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Everything posted by Rangersitis

  1. You're all going to be busy, so if anybody attempts to bring up pressing subjects like the price of a pie, give them a good boot in the haw maws!
  2. That sort of thing is outwith the control of any of us. If he stays on he will still be stealing a wage, so I fail to see a lot of difference.
  3. Please forgive me for being cynical where the likes of Ashley is concerned, but as has previously been pointed out, if it was purely an investment decision, he could have acquired his ten percent through the open offer. This was strategic.
  4. There is no way whatsoever that it had anything to do with that particular investor voting the wrong way at the last AGM.
  5. Indeed it was, which is another point which needs clarified, but even at that time it would only have included two of them as Gasparotto was out on loan. Get on the case!
  6. They have until the end of the year, I believe. That being said, Graham Wallace stated in a sworn affidavit that the AGM would be held in September or October. By my reckoning, that gives them another week.
  7. I was mainly referring to the other teams you originally named. If it is a protest against Ashley and Sports Direct, then it will only be those teams who are directly affected who will take much notice. Good luck.
  8. Just checked. This is about the following international week when the Alloa game was due to be played.
  9. I would suggest that Hearts especially, other than perhaps a handful of AMF activists, would be loathe to support anything which could help ease the turbulence which surrounds the club, as that would also impact on their chances of topping the league. I respectfully suggest that you seek out an alternative starting point.
  10. I can understand the motivation for Newcastle and Rangers fans, but what does it have to do with Coventry, Portsmouth or Hearts? Do they have any connection to Ashley or Sports Direct? You may not need a study to know what is going on, but blithely saying "just trust me" will not be seen as a very compelling argument to get groups of people outboard who have their own unique problems to deal with at their respective clubs.
  11. According to the club website, Rangers have three players on international duty, hence the call-off. They are Moshni(sic), Zaliukas and Gasparotto. As only one of those players was eligible to play in the Cowdenbeath match, what is the reason for the postponement?
  12. If there is little appetite for it amongst the Rangers support, it will be almost non-existent in Warwickshire and Hampshire. This is a fight solely for Rangers fans to take on, and so far, there are far too many who are showing that they have no stomach for it. Placard waving, press statements and rousing speeches have all been shown to be ineffective and that is because this will all come down to cold, hard cash.
  13. Don't disagree with any of that, Frankie, but his words suggest that the other 70 minutes saw a performance which was a vast improvement. From the first whistle to the last, Rangers never looked like winning that match, and if he won't acknowledge that, things will never improve. I think that it in his own mind he has already chucked it and knows that things will ultimately end badly for him. The only question is when that will be.
  14. One manager who refuses to allow his players to have a ready-made excuse for failure by not sowing seeds of doubt in their minds prior to games.
  15. And now the Hibs game is being explained away as "a mad 20 minutes" That is as disrespectful as anything coming from Irvine and Easdale.
  16. Oh, I'm under no illusions about that. They will simply roll in the next candidate and go down the business review route and lay the blame at the last lot.
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