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Everything posted by Rangersitis

  1. You're hardly one to talk about personal grudges and disappointed fantasists. You made a rip-roaring cunt of yourself over the applications from the requisitioners to put a stick in the spoke of those who have engineered this shambles, yet you still can't see beyond the end of your nose.
  2. Your reading of the on-going situation has been well documented. I shall leave it at that.
  3. I agree to an extent, but only in regards to timing, as they will have an end game already planned out. They will put it into action earlier than planned if circumstances dictate that. Somebody not buying a return from Greenock to Boglestone, or foregoing the chance to wear a Lonsdale trackie won't be what tips the balance.
  4. Spot on. The shadowy figures at the top, Easdale and Ashley have all called the bluff of every threat that has been made by SoS/UoF and with every subsequent statement that is issued, they come across as increasingly desperate.
  5. He didn’t mention history, and on that basis he is spot on in what he says. The Rangers of today is most definitely not the club that I grew up supporting, and none of that is down to Grahame, Gibbons or whoever else in the press pack that you want to name. While the brave soldiers within our support were so hung up on pedantry and screaming 'in the eyes of the law' over each and every media story, the real bad guys were loading up their getaway cars with their ill-gotten gains. It seems that nothing has changed, and that is fucking tragic.
  6. The amount of shite we have been subjected to by Whyte, Green et al and your main concern relates to a cheap jibe by a two-bit hack. This type of idiocy when it comes to priorities has been a major factor in allowing those who have systematically bled the club dry to do so relatively unhindered.
  7. Happy to see the plaything of billionaires come unstuck. Fingers crossed that Chelsea and Abramovic, among others, suffer a similar fate in the coming years. They are all killing football.
  8. Ewing Grahame providing a great example of 2+2=5. That's not to say that they won't continue to chase compensation over time.
  9. Is there any limit on the time permitted to publish the shareholder list?
  10. Thanks. Due to the amount, we shall see who the buyer was soon enough
  11. That is the second time that this has been done for no apparent reason.
  12. As it has now been established that Time4_Change was talking shite, to what degree was I talking shite too?
  13. Much of the above has me befuddled, so I shall bow to your superior knowledge.
  14. As things stand, is it not just that they have been dumped on the market at 20p?
  15. Nope, that's far too simplistic. There will be many reasons for the drop in attendance, all of them personal to the individual who decides how to spend his hard-earned wages.
  16. He has always looked after number one, and that single-mindedness can be evidenced from his early days at St.Johnstone and Sunderland. It really shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone. In his time as manager, the relative performance of the team hasn't really changed all that greatly from full-house to half-full. Why should it be any different now?
  17. Hearts were showing some great form at the tail-end of last term too. This season has, despite various changes to the personnel, carried on in the same vein.
  18. Not sure about now, but I do know that they have done so in the past. A few of those who are most vocal about 'defending our traditions' would not attend Ibrox during Murray's tenure as they refused to line his pockets. Not that we hear too much crowing about that now. It is a personal decision, and one which should be accepted, irrespective of diffences of opinion.
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