for the club and it's fans as a whole. As you wish.
  19. As an elected member of the board, it is most certainly a matter for you and your fellow appointees to ensure that changes are made if the needs of any significant group are not being fully met by the current 'categories'. If NARSA can't come under the 'Away Fans' grouping, then neither should the boys and girls who travel from Ulster on a regular basis. They shouldn't be ignored simply because they don't finance all expenses paid jollies for club officials on an annual basis.
  20. It was a post from a known VB agitator. You, as well as everyone else, are quite capable of making up your own mind on who or what it represents. I stand by my original post.
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