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Everything posted by Rangersitis

  1. I agree in principle, however, if UEFA did that the champions would be Real Sociedad, Southampton, Hoffenheim, Rennes, Udinese etc with games played in front of six men and a dog while everyone else is at home watching Juventus v Real Madrid in the new breakaway European Super League.
  2. The days of two Scottish teams qualifying for the CL are all in the past.
  3. Unless you are hinting at him forcing administration, I don't see how you get to the company going under with King calling the shots. If that is what you are suggesting, I would urge you to whisper it! I still don't see the board pushing this through and the likes of Ashley sitting idly by as it happens. Perhaps it is me being thick here, but I just don't get it at all.
  4. The call for an EGM was made solely to remove Wallace and Nash from the board. There would still need to be shareholder approval at an AGM to bring about the changes needed to issue the new shares. If that is rejected, and given the parlous state of the club, how exactly would this £16m loan be repaid? Also, what guarantees would be required by the loanees? The whole scenario appears to be full of holes.
  5. Very good points. I also think that he may be made out to be better than he is due to not only the opposition, but also the dross which surrounds him. He is a cut above the rest, but as you say, he is not sixteen or seventeen.
  6. I think the UoF are clutching at straws with that argument. Ashley, with that level of holding, certainly has influence, but it is in no way decisive. He quite obviously has allies, but as there is no official tie, they have to be considered as independent of each other.
  7. To be fair, the football was shite for years even before Whyte arrived on the scene. I agree with you that the crowds will recover to a certain extent, but as Scottish football continues on it's downward spiral, I feel that there will be a gradual drop in numbers.
  8. Is it not 75% that is needed in order to pass it? Resolution 10 from last year? If it doesn't go through we will be exactly where we are now.
  9. That amount of new shares can't be issued without the shareholders voting it through, and the Easdale/Ashley bloc can torpedo that if they so wish, so, once again, where does Wallace fit into this? Does he have influence over any of that group? I don't want Ashley any more than you do, but being fed more bullshit doesn't make the other sugar-daddy candidate any more appealing.
  10. http://www.rangers.co.uk/tickets/the-ibrox-bar
  11. As things stand, King, nor anyone else for that matter, can't do anything unless there are parties willing to sell. The Easdales have a third of the shares covered. Crighton is in there for Laxey. So, who does Wallace have the ear of? Where is this £16m earmarked for?
  12. The shareholders will ultimately vote on whether the supposed investment is accepted or not. As such, the fate of Wallace is a side issue that is being used by one party's spin department to show the 'good guy' side of Wallace, the one wanting to bring King aboard, while the other lot cast him as the wicked money-grabber who is unsatisfied with his six-figure bonus and that he is wanting more.
  13. Sorry, I just posted without checking.
  14. Take your pick: http://www.rangers.co.uk/hospitality-events/matchday-hospitality
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