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Everything posted by Rangersitis

  1. Game put back at the behest of Sky after the Chelsea v Arsenal match was delayed by fifteen minutes. No thought for the fans attending the game. A step too far.
  2. I think that the situation has got so far down the road that the removal of the current incumbents via starvation is as far as anyone can look at this point in time. It is a dire situation, but one which was always likely to happen.
  3. I haven't made false accusations against you. I said 'attacking'' date=' you said 'stating your belief'. As I said, semantics. If it makes you feel better, you didn’t attack anyone. Happy now? You still joined in with the demonisation of any outlet which dared report anything damning towards Whyte, and you did forcibly 'state your belief' in the direction of anyone who was open-minded enough to take any of it on board. All of that makes appear to be a staggering case of double standards. I think I understood your post, cheers. Having read your views for many years now, I understand that you are extremely clever in how you put your point across.
  4. Every single time you or your pals are challenged, you resort to semantics. Fine, it didn't happen, none of it ever occurred. Viva Mike Ashley!
  5. Oh, to clarify, with the pen, not the sword. You did it on Rangersmedia, while you most certainly didn't need to on VB. I can't comment on FF or Gersnet as I wasn't a member of either at the time, but as you are well known across the various forums, it would be strange if your message changed from one to another.
  6. Well, of course you wouldn't. This 'suggestion' you speak of was shown to be fucking nonsense from even before he finalised the deal. Nobody knew him from games, nobody had ever been in his hospitality box, none of the big hitters had encountered him on European trips or at the various fund-raising dinners. None of that, however, stopped you and many others attacking anyone who cast doubts about him.
  7. Aye, but when a lie is repeated often enough it is regarded as fact, isn't that what we are always being told? When it is promulgated by someone who is largely well regarded by the online Rangers community it carries a lot more clout.
  8. Don't you mean from the Whyte experience? Green was merely a repeat performance, albeit by a more flamboyant actor.
  9. Isn't that similar to what you and your pals were telling everyone when Whyte's motives were being questioned?
  10. I am going to go out on a limb here.....and state that Messi Jnr. won't be going to jail.
  11. I don't know who WWWD is, but once he gets his answer, Chris Graham appears to misunderstand how he worded the question in the first instance.
  12. Ok, mate, just took it from here: http://companycheck.co.uk/company/08142409/RANGERS-RETAIL-LIMITED
  13. It is a struggle, but I would have some sympathy for him here if he has been ambushed with a loaded question followed up with a bit of creative editing. Is that the case?
  14. It really isn't up to me to defend them, but please expand on your claims that they 'started the boycott talks'. I do agree with you on the point about only boycotting SD shops as the numbers involved won't amount to much, but I do take issue with your assertion that buying out the current lot is the only choice. If there was a large boycott of matches that would have a far greater immediate effect.
  15. If folk turn up to the meeting looking to cause further division, it will say a lot more about them than it will about the organisers of the event.
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