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Everything posted by Rangersitis

  1. This type of story just appears to be yet more spin without any direct comments. If Wallace is really fighting for his job, why won't he come out and make a statement on what is going on?
  2. Yes, but only if that is done through the RST-run scheme. There are a great many within the support who don't want to do that, including those in the VB and RF initiatives.
  3. Insideman has been hit and miss with previous efforts. Yet more white noise.
  4. Begging bowl out, and not in a manner that could not be described as subtle. Arsehole.
  5. Quite a few shares being traded today. Price up by a tad over 2%.
  6. I wasn't saying otherwise, merely pointing out that a denial of something which isn't specifically mentioned allows for wriggle room at a later date.
  7. I know there would have been difficulties, that wasn't really my point. The way the games have been picked, it will allow both supporters and critics of SoS to claim a 'win'. There will be a huge discrepancy in the numbers, but there will also be vast differences in the expectancy.
  8. I voted for King merely as it was the lesser of all evils. He may do a great job if given the chance, but......
  9. See gunny's point above. It's either all bullshit with no substance, or else it's all bullshit being played out in public in a battle of egos. Either way, it is an unedifying spectacle for each of us to witness.
  10. They would have done it the other way around if they had supreme confidence in their message. That is not a mark against them but more of a comment on those who will attend Ibrox no matter what.
  11. He thinks that the share price has to rise in order for people to make money. That should rule him out as someone whose opinion should be given the time of day.
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