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Everything posted by Rangersitis

  1. Doesn't it appear odd that it took Wallace quite a wee while to do this good, and that it all seems to have coincided with his bonus becoming an issue with the support, with him subsequently being offered up by Control as the next sacrificial lamb? Wallace's 'good work' smacks of a desperate man looking to curry favour with the possible successor to the throne in order to keep his gravy boat topped up. I have yet to see anything from Graham Wallace to suggest that the wellbeing of Rangers is at the foremost of his thoughts.
  2. It will be mixed company (not in that way!) PM your number and I will give you a bell when I know the details.
  3. The money is immaterial to him - he wants to win. He is a professional gambler who takes punts on businesses in the same way an ordinary bloke would have a flutter on the dogs.
  4. Oh, I know that there is blame to be apportioned to all three groups who, as you say, are working for the same thing separately. I'm certainly not here to cheerlead for any of them. Don't see any difference in the font. Are you coming out to play this Saturday or Sunday? Heading East about elevenish. No Rangers politics all weekend!
  5. No doubts here. I have read elsewhere, from someone who claims to be a businessman, that Ashley went into Newcastle and cleared their debt. All it takes is a little research to see just how wrong that is.
  6. Agree with this. He will have already have recouped all the money he has spent on Rangers, and that is petty cash compared to the figures he normally deals in. I also don't see any real reason why he would want to buy Rangers outright. He would never be able to recover his outlay.
  7. Wallace knew exactly what he was signing up to, and even if he didn't, not doing his homework prior to accepting should have ruled him out to begin with. If he was the genuine article, he wouldn't have been party to the lies, deflection and the general disdain that the support have been treated with. Instead, he revelled in it in exchange for a pocketful of bunce.
  8. Ok, good, so what does the BR scheme offer? Do you consider any of the above to be a major barrier to all parties coming together, even loosely, to provide a more powerful body, or do you think that all the schemes are fundamentally the same and that egos and personality clashes are the real sticking point?
  9. We were discussing the aims of BR, not the RST, but that was most enlightening. Where on the site that is pleading with people to purchase Rangers shares does it say, "Oh, by the way, your shares are going to be worth fuck all when Rangers become owned by it's members? RF state that they want majority ownership - I even provided you with the quote from their website. Are they lying?
  10. That particular message is wearing thin, Hildy. The first quote comes from RF, the second from BR. As an ordinary Joe not versed in the minutiae of share ownership lingo, please enlighten me on the differences between the schemes.
  11. That figure was mentioned by shorerdbear last night in reference to a supposed, unsuccessful, bid made by SDM.
  12. There is a lesser chance of fan ownership becoming possible while there are people like yourself banging in about BuyRangers being the only way to bring it about. You really need to decide whether your ideal of fan ownership is more important than it being achieved through your ideal vehicle. That also goes for those involved with VB, RF or the next, inevitable splinter group that shows it's face. I say all that as someone who willingly signed up to the RST at it's inception, and also as someone who never renewed for a second year due to it being a complete non-event.
  13. Stability appears to be the other new watchword being given to Ashley among those serially opposed to the King camp. I can only presume that is in reference to the inevitable loan never seeming to get any smaller despite the club's income.
  14. Indeed, Mr Ashley. Those words should be on every banner, flyer and press statement that SoS or the UoF put out.
  15. Investment would be no problem for the board to accept. What those investors would want in return is where they would be shown up to be the puppets that they are. Every single one of them is in place to do a job, directly or indirectly, for those who are in control.
  16. I don't disagree with your 'if they did', although I will counter it with 'but they didn't'. For whatever reasons, and there are many, fan ownership has not been embraced by those who need to do so. Until that changes, the good intentions of passionate supporters will not be enough. It is easy to say that they have failed, but it just might be that their attempts were always doomed. You can lead a horse to water and all that.
  17. Could our resident football administration anorak please decipher this from the Premier League Rules 2014/15. Does 'club' specifically refer to another Premier League club?
  18. Thanks, Frankie, I was sure that he wasn't. More spin, or just shoddy journalism? It really is difficult to tell the difference these days.
  19. The IRA blogger has been punting this angle for ages now, although he claimed that it had already been sold off.
  20. They all need to work together in order to show that it is a serious venture, but even with an agreement in place, they would still be well short of having a say in how things are run. Matching Ashley's smallish 9% holding is achievable with proxies, but his is backed up by having powerful allies on the board plus a bottomless pit of money which can be used if a problem needs fixing. Fan ownership will only ever be achievable with the right owners of the club introducing it to the masses, building it up over a period of years. Even that may not take off as there are many within the support who have no interest in being an owner, they just want something to do every second weekend. Until then, the monies coming in are not sufficient to keep pace with the dilutions which can be manipulated by those with the financial muscle and the board control. It is a long-term plan at best.
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