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Everything posted by Rangersitis

  1. Wallace's departure would be no great loss. Yet another convenient patsy happy enough to lie and deflect in exchange for a large wedge.
  2. Three match ban for Mohsni. Boyd has requested a hearing for next week.
  3. Once again, the UoF has been re-raised. If this doesn't provoke another backlash from the match-goers, then I can't see any scenario that will.
  4. It's all well and good talking about dignity, fairness and being reasonable, but you have still to address the elephant in the room. What is the relationship like between those board/controlling investors and the manager? Why have they been unable to see what has been plain as day for many fans since even before McCoist was given the reins? Why have they funded him all the way through when it was evident to everyone that it was unaffordable and completely unnecessary on a footballing level? McCoist is savvy enough to have his side of the story portrayed in the media, so let's leave aside the spinning from both camps which has always been prevalent and is on-going today.
  5. "Before we start, I just want to make it clear that I will only be discussing non-football matters today. Thank you."
  6. I wanted him out the team while he was still a Wigan player!
  7. We can all offer solutions on a messageboard, but as the club have shown absolutely no willingness to deal with the poor standards of the manager and his players, they are nothing more than well meaning words. The only real solution available is to destroy those who are destroying the club. Unfortunately, that will involve a lot of pain, something which thousands within the support have shown no stomach for this far. If you want to put forward suggestions on here, batter on, but don't accuse the realists of tolerating certain situations or turning a blind eye to them. Have you been badgering your beloved RST with pleas for them to come out and publicly call for the removal of the manager? If not, why not?
  8. Why didn't you clear up the questions to your earlier assertions before demanding answers from me? It is far from being tolerable, but it is a legacy of continued financial mismanagement, and until the root cause is destroyed, everything else is merely treading water. I do not have access to the finer points of the manager's contract, nor do I know for certain that he doesn't have some leverage against those who he has been happy to co-exist with throughout all of this. So, unlike your good self, I will not be throwing up some simplistic plan and claiming it to be a cure-all.
  9. As much as I think McCoist is finished at Ibrox, I sincerely hope that he sticks to his guns and forces them to make the first move. The ideal scenario is for him to bring down the whole shooting match - Samson in the colloseum stylee!
  10. The manager and the players are pretty much ensuring that there is no real need for the situation to be managed. It's manna from Heaven for the spin merchants.
  11. Jack is getting increasingly complacent as this saga trundles on. Is the job getting too big for him, or is the simplicity of his task allowing him to show a complete disregard for the easily fooled? I know which one I favour.
  12. Am I alone in not seeing anything from The Sun where they at least pretend to back up this story with some figures?
  13. They can be seen as failures from a Rangers point of view, but they have been hugely successful in meeting their real goals.
  14. From what I have seen, there appears to be an increasing clamour for McCoist to go of his own volition, and not only that, to do so without taking any pay-off which his contract entitles him to. That doesn't strike me as a solution which is a) at all likely, and b) putting much emphasis on board responsibility for it's staff.
  15. First off, there is no need for the platitudes, I'm a big boy who can take criticism without going in the huff. McCoist is an employee of the club, one with a lot of clout, granted, but that is all he is. The board should be the ones who dictate what plans are to be put in place, with the staff adhering to this. If the tail is wagging the dog, that is the fault of the board, not the member of staff. If they are unwilling or unable to stop that from happening, that again is the fault of the board, not the member of staff. There is no guarantee that a replacement will bring about a sea change in performance or crowd numbers. What if McDowell and Durrant are given the reins until the end of the season? What if players loyal to McCoist down tools under a new man and manage to be even more ineffective than they are now?
  16. There will be a variety of reasons, but the football under McCoist has been pish since the start of his tenure, and for many years prior to that. The difference is that the drop in ticket sales has never been so dramatic as it has this season. That cannot be ignored without those who use the football excuse providing compelling reasons as to why they are correct.
  17. I will argue against that. Those running the show have been the ones furnishing McCoist with players that he wants, while at the same time ignoring the other areas of the footballing department like youth development, scouting and failing to deliver the DoF that was promised. If McCoist goes today those fundamental flaws will still be there, as will the men who have allowed it to happen. It may give you personal satisfaction to see the back of someone who you have long been critical of, but it won’t really change a thing.
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