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Everything posted by Rangersitis

  1. So Somers, Sandy Easdale and Ashley are getting it in the neck, but the rest of them, including Sandy's brother, are being given a free ride? How does that work? I also don't understand the thought process that went into that match protest. The club will be well aware of what they are missing in terms of numbers as they are converted into pound notes. Giving them an extra number of pound notes one week followed by another week where they remove the same amount, will merely result in little overall change to the takings. I admire their enthusiasm to do something, but their methods are rather crude to bother those who they want to target. Ashley, for instance, has shown repeatedly that he views any publicity involving Sports Direct as good for business, so there is no reason to believe that this will be any different.
  2. Apologies, I just tried to inject a bit of light relief to the morning and didn't intend for it to be taken so seriously. I just meant that attaining the heady heights of mediocrity would be seen as a super-human achievement for him.
  3. I believe that you have a higher opinion of Ashley than Scott7 does, and myself for that matter.
  4. I refuse to look any further than completing the removal of those who currently run, both on and off the field, the fiasco that is Rangers.
  5. Wallace doesn’t bring anything to the table. He is a busted flush, powerless in the boardroom, dismissed by the City investors and now attempting to ingratiate himself with the pro-King faction. If he had any clout he would be leading from the front, not skulking around in the shadows trying to save his sorry arse.
  6. Wallace isn't staying. Wallace never was staying. You knew the score with his appointment, as did many others, so don't try to flip-flop now. Wallace and Nash are side shows whose removal will not alter the root of the problem one bit.
  7. If it is as you say, Wallace is a goner. I was wondering if it would be 75%. Thanks.
  8. They are perfectly valid reasons for him to lose his job, and despite me not agreeing with the intentions of those trying to force him out, he should be seen off the premises forthwith. I realise that you have put on your Dave King hat once again, but please leave the politics aside, and view as one, all those who have sought to damage Rangers in return for personal gain.
  9. Why has that CEO never expanded on what contracts he believes are onerous? Why has that CEO not made one single comment on that £1 deal, or on the claims that £400k was spent on legal fees attempting to undo it?
  10. Personally, it's far too late for rats like Wallace to be allowed to jump ship when his position is becoming precarious. He was always going tof be the next Mather. Sink the lot of them.
  11. That is something which Wallace has frequently shown is not high up on his agenda. Nash has been invisible since he arrived, and until such times that he takes a public stand, can be viewed as similar.
  12. Perhaps our best chance of an end to this is a battle-royale style fight where they all destroy each other.
  13. Is that not just a standard reply? I certainly don't believe that the brothers are going to go to war over this, and the others will be aware that they could be next for the chop.
  14. "The board, except for the spy in the camp, is united in it's support of the executive team, but as we are all aware, it is big Sandy who is calling the shots from elsewhere on the behalf of others."
  15. The first picture shows the South Stand which was replaced by the Main Stand and The Pavilion (top right). The Bovril Stand had been moved from the first Ibrox and was removed at the same time as the main stand was built, with a smaller, barrel-shaped roof then covering the rear part of the North Enclosure. The building in front of the old South Stand was the first phase of Leitch's project and it consisted of a two-storey, red brick building which housed the offices and boardroom up the marble staircase with the dressing rooms and gymnasium on the ground floor. It was started in 1926 and opened in August of the following year. The new Main Stand was both started and completed in 1928 and was officially opened on January 1st 1929. Rangers beat Celtic 3-0 that day, taking the lead for the first time in head to head victories. My favourite Rangers quote was made that day by the wonderful Jimmy Bowie. "This is our magnificent new Main Stand. It holds ten thousand people and we could fill it ten times over with young boys who want to play for The Rangers."
  16. Struth's intentions were to give the large shareholders, of which he was number one, more say in how the club was run. The goal may or may not have been genuine, but the manner in which it was carried out was disgraceful.
  17. It's ironic that the man who is lauded in the OP is the one who was instrumental in bringing about the circumstances which allowed the last few years to be possible. The underhand tactics employed by him and his cronies in order to grab power would have drawn appreciative nods from the likes of Whyte, Green and Ashley - but none of them will have the first idea of what is being referred to. I think that this puts things into perspective with regards to deciding who or what has the best interests of Rangers as their first and only goal. The truth is that ego and personal gain will always be lurking somewhere. The victors will be the ones who can outmanoeuvre the opposition.
  18. I got that a couple of times too. Persevere.
  19. That reply perfectly illustrates the complete disregard that they have not only for fans, but for small shareholders too. Send the correspondence to the papers.
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